Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I Am Sick?

  • Conversation started today
  • Original Oatmeal
    You do not understand.
  • Tra Duong
    My mother said , if you and my sister are healthy all. May be, my mother will be acept for you and her to be have a children (i mean is continues to have sex to make a children). But now , when my mother see you write in your facebook , you are have some thing problem like Austim when you are a child
    She make my sister promise , never have sex to make a children with you again!
    And she will kick my sister out of home without the money of my mother and my father if my sister still try to conect with you again!
    When you posting this picture on your facebook, the friend and adopter of my mother TranThi NhaThy is saw it. She talking with my mother.
    And now my sister is have a big trouble. Because of you.
    I help you to write in your publice wall. To help you and my sister talking with your mother about the reason my familly want my sister quit.
    And because if i didn't talking , your next girl friend will don't know you and my sister is broken up. So they will not coming and you can't find another choice to make a happily again!
    My sister is clearly don't want to come back with you, not just because about the money you can pay for her or not. It's because she scared about the sick children of you and her can't be grow up normaly (like my coussin sister) , and her brother.
    It's about the Gen ADN in Brain of you and my sister is not good. 1 husband sick , 1 wife should be fine , and 1 children sick , 1 should be find , still the time both parent die , 1 fine will take care 1 sick.
    But both parent sick , make sure 100% will be sick (i mean crazy too), can't memorried everything and hard to remember learning in the school or job!
    How can they can take care for you guy when you get old?
    It's a doctor said with my mother!
    And my mother said with my sister. And make sure my sister promise her with that!
    Because she try to talking with you , but you are don't want to listerning her about that!
    That's why she asking me help to talking with you!
    Because your mother didn't know my sister is crazy Austim same like you too, may be she still confuse about the reason why my sister quit , and why my mother acept you to come with her in my home (before) , but now she don't
    That's why i have to write in your publice wall face , to make sure your mother can see what really my sister and my familly decided.
    We decided you guy should be broken up
    You call you mother take care you
    And i with my mother will take care my sister
    We will not asking your mother and you pay anything back for my sister , anything
    Just leave my sister alone, she need to restart. Enough trouble about your LOVE!
    Thanh Trà
  • Today
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother is being racist and discriminative and bias and partial against me and people like me. Your mother has a mentality that lacks accurate perspective in the realm of psychology, sociology, in read and understanding the development of the character of people who lack perfection in what is best.
  • Original Oatmeal
    My children will be healthy. My genetics and DNA is above average. I inherit the strength of my father who is as strong as a gorilla. I rarely get sick in my life because I am a super human. Physically, I have the strength of an ox. My children will not be six.
    My children will not be sick.
  • Tra Duong
    If you married another girl not my sister , it can be.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I never left your sister. I did not do that. You do not understand what happened. You were not there. You do not know what happened. You do not know what happens. You do not know everything. I do not have sex with your sister. I am a virgin, spiritually. I am the friend of your sister. I will always care about your sister. I will always love your sister. I never left her. I was there for her. I am always there for her. Your sister stole my electric bike. Your sister stole over 3.000.000 VND from me.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I do not owe your sister anything. You do not understand the concept of free. Your sister promised things to me. I never gave your sister my bike or money. You owe me money because the ATM at your bank ate some of my money. You need to borrow from the Common Courtesy rules of international trade laws and that the other countries adhere to.
  • Tra Duong
    About your 3.000.000 it's not new for me. My sister talk to me and my mom about your sistuation and asking for help. But my mom haven't money. And she have to pay the bill for many friend still the day my father die (200.000.000 vnd she ask for help when he stay in the hospital for 5 month with breathing tube)
  • Tra Duong
    I will help my sister get away from a crazy man like you
    thanks you for out my home soon
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are making fun of me and you are saying things to me without substantial evidence to understand these details.
    You are saying things that are not true.
  • Tra Duong
    I not like my sister
    i do what i said
    and i said with my sister yesterday when she asking me : should she have to come back and take care you
    and I said No . It's was i said
  • Original Oatmeal
    I never asked your sister to help me with anything. Your sister wanted to help me out.
