Sunday, May 26, 2013

Donald Trump is a TREE?

  1. Obama deceives more than he lies. He speaks some truth, but not all truth. He has to pick up his eyes & force stares at people like a cold snake.

    The View mocks Donald J. Trump who is asking for some important documents from Obama. Not too long ago, Trump asked for Obama's birth certificate. It took six months for Obama to forge one.

    Yesterday, Obama came out with a jobs plan. However, he copied Romney's plan & Obama has already been president for four years. He should have been working on it before. We should have a new game show. Play an Obama speech & have the contestants guess when he said what. Obama has been saying the same things since 2007 or so.

    People do not have Romnesia, they have Omnesia.

    Obama is an accessory to murder. They knew for hours that the ambassador was kidnapped & was going to be killed.

    Obama supports abortion. Those who are for abortion are pro-choice. Those who are against abortion are pro-life. So, what is more important, choice or life? Well, you cannot have choice without life. You cannot be pro-choice (support abortion) if you are not alive. Had your mother aborted you, you would have no choice.

    You can do what you want.

    If I was a doctor, I may even help abort your baby because I care about you. If you really wanted an abortion, I would not yell. I would not stop you. I may even try to help you murder your helpless baby. I am not being sarcastic right now either.

    Abortion is still murder, even if there was rape. Of course rape is horrible, but so is abortion. I will never tell you that abortion is acceptable.

    But you can do what you want. Abortion sometimes occur when the baby is really small, when the baby is only a few weeks old. Sometimes abortion occurs when the baby is six to nine months old. Sometimes abortion occurs after the baby is born. Nurses have to stick the baby parts into plastic sacks & dump the body parts into the trash can. Many nurses stop being nurses because of how gross it gets.

    Americans eat the media for breakfast.

    The mass media educates & brainwashes us into believing certain things. What is worse is that we are often not even aware of it. If I asked you if you were being brainwashed, you would most likely deny it.
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    • Jennifer Pableo likes this.
    • Jason Johnson Understand one thing, Joey Arnold. this country has been messed up for 12 years before Obama came in office. Everyone expects him to clean up a mess that took 3 times his current time in office. It takes time to undo the damage that both Bush administrations did to us. They inflicted war for profit in a land where they had no right to be in but used 'liberty" and democracy as a cover to get in and rape those countries. 
      Answer something simple for me: 
      If I paid you 100 dollars to destroy my living room. I mean reaaly jack it up! --Smash everything you can get your hands on to bits, it would probably take an hour maybe less to do completely demolish it, wouldn't it?
      Now, I offer you 10,000 to replace everything and clean it all up.. How long would that take? Days, a week, or maybe a month? Yeah, it would take a long time and it would probably be best just to buy an new house instead. This is the task he has had to face in his short time there.
    • Joey Arnold People blame President George Bush for so many things. Sadly, people do not realize that democrats favor war more than republicans do.

      The ambassador was sent to the middle east to start World War III. Since he was not interested in that, the United States arranged for his murder.
    • Jason Johnson How wold are you? I have been alive for 4 decades and watched this world change from good to bad to worse then back. I applaud your intelligence as many your age have no mind for politics, but beware of what you read. Those who publish history are those who tell the story to benefit themselves. I love my country but I am not proud of everything we have done. I do not hate it, I just plain dislike our policies at times. Bush, whether you like it or not, did a number on us long before we ever heard Obama's name... Can you even tell me the REAL reason this war started? Don't answer right away. I want you to research this and discuss it with your parents first and ask your teachers... You will never get a sound definitive answer... And THAT is the tragedy.
    • Joey Arnold The war was started for a bunch of reasons. There are several dimensions to the war. Plus, war is the result of conflict. To say the least, there has always been conflict in the middle east ever since Abraham had sex with the wrong woman. Two nations split from Abraham. Around twenty years ago, there was the golf war. People forget about this.

      Of course Bush Junior made mistakes. But Bush Junior made mistakes as an individual and not because he was republican. Sadly, Bush was not even completely republican.

      Bush Junior was more democratic than he was republican. That was one of the major problems. Democrats do mess things up. Unfortunately, the republicans have been corrupted as well. In contrast, the corrupted republicans are still better than the evil democrats. Bush was still trying to help the United States.

