Benny, what's your problem?
- Dear Original Oatmeal
I don't really care who you are Kim Freeman, Dan Henderson, NickBitShull... . I have been playing very nice and tolerant toward you and your action but there is a limit for everything
Your miserable constant spamming, 2 words answer to make the top page and controversy thread to gain attention for the last few months has been unbearable to a lot of member of this community. Not to mention you make other people look bad, this community look bad from other CS communities around the world, lower the enthusiasm of countless old and new member. Why destroying something that take other people <b>AGES</b> to build? <b>What are you trying to archive with it?</b>
We would appreciate you more if you spend your time on organizing public event for local member like charity event, street clean, teach local lottery ticket selling kids English etc.
It comes to my attention that you desperately need attention (or medical care). If you can't afford it, do let me know so I can organize a fund raising event to help it. We are willing to help you. Let us know if you need help!!!
<b>I am being very serious about knowing what you do, where are you staying, We will find you and give you the "help" you need.</b>
Cheers - Who's Secondary Oat MILL? Is he related to Joey Arnold, the Original Oat MEAL? Notice that MILL is not spelled MEAL. MILL is M - I - L - L and MEAL is M - E - A - L. Why are people pretending to be Joseph Scott Arnold? Why do people think that Oat MILL is Oat MEAL? Have people lost their ability to spell?
- Okay, I've avoided getting involved in the whole Joey thing so far, but I feel that this needs to be said:
If you want Joey/Oatmeal/Kim/whateverhisnameis to piss off and leave us alone, the very simple solution is to STOP RESPONDING TO HIM WHEN HE POSTS ON HERE. Just ignore him. He is looking for attention and validation, and every time you reply to him or acknowledge him, no matter how well thought your argument, you are giving him the attention he seeks and encouraging him to post again. So stop.
Please guys. I know it's difficult, but it's the only way!
If you still need convincing, read point #4 here: - I was pretending to be Joey Arnold, but I read that the police of Vietnam kicked him out of Vietnam. I am talking about Original Oatmeal. Here is what he wrote as follows.
The police in Vietnam kicked me out of my house without telling me why, which means it may happen again. I was not told why at all. If I try living at another apartment or hotel, this may happen again.
Yours Truly,
Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal. .
Yesterday, I fell off my bicycle (broke my 8.000.000 VND glasses) & I was told I have no work (for this month of July 2013) from a school I work teaching English for.
That means less money.
Later, the power cord to this laptop I use starting shooting fireworks. Today, a man sold me the wrong replacement cord for almost 400.000 VND. He will not give me a refund. I gave him the money too quickly. I showed him the problems and he laughed at me.
A place tried selling me rice and chicken and rice to me for 60.000 VND, when it is suppose to cost around 15.000. I ended up giving them 30.000.
After that I was riding my bicycle for the past 4 hours because I kept on getting lost, & I skip breakfast everyday, because I do not even enough money for rent right now and I have no where to go.
As I was riding my bicycle a few guys and girls said hello to me, which gave me a smile to my face, in the mist of this temporary storm. At the moment, I have no idea what I should do.
I was not told why I cannot live in this room at this house in district Binh Thanh. I was not told when I have to leave. i do not know where to go. Here is my current address as following:
The Never Ending Story in Never Land.
Joey Arnold
191/37b Võ Duy Ninh, phường 22
Quận Bình Thạnh, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
On top of this, it is my mother's birthday.
Marilyn Mitchell. Oo Joey Arnold. Rick Arnold.
Restore Main Street. Mea Omnia. Jen-jen Pableo.
Live long & prospers. - Hey guys. Thanks to Potluck by Steven on Sunday we went, I met many new friends and they are all interested in Music and art. How (more...)
- I'm a new resident. I'm in that early process of trying to track down all the things I like. I was wondering, has anybody been out (more...)