- Conversation started April 22
- Phoebe McGuinesshi, i saw your account FB on Coachsurfing^^
- Original Oatmealthanks
- Phoebe McGuinessnice to know you!
- Original Oatmealnicewelcometo saigonlove your photos
- Phoebe McGuinessi'm reading your status on FB, so cool when you write about Saigonthanks ^^
- Original Oatmealyesfor surei write a loti teachhow r u
- Phoebe McGuinessfine, thanks
- Original Oatmealsweet
- Phoebe McGuinesswhere do you teach?
- Original OatmealNew star in quan Tan Phu and Tan Van whom sends me to kindergarten and elementary schools in the different districts of Saigon
- Phoebe McGuinessah, yup^^ cool
- Original Oatmealyeahwhat do u do?
- Phoebe McGuinessim just student^^
- Original Oatmealu r an admin?oh oku like school?
- Phoebe McGuinessyeah, just a fanpage for The Wanted boyband fansno, I hate this schooli mean my schoolyou know, when I study at school, its just about theories
- Original Oatmealohnot everything is theoryyou study theory?
- Original Oatmealwhat do u study?
- Phoebe McGuinessI mean, I learn about Business administration
- Phoebe McGuinessbut its just theories
- Original Oatmealtheories can help you
- Phoebe McGuinessbut little bit
- Original Oatmealtheories are not always theories
- Original Oatmealtheories do come truetheories do happensometimesyou never know
- Phoebe McGuinesshm, maybe, Im too young to know that^^
- Original Oatmeali could have a theory that i may meet you somedayit is just a theory
- Phoebe McGuinesswow, cool^^
- Original Oatmealboring theoryyou knoweverything is theoryyou will someday become manager of company business somewhere?
- Phoebe McGuinessi hope so..
- Original Oatmealgood
- Phoebe McGuinessI like your status on fb..just keep doing thisI can learn Eng, and you can share the feelings about this place, maybe I can share with you, too
- Original Oatmealthanksso goodi agree
- Phoebe McGuinessyour fb is like a blog
- Original Oatmeali make videos too
- Phoebe McGuinessi like it
- Original Oatmealyesfor surei like u too
- Phoebe McGuinesswow, really?
- Original Oatmeali make so many thingsi write so muchand writeand writeand drawand write songsand make up thingsand videos
- Original Oatmealyup yup
- Phoebe McGuinessah, sorry but where are you from?and, my name is in English, but Im Vietnamese..
- Original OatmealUSAnicewhat is your real name?Phoebe
- Phoebe McGuinessPhương
- Original Oatmealkpopular namehere
- Phoebe McGuinessyup^^where are you stay in Saigon?
- Original Oatmealdistrict 1hostellooking for roomSaigon Backpackers Hostel: 203 Phạm Ngũ Lão, phường Phạm Ngũ Lão, Quận 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Phoebe McGuinessyou should look for a room near your official to workoffice
- Original Oatmealnono officei do not work at officei work at schools
- Phoebe McGuinessschool?
- Original Oatmeali work at many schoolsnot 1 schoolschools
- Original OatmealschoolSwith an S at the end of schoolsmany districtsnot a schoolbut schoolsssssssssssssss
- Original Oatmealthat is a simply english lesson
- Original Oatmeallook for the letter S
- Phoebe McGuinessmy eng is so bad
- Original Oatmealat end of wordswordwordsssssssssssssssssscarcarSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsome wordsssss dont have S added to itlike the word water
- Phoebe McGuinessok, i can understand
- Original Oatmealyeahi will try to live in district 1or district 3or something
- Phoebe McGuinessI often come to the bar on that street when i need to relax
- Original Oatmealnicewe can meet thenwhich bar?
- Phoebe McGuinessGo Go bar
- Original Oatmealokwhat time?like 8pm
- Phoebe McGuinessi come to that at 2-3 am^^
- Phoebe McGuinessnext tuesday, i will hang out with my friends, and come to there
- Original Oatmealnice
- Phoebe McGuinessyeah, its too late for you
- Original Oatmeal2am tuesday?it is almost 2am monday now
- Phoebe McGuinessah yeah, 23/4, tuesday..2am?you wanna meet me ?
- Phoebe McGuinessits ok for you, maybe you'll teach tomorrow?ok
- Original Oatmeali teach 8:30ammondayi do not teach tuesday morningwhat is address to bar?