  • Tra Duong
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister wanted me to live at her house. She wanted to take me everywhere. She wanted to feed me food.
    You are making fun of the word "Autism."
  • Tra Duong
    and now she remorse about it now. you should leave she alone to relife again. You make she more up set.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Stop speaking lies.
    I do not hurt her.
    I do not give your sister stress.
    Your sister is always free.
  • Tra Duong
    My sister is Autism , and may be my children will be autism , it not about the Gen , it about the parenting. And you with my sister are autism all.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not responsible for her emotions.
  • Tra Duong
    My sister show me your email
    you crush she should go to the hell
  • Original Oatmeal
    Autism can be defeated.
  • Tra Duong
    i still save in my laptop
    talk and crush the people go to the hell isn't make the people stress?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Life is about overcoming obstacles.
    I encourage people.
    I want people to get better.
    I ask questions.
    I believe in people.
    I read people.
  • Tra Duong
    my sister is better , she is protected by me and my familly
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister needs to be accountable for her actions.
    Your sister constantly lies.
  • Tra Duong
    and my familly , special is my mother don't want you hurt my sister again
  • Original Oatmeal
    Lying is not an improvement.
    I never hurt your sister.
    I was saving your sister.
  • Tra Duong
    did she sell you for another girl ?
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister was killing herself.
  • Tra Duong
    yes because she sick
    and when she meet you
    she sick more
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister blames her problems on me.
    I have nothing to do with her sickness.
    I am here for her cure.
    I did not make her more sick.
  • Tra Duong
    you make her stress
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother knew that I was making things better.
  • Tra Duong
    you are the person eassy to stress
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not make her stress.
    That was her biggest lie.
  • Tra Duong
    you should come to meet my mother again
  • Original Oatmeal
    She always say that I added stress to her life.
  • Tra Duong
    to know what she really want to do
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother is lost and clouded.
  • Tra Duong
    i will have you to translate
    but my mother clearly said with me
    she don't want Joey and Kathy will get married
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not break up Kathy.
  • Tra Duong
    one sick Kathy she can't take care
    now 1 sick Joey
  • Original Oatmeal
    I am not sick.
  • Tra Duong
    and may be more children sick
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are saying things that are not true.
  • Tra Duong
    it's was my mother said
  • Original Oatmeal
    You are living a lie.
  • Tra Duong
    i'm not said it
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother does not understand.
  • Tra Duong
    i just mention what my mother said
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister stole from me.
    That is a crime.
    Your sister beat me.
  • Tra Duong
    she life with you at home and know you enough
  • Original Oatmeal
    But I was there for her.
    Your mother does not know me enough.
  • Tra Duong
    my sister is really poor
    and sick
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your mother does not understand the United States.
  • Tra Duong
    she can't working to find money by her self
  • Original Oatmeal
    I was never the Boy Friend of Kathy.
  • Tra Duong
    and if she get married
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister can make money.
    I was there to help your sister.
    I am the best friend to your sister.
    I will always care about your sister.
    I wanted to buy Kathy some clay.
  • Tra Duong
    she should get married with the man generous enough to take care and understand what her real personality
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy told me that she does not want my money.
    But Kathy wanted all of my money.
    I can take care of her.
    I give everything to people.
  • Tra Duong
    Kathy is a poor girl
    and sick
  • Original Oatmeal
    I make wise decisions.
    Your sister can get better.
    Believe in your sister.
  • Tra Duong
    did you think a sick guy can working to find money
  • Original Oatmeal
    You should like your sister.
    I am not sick.
    You might be sick to think that.
  • Tra Duong
    i'm not talking about you
  • Original Oatmeal
    Be careful of what you say.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Do not hate your sister.
    You should like your sister.
    Your sister can make money.
  • Tra Duong
    We are different style
    but i always take care her
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister can go back to school.
  • Tra Duong
    and i pay money for that
  • Original Oatmeal
    Your sister can start her own business.

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