Thursday, July 4, 2013

Are You Rejecting My Life? Part II.

  • Today
  • Original Oatmeal

    Bạn là bạn của tôi?
  • Joy Dinh

    yes,why do you ask that ?
  • Joy Dinh

    silly question
  • Original Oatmeal

    Not a silly question.
  • Joy Dinh

    becuz if you are not my friend, I wont spend time chatting w you much
    so dont ask like that
  • Original Oatmeal

    I disagree.
    That is not always the case.
    You have to remember that you are not the only person in the world.
    This is not the only country in the world.
    Different people do different things for different reasons and in different ways.
    Some people do chat with people that are not their friends at times, so you never know.
    It was not a silly question because questions unlock doors and gateways that cannot be open any other way.
  • Original Oatmeal

    The last time I talked to you in person, you told me that I made you not want to talk with me any more, and that was the last time I saw you in person.
  • Joy Dinh

    at that time, I was very angry at you
    but It was a long time ago
    I shouldnt remember
  • Original Oatmeal

    You should remember.
    It is bad to forget.
  • Joy Dinh

    I usually forget unhappy things no matter what happens
  • Original Oatmeal

    That is not good.
    You cannot learn from the past if you are forgetting the past.
  • Joy Dinh

    I have many things to learn
    I have 4 jobs
    I dont have time to talk ab things I dont like
  • Original Oatmeal

    Learning involves remembering.
  • Joy Dinh

    I only remember nice things
    good things
    bad things I will forget
  • Original Oatmeal

    When you forget bad things, you are inviting the bad things back into your life.
    Because when you forget bad things, you will not recognize the bad things when they come back to you later on in life.
  • Joy Dinh

    hey why do you usually make arguments w me ?
    I dont like
  • Original Oatmeal

    You are taking this too personally.
    I talk with everybody.
  • Joy Dinh

    if you keep talking, I will keep not replying
  • Original Oatmeal

    I share my life with others.
  • Joy Dinh

    but it's weird to me
  • Original Oatmeal

    That is why I asked if we were friends because friends are friends to the end.
    Friends are freinds forever, no matter what.
    Friends are friends forever.
  • Joy Dinh

    that's kind of best friends
    you and me are friends only
    so dont ask anymore
  • Original Oatmeal

    All friendships should be that way.
    What you are suggesting is not good.
    You are rejecting my advice.
  • Joy Dinh

    becuz your advice is so weird
    I am an adult, and I can know what is right and wrong, what is good and bad
  • Original Oatmeal

    Are you perfect?
  • Joy Dinh

    I am not perfect
    nobody is perfect
    but I know what is good for me
    I can listen to good advices
    I am busy now, I have many projects
  • Original Oatmeal

    Only perfect people can known what is right and wrong, good and bad, all of the time, without making mistakes with those details. Everything in life is black and white, but if you are not perfect, then things will appear grey.
  • Joy Dinh

    your advice is not always right
    so dont force me to listen to that
    that's a reason I dont wanna hang out with you anymore even though I know you are not a bad guy
  • Original Oatmeal

    You do not know that.
    If you do not want to hang out with me, then that may mean we are not actually friends.
    You are making unfair assumptions and judgement about my advice that are not completely thoroughly accurate enough.
    You say things that are inaccurate.
    You lie.

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