- Phoebe McGuinessbut wed? we meet on Tues, night
- Original Oatmealnot monday night?u dont want to meet monday night?
- Phoebe McGuinesstuesday night
- Phoebe McGuinessah no, at 2am wedlol
- Original Oatmeal2am Wednesdayok
- Phoebe McGuinessyeahits ok?
- Original Oatmealwhat is address?it is okwhere is Go Go?
- Phoebe McGuinesswait me
- Phoebe McGuinesscorner Bùi Viện and Đề Thám street
- Original Oatmealgot itclose to my street
- Phoebe McGuinessyuphey, do you have phone number, in case you lost the way or something like that, or maybe i come to there late
- Original Oatmealyes(84) 0-163-425-1695text megood nightsweet dreams
- Phoebe McGuinessthats my numberjust save
- Original Oatmealwhat is your number?
- Phoebe McGuiness01646687828
- Original Oatmealki did
- Phoebe McGuinessokgudnight
- Original Oatmealnight
- April 24
- Original OatmealAre you going to Go-Go?
- Original Oatmealsee u at go go? i called u... i texted your phone
- April 24
- Phoebe McGuinesshey, i'm so sorry
- Original Oatmealwe can meet another timemy hostel closes around 3am or so
- Phoebe McGuinessok, may be not night..^^ i'm free in the morning too, I'll take you to eat Vietnamese if you want? Are you finding a room? I have some friends can help you, if you want? , so sorry about last night...T_T
- Original Oatmeali am still looking roomcan your friends help?thank youi should be looking at a room tonight
- Phoebe McGuinessyeah, I asked my friends last night, they can help to find a room, Can you live with Vietnamese or just American people?
- Original Oatmeali can live with anybody
- Phoebe McGuinessokif have a room, i'll call you
- Original Oatmealthanks
- Phoebe McGuinessah, i see your avatar and your girlfriend is Vietnamese? She cant find a room for you?
- Original Oatmealshe broke up with meshe does not want to help
- Phoebe McGuinessoh, so sorry..=.=maybe have a room at Dis 3?
- Original Oatmealokyeahthanks for caringthanks for being a frienddistrict 3 is good
- Phoebe McGuinessok^^, just so sorry about lastnightI will help you to find a roomno worriesyou stay at hostel, it can waste a lot of money of yours^^
- Original Oatmeali went outside last night and a girl wanted me to give her moneyi went outside to see you..... and then ran into this girlthe older girl said i could have the younger girl for 100.000 VND for 1 hour
- Phoebe McGuinessYou know, When im at Go 2 Bar, some girls want me get out of this, haha, because i'm not chick
- Original Oatmeali said noawww
- Phoebe McGuinessThey want to have sex with you, and have money
- Original Oatmeali said no
- Phoebe McGuinessyeahno or yes is ok to me
- Original Oatmeali want sex too but i said no
- Phoebe McGuinessbecause you're boy
- Original Oatmeali do not like spending money
- Phoebe McGuinessyeahthats right
- Original Oatmealbut i do want sexyeahi should be careful
- Phoebe McGuinesssex with your girlfriend is safe and full of lovenot like them..><
- Original Oatmealtruesafe is good
- Phoebe McGuinessyeahso, I think you shouldnt live there,so many chicks around you
- Original OatmealGirls do not like it when you go to Go Go?i do not have time for a girl friendbut i want my own roomit is finei am strongthey will not hurt methey come out at nighti sleep at night
- Phoebe McGuinessbecause, some boys want to talk to me, and they cant earn money, or sex with them if I talk to them...Hm...I cant understand, When I talk to them, I just wanna practise my English not think about sex or something like that....Im just a student, not chick as themHope find a room for you soon
- Original Oatmealtruebeing a student is goodlearning English is goodwhen you meet me, I promise that we will practice just English
- Phoebe McGuinessyeah, thanksWe help togetherhehe
- Original Oatmealhehe yes
- April 24
- Phoebe McGuinessI think this house is ok for you, its in Tran Quang Dieu Street, Dis 3. Near market, schools.house key, fridge, washer, place to cook, overnight allowed, tivi, hot water for showers, and it costs 3.800.000 VND not include electricity and water, but I think its ok, because it can take about 200 000-300 000 VND to pay ..thats ok, if you wanna go, you can come to there and stay now.....I think that room is great..
- Phoebe McGuinessI can take you go to there tomorrow.., hm, so hard to find a room with all your requirements ...