      Obama is slowly taking our freedoms away as a country. If the people in Europe let Romney become President, since our votes are actually ridged like other countries, then it will be only because they will later blame a bunch of things on Romney.

      I am hearing Romney say that he will be the next president. i am not hearing Obama say that he is going to be re-elected at all.

      If Europe lets Romney become president, then it will be only to farther curse the biblical values of the republicans.

      The republicans are more for biblical principles than the democrats are.

      The United Nations are actually overseeing the voting process because the voting is being ridged. Republican voters are being denied the right to vote. The hanging chads in 2000, in Florida, was a result of Europe manipulating the voting process.
    • Jason Johnson I applaud your astute assessment and use of historical references, but this is not about parties, young one.. It is about people and their lives. It is a shame that most people, not just kids, do not understand the concepts of 'democrat" of "republican" and what the truly represent. Before you start bashing because you feel you must support who your parents or community says you must or the what the majority is doing in your area, take a good look into Romney's background... He claims to be about "America", but everything he's invested in had been with others who were either enemies of America or unsavory factions who defile our ideals. It is out here for you to find and it won't be hard. He invests in companies "over there and over where" while he allows factories in his own state to shut-down and cost hundred, if not thousands, f hard working people's jobs. He supports out-sourcing with his practices, knowing full-well that jobs are needed and should be created & supported here. He is about MONEY and nothing else, and not for all Americans, but the 53% he feels to run and be the voice for all America. That is part of what being republican is... To be a crowd who represents all of the people because they are the one who make most of the money. Tell me honestly.. Do you think that it's fair? That everyone should NOT have a voice? I will trouble you no further, my friend. I am proud to know there are youths who are socially conscious out there, and no matter what I or anyone says, if you feel and know what is right for you, stick to your guns! (Not real guns, of course.LOL) Be well, Joey. You are the future.
    • Joey Arnold I am 27 years old. There is often differences between the original definitions to republicans & democrats & what those two parties do. In congress, the republicans are slowly becoming much more corrupt over the past thirty years. 

      Sadly, that means there is not as much difference between the republicans & democrats in congress. However, there is still huge differences between the average republican & democrats on the streets.

      Democrats give teens condoms. Then they encourage abortion. That is a set-up. That is also control & manipulation when you tell kids they are just animals, not created by God, that they can't wait. When they started taking God out of schools, morality lost its conviction, direction, reason, & power.

      Obama has been mocking Romney. The fans of Obama supports this.

      During the third & last presidential debate, Romney would present a bunch of facts, & Obama started getting frustrated, irritated, & agitated. Obama started using his cold snake whining voice.

      Obama kept on responding with, "Governor, you are wrong..... people will look at the facts & see that I am right and that you are wrong."

      Sadly, people will just take Obama's word on that. People will not look at the facts. If people looked at the facts, they would see that Obama is wrong.

      They would also see that Obama's birth certificate was forged after six months of neglect.

      They will see that Osama Bin Laden died years before 2007.

      They will see how Obama is taking away our freedoms.

      They will see how Obama is letting Europe slowly buy us up.

      And the list goes on......

      Obama had to pick up his eyes & force a glaze towards the moderator in debates, because Obama was avoiding eye contact because Obama lies & deceives like the anti-Christ will.

      Avoiding eye contact is a sign of lying & a sign of pressure.

      Obama has to pick up his eyes and force eye contact towards people because his eyes are heavy with lies & deceit. Obama has this poker face.

      People often point fingers at the other party to avoid dealing with their own problems. We do that all of the time. We are always trying to cover up our problems by drawing attention to possible problems from other people.

      That is what Obama is doing.
  2. Here is how my computer screen looks like.
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  3. Obama said that people will look it up & see that what he is saying is right. Obama said that last night in the third & last debate. Romney was saying that Obama is wrong about some things.

    Obama replied with saying that he is not wrong & that people will look it up & see that Obama is right. However, most people do not care. Most people will just take the words of Obama over the words of Romney....
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  4. You are beautiful, or you at least can be. You are not suppose to be a ginger bread man from a cookie cutter. Every snowflake is unique. You are not too fat, skinny, tall, short, big, tall, black, white, ugly, pretty, normal, or even too crazy.

