Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Decline in the Advice of Joey Arnold?

  • Original Oatmeal
    Only perfect people can known what is right and wrong, good and bad, all of the time, without making mistakes with those details. Everything in life is black and white, but if you are not perfect, then things will appear grey.
  • Joy Dinh
    your advice is not always right
    so dont force me to listen to that
    that's a reason I dont wanna hang out with you anymore even though I know you are not a bad guy
  • Original Oatmeal
    You do not know that.
    If you do not want to hang out with me, then that may mean we are not actually friends.
    You are making unfair assumptions and judgement about my advice that are not completely thoroughly accurate enough.
    You lie.
    You say things that are inaccurate.
  • Joy Dinh
    do you know many people have bad experience with you? I really dont care about your analysis !!!
  • Original Oatmeal
    Doing the right thing matters more than making people like you. My analysis is not exclusively mine alone but a more international long-term point of view that is agreed by many since the dawn of time.

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