- Original Oatmealwhat time do you want to go to this room tomorrow?
- Phoebe McGuinessmorning is ok, because I have to come to class from 1pm to 6pm
- Original Oatmealok8amor later
- Phoebe McGuiness10am please..T_T
- Phoebe McGuinessI cant get up early:((
- Original Oatmealklol
- Phoebe McGuinessdo you have motorbike?
- Original Oatmealnobicycle
- Phoebe McGuinessyou go by bike to work?
- Phoebe McGuinessso green
- Original Oatmealpeddleyesgreenvery green
- Phoebe McGuinesshm, that room so far from your hostelso I come to your hostel to take youokgive me your address
- Original OatmealSaigon Backpackers Hostel: 203 Phạm Ngũ Lão, phường Phạm Ngũ Lão, Quận 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Phoebe McGuinessCan I ask you? How much is your room in that hostel per month?how long you stay in VN? :|
- Original Oatmeal126.000 VND per night$6 USD per nightalmost $200 USD per monthalmost 4.000.000 VND per month
- Phoebe McGuinesshm, okI see
- Original Oatmealno TV5 other people in my room
- Phoebe McGuinessYou will live with that people in new room?
- Original Oatmeali want to have my own roomi can share a housebut i want my own room
- Phoebe McGuiness6USD per person?
- Phoebe McGuinessoopsnot cheap:|new room, you have own your roomits like housenot room
- Original Oatmeali like housebut i do not need housei could pay less money to get just a room and not a houseyou are taking me to see a house and not a room?
- Phoebe McGuinessNo, I mean with 200USD per month, you pay for this room, its like a housenot the room you're staying in that hostel
- Original Oatmealit is not a house
- Original Oatmealit is kind of like a house
- Original Oatmealit does not have kitchen in roomno washer in room
- Phoebe McGuinessno, it have kitchen
- Original Oatmealno TV
- Phoebe McGuinessbathroomtv, washer
- Original Oatmeali mean, where i live now
- Phoebe McGuinessahok, tomorrow I come to your hostel at 10am?ok
- Original Oatmealyou are taking me to see a house for rent?yescome at 10amthis house for rent is like $200 USD or more per month?
- Phoebe McGuinessno, he said its 3 800 000VNDBut I can help you to get 3 500 000I hope so
- Original Oatmealthat is good
- Phoebe McGuinessbecause You're foreinger
- Phoebe McGuinessand so be kind with himmaybe he think againhaha
- Original Oatmealhahatruei try
- Original Oatmealdo you think i should rent a house or rent a room?
- Phoebe McGuinessnope, just a small room
- Original Oatmealrooms are cheapersome houses for rent in district are around 20.000.000 VND per month
- Phoebe McGuinessyup:|
- Original Oatmealso i can live without that
- Phoebe McGuinessIf you are about 7 or 8 000 000 VND per month, You can live therelive the room I show you:
- Original Oatmealtoo much moneyi do not want to pay more than 4.000.000 VND per month
- Phoebe McGuinessno, I mean 7 or 8 you can pay money for house, hang out with your friends, and eat
- Original Oatmeali could have my friends live there too?
- Phoebe McGuinessyes, of course
- Original Oatmealand they could pay money too for the cost of rent?maybe
- Phoebe McGuiness1-2 person is ok
- Original Oatmealmaybeif i have my own roombut i am not sure if i know anybody who wants to live with me
- Phoebe McGuinessjust ask them
- Original Oatmealtruei could
- Original Oatmeali would rather just live in a roomi am not sure if i can worry about my other house matesi am not sure if i am ready yet
- Phoebe McGuinessCan I ask you a question?it maybe a private questionbut I need to know to get a nice room for you
- Original Oatmealokask me
- Phoebe McGuinessyour salary per month?because if that room is not good for you I will find another one
- Original Oatmeal18.000.000 VND per month
- Phoebe McGuinesshmso not worrythat room is goodhehe
- Original Oatmealbut i do not want to spend all of my money
- Phoebe McGuinessyeah I know
- Original Oatmealgood
- Phoebe McGuinessyou need to save your money too
- Original Oatmealyeah
- Phoebe McGuinessso I think we will come to there
- Original Oatmealmost people think i should spend all my money
- Phoebe McGuiness10am
- Original Oatmealokok
- Phoebe McGuinessI can understanddont worry
- Original Oatmealthanks
- Phoebe McGuinessI used to have part time jobsso I can see
- Original Oatmealyeahdo you work now?