    Life is more about the story & less about the ending. Life is more about the journey & less about just getting there.

    I have seen all the episodes to Do...
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  5. When Intel invented the first RAM chip in 1970, it was able to hold a world record of one hundred and twenty-four bytes........ 124 bytes (B) of RAM.

    Nowadays, like only 40 years later, personal computers (or the motherboards inside of them) can sometimes support as many as seventeen billion bytes..... 17,179,869,184 bytes (16 Giga Bytes) of RAM.
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  6. I have a passport. But how do you apply for a VISA online?
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  7. Liberals favor conservation while conservatives favor liberty. Liberals hate liberty. Conservatives hate conservation.
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  8. Thousands of Republicans will not be allowed to vote because their ballots (registration to be allowed to vote) have mysterious gone missing. Sadly, like other countries, the voting process is being rigged.
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  9. Liberals hate liberty.
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  10. You had the opportunity & blew it. Your vote could have decided the next President of the United States. Instead, you voted for a third party. Worse, you voted for nobody at all because you hate politics. You hate the choices. You do not want to choose a lesser of two evils.

    Obama just became the next President, again.

    Obama got five votes. Romney got five votes. You could have been that tie breaker. Instead, you had to vote for some third party option. Worse, you decided not to vote at all. If I was you, I would have voted for the person I hated the least.
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  11. My dad (Don Rasp) makes friends with everybody, just like my sisters. At night, he goes to the bar & talks with everyone. They start sharing their problems with him & before you know it, like the next day he is at their houses fixing their problems. Ironically, then they start paying him. As the day comes to an end, he goes back to the bar & repeats the process. If only pastors & life coaches did that.

    My dad works. I don't. My dad makes money. I make investments. My dad drinks. I drink water. My dad talks to dog. I talk to God.

    My dad cannot drive. My mom cannot drive. My dad's girl friend drives him around. My mom's new husband drives her around. They say opposites attract for a reason.
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  12. Obama preached this lie that it was the fault of Bush. The only thing worse than this lie is that so many people believe this lie. It is so embedded in our head, that we are doomed as a nation to be so gullible to such propaganda. We are as bad as Nazi Germany of the 1930's.

    Hitler told Germany that it was the Jews fault. So they had to murder millions of Jews to better the world. The Jews were ...
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  13. If Obama had five votes, Romney had four votes, & Johnson had two votes, then those two votes for Johnson could have been for Romney to allow Romney to win. If the the two people voted Johnson because they hate Obama, then they lose because Obama still becomes President because those two people did not vote for Romney.

    Because five votes for Obama is still more than the four votes for Romney. If...
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  14. Currently accepting support for my mission trip.
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  15. Obama says that everybody should have a fair shot. Obama wants the playing field to be levelled. Obama is turning our capitalistic republic country into a communistic, socialistic prison. That is what Obama is really saying.
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  16. Obama got 5,000 new jobs for the United States after losing 5,000 jobs for Americans. The only reason why the unemployment rate seems to be a little lower today is because so many people are not even looking for work.

    The unemployment rate only reflects people who are actively looking for work. However, there are more people on food stamps, unemployment benefits, & other such welfare programs & services. The money for all of this is coming from a bankrupt United States.
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  17. People actually believe the Lies of Obama.
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  18. People love Obama so much, that they are not even listening to anything that Romney says. If you love Obama, you will likely ignore what I am saying. That means that you do not have an open mind. Your mind is already made up. No matter what happens, you will vote for Obama.
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  19. Compare what Obama is saying with what Obama was saying in 2008.
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  20. If you like Obama, you are an idiot.
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  21. Give people what they need, not what they want. However, we often give in to the temptation of giving people what they desire, because we secretly do to others as we would want to be treated. We want others to give us whatever that we want when we want & that instinct inspires to return the favor. So, we live in this loop, this circle of addiction, adrenaline, lust, desire, procrastination, pleasu...See More
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  22. Jewish people might be partly black because their ancestors, including the legendary Abraham (not Lincoln), had slaves from Egypt around 4,000 or so years ago.

