Sunday, May 19, 2013

Room For Rent in Affordable Alligators

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  • Eric Walker Joey. I will talk to my wife who is Vietnamese and ask her if she can contact family there and find a place for you. You are Y'Q and an American. In Vietnam they think all Americans are rich. They overcharge even Vietnamese Americans thinking that they are rich. The best thing is to have a local rent a place for you. It also does not help that Vietnam has had 25% or so inflation. Contact me via instant message and I will try to help you. All the best, OM (Original Mace.)
  • Jen-jen Pableo sorry for that joey...i really really do wish you all the best from where you at now...
  • Albert Morse Welcome to the club. It happens every time I go to a poor country.
  • Joey Arnold People in Vietnam try telling me that Vietnam is not a poor country. I am not exactly sure why they say things like this to me. I am not sure what to think or what to say when people say things like this. I usually try telling people that many people make less than $200 USD per month in Vietnam. After that, I try telling them how many imported electronic and other interesting products are over-priced and inflated in Vietnam, but people in Vietnam will still do whatever they can to buy things they cannot afford, which partly leads to the continuation of a certain degree of poverty and/or other related things.
  • Albert Morse It might be good to remember 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.

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