- Phoebe McGuinessno, I need to learn moreand improve Eng
- Original Oatmealgoodi can helpkeep tryingkeep practicingdo not worrysmile
- Phoebe McGuinessthanks
- Original Oatmealyeahsweet
- Phoebe McGuinessbe my friend!hey!
- Original Oatmealyesalwaysi am your friendto the end
- Phoebe McGuiness^^oksee you tomorrowI need to sleep soon=.=
- Original Oatmealsweet dreamsvery sweet dreams
- April 25
- Phoebe McGuinessMy phoen has no money to reply to u
- Original Oatmealokthat is finemy phone does not have a lot of money either
- Phoebe McGuinessIf i know the room is good for you.we will go:d
- Original Oatmealyou asked me if I wanted a drink and I wanted to but i did not bring my money with methanks
- Phoebe McGuinessHm.its ok.no worries.:d.im just thirsty so ask
- Original Oatmeali was thirsty tooso hotso sickoh manso fatso heavyhaha
- Phoebe McGuinessHaha.because im thinner than you...hahaMayne next time we drink..:d
- Original Oatmealsweetthin is gooddrinking is better
- Phoebe McGuinessMy friends told me that im so fatT.T
- Original Oatmealawwwu r notu r fine
- Phoebe McGuinessBut spanish tell me...im perfectHaha
- Original Oatmealhahaperfecto
- Phoebe McGuinessHey i talk in emg.can you understand?I have a eng test today
Im in class.Write a letter in eng.haizzzzI hate to learn eng - Original Oatmealhahaoktough classgood lucki understand what you write
- Original Oatmealuhm uhm
- April 25
- Phoebe McGuinesshey, maybe next friday? i'm lazy...
- Original Oatmealu had class today?maybe next friday, sure
- Phoebe McGuinessI have a holiday for 30/4 and 1/5...that date all Vietnamese take the break..^^...I want to be at home and watch films..lol...so lazy..sorry, But next Friday We will have more choice, if you have less money, we can search some room about 1 800 000 to 3 000 000 per monthJust in case They want you to give them moew money for 2-3 next months
- April 26
- Phoebe McGuinesshey2 300 000 VND per month?
- Original Oatmealgood priceif it includes everything
- Phoebe McGuinesshave no everythinglol
- Original Oatmealkstill good pricethe store next to me let me use their microwave for freefor noodles
- Phoebe McGuinessI think You keep staying there..
- Original Oatmeali will not stay here foreverunless if i can find a cheap laundramat nearby
- Phoebe McGuinessCan you live with other Vietnamese men?
- Phoebe McGuinesscheap launrdy?how much?
- Original Oatmealit costs 240.000 VND for about 8 kg of clothesi thinkso anything less than that
- Phoebe McGuinesswhere?:|
- Original Oatmealat my hostel
- Phoebe McGuinessSHIT, its so ...
- Original Oatmealso every weekthat much moneybut other rooms, like 200.000 VND per monthbut here maybe 800.000 or more per month
- Phoebe McGuinesstoo much money:|oh , you know
- Original Oatmealyeah
- Phoebe McGuinessmy friend told me that 8 000 or 10 000 for 1 kg of clothes..=))lol
- Original Oatmealok320.000 VND per monthaboutI do about 8 kg each week4 weeks per monthit cost less than 5.000.000 VND to live at my hostel counting everythingexcept for foodand drinks
- Phoebe McGuinesshmI live with my parents, so cant help you more
- Original Oatmealits ok
- Phoebe McGuinessYou can live with other men?
- Phoebe McGuiness1 500 000with 2 other men
- Original Oatmealmaybesounds good
- Phoebe McGuinessare you smoke?ah no, do you?
- Original Oatmeali do not smokeYou say, "Do you smoke?"not "Are you smoke?"and i say nope
- Phoebe McGuinessokheythe host call me:-SSthe man of the house we visited last thursdayhe told me thatmaybe You can pay him 5 million vnd firstand pay him week by weekhe told, we should meet him again and have discussionso what do you think?
- Original Oatmealyou mean the woman?
- Phoebe McGuinesshusband of that woman
- Original Oatmeali did not meet him
- Phoebe McGuinessme too:|
- Original Oatmealsame pricebut pay per weekpay parts of it per week?
