Saturday, May 25, 2013

Smelly Oatmeal

Trâm PhạmPrivate_message
Be carefull anyone with that smelly Oatmeal, or you will get what you never expect!!!

  • Tom ChristiePrivate_message
    how the hell did they let you on a plane?
    smirking centipedePrivate_message
    I agree Tom! How the hell did they let you into this world Joey?
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    Should I try ABC Bakery on Pham Ngu Lao in district 1 of HCM? I do like rice & chicken, with a side of free internet & water & parking.

    Can anybody help me find cheaper restaurants?
    Phuc BuiPrivate_message
    @Tom: it happened in the way that noone wants it to happen! And I am wondering if CS has anyway to stop him! I am f*cking tired of this (sorry for the strong words)!!
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    Some people on Couch Surfing (CS) are mean. I am posting these things on my public blogs on the internet. This is the evidence. I post very simple things. Phuc Bui is harassing me. CS is compromising on their own integrity. I am just looking for restaurants to eat at. I am also looking for room for rent. I am also looking for a laptop and a really cool phone & bike.
    Phuc BuiPrivate_message
    We should let people decide who is right!
    I don't wanna say anything else! My word is all enough.
    Enjoy life!
    Phoebe McGuinessPrivate_message
    Poor you, Joey!..dont do stupid things ...blah..blah, btw! I like Tom Christie's comment..hahaha
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    I am just asking for advice. I like meeting people. I like making friends. I have been in Vietnam for the past 6 months since the year 2012. I may stay in Vietnam forever. I am from the United States. My name is Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal. I like helping others. I love teaching English. I like asking people questions to learn.

    I am looking for a Room For Rent, laptop, phone, visa, bicycle, students to teach, restaurants to eat at with free water, parking, wifi. I want to play basketball, karaoke, sports, games, playing guitar, piano, and other things with people. I love making movies, writing books, building websites, teaching, learning, drawing, playing, laughing, learning new things, and so much more.

    I am a Couch Surfer.

    I have a backpack. Meet me & eat me.

    Joey Arnold
    The Original Oatmeal
    hey Joey, I would like to learn with you, but i'm not good at English so I can't be afraid to talk to you.
    I also enjoy activities like you. I will aks my friends to help you find a room in Binh Thanh district have some things that you require.
    Wish you have happy days in VN
    Austin UptoNoGoodPrivate_message
    who ever you are Dan,Joey, etc... I will find you. And I will make sure they will never ever gave you a visa for Vietnam again. Kthxbye
    Brittany ElliottPrivate_message
    The kid just wants to know where some cheap restaurants are. You guys need to calm down. Sheesh. Where is the love and community feel CS is supposed to offer?
    Austin UptoNoGoodPrivate_message
    if its a normal "kid" we wouldnt mind, not the one who has 4 CS profile and spamming non sense stuff, talking about weird things .

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