    Some centuries or so after Abraham, all the Jewish people ended up living in Egypt, which is home of the pyramids & black people. Ironically, the black-skinned Egyptians seem to be partly yellow and red like Jewish people are yellow and re...
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  23. In the Bible, the Old Testament talks mostly about the interaction between the Yellow & Black People, while the New Testament talks mostly about the interaction between the Yellow & White People.

    There are only three main people colors in this world, from the three sons of Noah: Yellow for Shem, White for Japeth, & Black for Ham & Bacon. I mean, just Ham. I don't really like Bacon.
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  24. Notice that there are more yellow people in the world, than any of the other two colors. Here are our ancestors. Jesus came from the line of Shem. Yellow people descended from Shem. White people from Japeth. Black people from Ham.
    Notice that there are more yellow people in the world, than any of the other two colors. Here are our ancestors. Jesus came from the line of Shem. Yellow people descended from Shem. White people from Japeth. Black people from Ham.
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  25. Notice that there are more yellow people in the world, than any of the other two colors. Here are our ancestors. Jesus came from the line of Shem. Yellow people descended from Shem. White people from Japeth. Black people from Ham.
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  26. Morals without God is like cake without frosting or like science without facts. Of course doing good things is good, because there is a God, but there is also power in that name of our Creator & Savior.

    A guy was writing a book in the 1800's about how teaching morals alone can still make the world a better place. He then got trapped in a time machine, in the filmTime Changer, which took him to t...
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  27. Around twenty percent of the population of earth is Muslim. That is around a billion humans. Around 90% percent of them secretly do not want to be Muslim. When Muslims do convert to a different religion, they usually convert to Christianity.

    Many times, when Muslims stop being Muslim, they are killed. Often times, Muslims do not want to be Muslim. But there is so much fear of death in Muslim controlled countries, that they continue in the religion of Islam (Muslims are in this religion) in order to escape death for themselves & their families.
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  28. Have you ever lied? Yea? What does that make you? A liar. Have you ever stolen? Kind of? What does that make you? A thief. Have you ever lusted after the opposite sex? Have you ever wanted something that you didn't have? Sure? What does that make you? A coveter. Have you ever cursed? Have you ever said bad words? Have you ever used God's name in vain? Absolutely? What does that make you? A blasphe...See More
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  29. Support becomes control, usually. When Romney says he wants to discontinue federal support of the Public Broadcasting Station (PBS), it does not mean that he wants to fire Big Bird. It does not mean Romney hates kids.

    Remember that PBS is mostly supported by viewers like you. It is not suppose to be supported with governmental money that does not actually exist.

    Discontinuing governmental progra...
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  30. Where's the rice? Most of the things in the stores of the United States either includes meat or wheat, or both. That is reason enough to get a passport.

    I am always looking around for rice snacks. I want rice on the go. That is why Asia is so cool. That is why Asian females are so beeping hot looking. I tell you that their secret is rice, Pandas, bamboos, ninjas, & the wall of China. They probabl...
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  31. A girl from Ghana is asking me for money for her internet. "When do you need it by?" Tomorrow. "Who do you pay for your internet?" I don't know. I have to hand it to some guy.

    I asked her, "Wait, why are you white?" I don't know. "Where were you born?" Italy. "How long have you been in Ghana?" Five years. "Wait, why are you in Ghana?" Stop asking me questions & help me. "How long have you had internet?" Five years.

    "Have you ever pay that guy for the internet before?" No. "Then how are you even online?"

    To that question, she responded with, "Oh, it is getting late, I have to go to bed now. So, when will you send me money? Alright, good night. Take care of yourself."
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  32. Dad wakes me up in the middle of the night through yelling at me. As I tried going back to sleep I started thinking dirty thoughts about confronting him.

    Loving thy neighbors & enemies is hard enough. How are you suppose to love thy family? Especially your father? This is why divorce happens. We also think that God is just as corrupt as our earthly parents. It is easier to love from a distance. T...
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  33. CP (Cell Phone) is PC (Personal Computer) backwards. The letters CP is PC backwards. That is why I use my PC, instead of my CP, to surf the internet, for all you teenagers out there..... you kids got it all backwards..... burn hahaha.
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  34. here is how the internet works, kind of
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