- Phoebe McGuinessit means, you can pay for him less money we countedand can pay money when you got the salarysomehitng like that
- Original Oatmeali get paid on the 5th of each month
- Original Oatmealso how much money per week?
- Phoebe McGuiness20th of the month you pay money for him
- Original Oatmealor per month?
- Phoebe McGuinessIt means, when you move in there, you pay him 5 000 000 firstand thenwhen you got mor emoneymore moneyyou can payfor him
- Original Oatmeali only have about 9.000.000 right now and i ahve to pay a bunch to the hostel when i leavehow much money do i pay when i get more money?
- Phoebe McGuinessjust pay the money you can pay.....
- Original Oatmealhow much money does he want per month?
- Phoebe McGuinessit still be 3 800 000 per month
- Phoebe McGuinessif you pay money for the host, how much you have?let me know, I can told him and help you got the room
- Original Oatmealhmmmmi do like the room
- Phoebe McGuinessbecause the host is so kind, I like that room too
- Original Oatmeali saw a room that was 2.500.000 VND per month in quan Binh Thanh
- Phoebe McGuinessand?
- Original Oatmealthe room is not as good as the room you showed mebut it is cheaperi am still thinkingi am undecided still
- Phoebe McGuinessif that is cheapperyou shouldand when you got more money, you can find another oneno worries
- Original OatmealIt looks like a nice family with a 10 year boy who knows a little english, but i would not have my own toilet, shower, stove, fridge, water, washeri think it might be okclose to a market i thinkthe rent there is 1.800.000 plus the cost of water, electricity, washer
- Phoebe McGuinessyeahthat so nice
- Original Oatmealthat might be the cheapest
- Phoebe McGuinesswhy not?..:|you should..just get out that hostel ..lol
- Original Oatmeali want to wait a few days and thinki think i want to get paid money before leaving
- Phoebe McGuinessif you dont get that roo, another guy can
- Original Oatmealtrue
- Phoebe McGuinessi think thats good for you
- Original Oatmealu dont think i can find cheaper one?
- Original Oatmealprobably not
- Phoebe McGuinesslive with family is better than live with other menthey are so complexyou should live with family
- Original Oatmealhahamen are complexhahai am a manwomen are complex
- Phoebe McGuinessmen, not womenYou should live with that familythats all
- Original Oatmealthanks
- Phoebe McGuinessdont think too muchyou can move in another room when you got more money
- Original Oatmealtrue
- Phoebe McGuinesshey, if that room is not ok to you, We should call him back and told that we will find another one, dont let him wait
- Original OatmealOk. You can tell him no now or you can wait until tomorrow or the net day to tell him. I want to wait 4 more days or so. But you can tell him no if you want. I will probably end up saying no. But I am still thinking.
- Phoebe McGuinessi'll told him tomorrow
- Original Oatmeal"I'll tell him tomorrow."oki like having options
- Phoebe McGuinessah yup..=.=
- Original Oatmealthat is why i dont want to tell himnobecause what if i dont find a roomthen i cant go back to himcuz i said noto him alreadybut i guess it is ok
- Phoebe McGuinessi think you should live with that familywhen you got ore money
- Original Oatmealtrue
- Phoebe McGuinessyou can find better
- Original Oatmealtrue
- April 27
- Original Oatmealhow are you today?
- Phoebe McGuinessi've gotten uplol
- Phoebe McGuinessYou have plans for holiday?
- Original Oatmealnone
- Phoebe McGuinesshaizzzzzzzzzzzz...I think I watch films..lol
- Original Oatmealbesides movingwatching films is good"I think I'll watch films"sweet
- Phoebe McGuinessdo you have friends in Saigon?
- Original Oatmeali am not surei know a few peoplei met a few people3 or so
- Phoebe McGuinessuhm^^
- Original Oatmeali met a girl todaytalked at a park
- Phoebe McGuinesswow, and?
- Original Oatmeali made her mad
- Phoebe McGuinesswhy? lol
- Original Oatmeali told her that united states was not trying to conquer Vietnam in the war
- Phoebe McGuinesslol but Vietnamese think US conqueredand I wantlol
- Original Oatmealit did not happenthat is a lieand the older people in vietnam knows thatthe older people in vietnam tells me that usa was trying to help vietnam
- Phoebe McGuinessyou knowin Vietnam, school taught us that USA is badmy family told me tha USA is goodlolso complex
- Original Oatmealwhy do people in vietnam want to be like americans if americans are bad?...if USA is bad?people in vietnam want what Americans have.... cell phones, iPads, cars, etc
- Phoebe McGuinessbecause Vietnamese think stuffs of Americans are good, maybe better than Chineseand America is better than VN
- Original OatmealChina took some of your islands but USA did not
- Phoebe McGuinessnice country to improve the best Vietnamese
- Original Oatmealis USA wanted to conquer Vietnam, it would have because they have the best army in the worldUSA has bombs... and they could have blew up the whole country if they wanted toif USA wanted to conquer Vietnamboooomboooom
- Phoebe McGuinessStudents always hate the education in VNhaizzzzzzI dont know
- Original Oatmeali always hear people in vietnam say that USA was trying to kill themUSA did notbut China took some of the islandsyou can't hate USA and then want to be like them too
- Phoebe McGuinesshmi dont hate usa
- Original Oatmeali did not say u did
- Phoebe McGuinessi hate my country
- Original Oatmeali dislike socialism
- Phoebe McGuinesshm:d
- Original Oatmealyour profile photo is not you
- Phoebe McGuinesswhat?
- Original Oatmealis that you?in your picture?
- Phoebe McGuinesswhere?
- Original Oatmealprofile picture
- Phoebe McGuinessFacebook?
- Phoebe McGuinesscan you give me the link?
- Original Oatmeali can see it nowu can see it nowthe picture is your avatar
- Phoebe McGuinessthe girl with tattoo?
- Original Oatmealavatar = profile picture
- Phoebe McGuinessyes, thats me
- Original Oatmealwowlooks very goodthat is your profile picturethat is your avatar
- Phoebe McGuinessyes:fd
- Original Oatmealthe picture next to your namethat is what we call it
- Phoebe McGuinessyes, I know
- Original Oatmeali did not know you had tattooswowi am too scared to get somebeautiful
- Phoebe McGuinesslolyup
- Original Oatmeali had no ideai thought it would be somebody else
- Original Oatmealyou are chasing the sun?
- Original Oatmealamazing
- Phoebe McGuinessthats a lyrics on the song"chasing the sun"
- Phoebe McGuinessby The Wanted boyband
- Original Oatmealyou love themit says i love TWThe Wanted
- Original Oatmealtwo Wsnot 1do you have other tattoos?
- Phoebe McGuinessyes"I love my family"on my waist
- Original Oatmealnice
- Phoebe McGuinessdo you think somebody have a tattoo is a bad guy?
- Original Oatmealtattoos is like artit looks nice
- Phoebe McGuinesshey, i've just call the host..T_T....He is so kind..T_T...He told me that He wishes we can find another room...T_T...
- Original OatmealThank you so much for calling. Thanks to him and his wife for wishing for the best.
- Phoebe McGuinessyes..
- Original Oatmealfor sure
- May 2
- Phoebe McGuinessthe holiday is suck...you?living near bars, haizzzz, maybe its fun?ah Im lokking for a job at Go 2 bar...looking
- Original Oatmealr u still at go go?
- May 3
- Original Oatmeali found a room
- May 3
- Phoebe McGuinessreally, where?
- May 22
- Original Oatmealdistrict Binh Thanh
- May 22
- Original OatmealYou are only at Go Go like 3 AM only like once a week?
- Phoebe McGuinessno, when i have free time, and wanna go during the night with my friends....and Go 2 at 3am because that place opens until 6am....do you wanna join us.. ? it will be fun.
- Original OatmealWhen are you going to Go Go?I might go.
- Phoebe McGuinessthis saturday..25/5
- Original OatmealAs in early on 26/53am is Sunday, the 26th
- Phoebe McGuinessah yes..
- Original Oatmealbut close to 25thso i understand
- Phoebe McGuiness3am sunday
- Original Oatmeali go to church in the morningso i may not go
- Original Oatmealwhen will you go again after that?
- Phoebe McGuinessi dont know..
- May 31
- Original OatmealYou don't like talking with me?
- June 2
- Original Oatmealwhy aren't you my friend any more?
- June 2
- Phoebe McGuinesshm, maybe FB has mistakes..I think we're still friend..:|why you are not in my friends list..:|
- June 15
- Original OatmealWhy aren't you my friend?
- June 18
- Original OatmealWhy aren't you my friend?
- Today
- Original OatmealBạn là bạn của tôi?
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Girl With a Tattoo.
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