Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Joey Arnold is Michael Jackson?

  • Kim FreemanPrivate_message
    Kim FreemanPrivate_message
    Kim FreemanPrivate_message
    Tai TalentoPrivate_message
    Hanoi is hotter in summer and colder in winter. The weather in Saigon is much better than here :-( I got sick after moving to Hanoi...
  • Linh XanhPrivate_message
    Hi, Harry,
    I would love to be your companion, however, I 'm not sure whether I am free on October or not due to my flexible work schedule.Maybe, I will respond you at the beginning of October. I hope to enjoy the journey with u! welcome to Viet Nam Harry!^^
  • Jannice KaplanPrivate_message
    Friday June 28th!
  • thao BuiPrivate_message
    Count me in...
    Chi HuongPrivate_message
    Hi, welcome you back to Hanoi, I am a student and I am living in Hanoi. Nice to meet you and know that you also love Hanoi. I am interested in photography too, I did take some photos in Duong Lam village, Old hope to see you!
    You can visit my photos here:
    pi RusPrivate_message
    sound interesting

    send me a messenger when u come back ha noi :D :D

    hey,Im living in Ha Noi.and In my plan.I'll go somewhere in Ha Noi this Sunday,30th June 2013.Just want you to join with us.
    Phung NguyenPrivate_message
    Hi Nima, I'm gonna be in Hanoi on 2nd July, stay there 2 days. Then, I want to go to Sapa and Halong. I hope you can change your plan so we can meet up in Hanoi. If you have a bike and drive well, I think we will have a good time to enjoy beautiful places in the North of Vietnam. I'm from Saigon and I have never been there. I plan to take bus or train to go to Sapa and Halong bay. If you drive me there, we can share money for gas. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    since you seem like a photo-freak (haha kidding), you may also want to take part in this group of Hanoi CS. They hold timely outdoor picnics and are very interested in taking photos.
    Besides, it'd be nice of you're interested in a beer, coffee or smt :)
    Trung DoPrivate_message
    Hi Nima, warmly welcome from Hanoi!! I feel very proud when someone says he/she loves my place. Hanoi has a lot of traditional things for you to explore. I am fancy with foods and I might be a great guru for any food-addicted person *little self- advertising* haha.

    This is my facebook:

    Give me a message If you want a meet up! ;)
    Nima BaharlooiePrivate_message
    Hi guys.Thanks for your replies.I wont be in Hanoi until July 18th, so cant join in on the fun before then.
    Jasmine: Thanks. I am a freak indeed, no worries :)
    Trung: Sounds good. I love Hanoi style street food. I will even show you a place or two that you dont already know of, from my time in Hanoi :)
    I will get back to you guys once I am in town July 18th. Stay tuned :)
    Nice photos man! ;)
    Trung DoPrivate_message
    Haha i cant wait!! Give me a message when you are here, through CS or my facebook :D
    Annie ChubbyyPrivate_message
    Yeah I wanna join! Sounds fun ;) inbox me maybe? :D
    Thuy DoPrivate_message
    nice. i am interested in your plan. if i am free at that time, i wil join with you
    Your vietnamese title sounds fun indeed ^ ^. Anw, see you soon in Hanoi :)
    Stan TynPrivate_message
    welcome u :)
    Tinh CaoPrivate_message
    i wanna to join.

    Let contact's with me at 0978357363 or send me message via this address.
  • Tuan AnhPrivate_message
    that's great :)) when you come here, contact to me pls we may hang out and expore the city..nice to see you :v
    Le Hai NinhPrivate_message
    Hi there. As I had wonderful memories last time I visited Dalat. I'd love to accompany a Dalat's girl to explore Hanoi. Still not sure If I'll be free around that time. But when you get your plan fixed. Let me know and we'll see if I can arrange my schedule ;).
    Looking forward to hear from you ;)
    Vy LêPrivate_message
    Hey Hai Ninh, Tuan Anh, I can spend only a day to visit Uncle Ho Monument, Temple of Literature. I really really want to see Bat Trang village as well during a day. Do you think it's possible?

    Ngô HiệpPrivate_message
    10/7 đang là thời điểm thi đại học đợt 2 nên giao thông có thể bị tắc nghẽn, vì thế nên việc du lịch trong những ngày nắng gắt này cũng nên xem xét. Hanoi Old Quater may be a great choice :)
    Le Hai NinhPrivate_message
    Hi Vy, it's a tight schedule but doable. Better if you have someone ride you to Bat Trang village.
    Btw I'm not sure about Uncle Ho Monument, might take the whole morning.
    Vy LêPrivate_message
    Hi Ninh, do you happen to know someone who can ride me to Bat Trang village at a cheap rate?

    Hi Ngô Hiếu, cảm ơn bạn đã nhắc nhở, xíu xiu nữa là mình quên mất mùa thi đại học. Mình hi vọng chuyến đi sẽ thuận lợi.
    Le Hai NinhPrivate_message
    Sadly Vy, other than me, I know nobody :D. I don't think get a "xe ôm"'s good option though -_-. I don't even how much is cheap for "xe ôm" :|.
    Another good option is you can rent a bike for a day. Or I have a spare bike at home if you'd like to use it ;).
    Tuan NguyenanhPrivate_message
    Dear vy le,
    Minh la Tuan, hien dang song o hanoi, trong thoi gian nay minh dang ranh nen minh co the giup ban du lich vong quanh, lam on lien he voi minh theo so sau:
    SDT: 0168 233 4901

    Tran trong, TUan.
    Yến PhạmPrivate_message
    If U want to go to Bat Trang Village, U should go by bus. It's very cheap about 20.000d and it will take U about 30 mins.
    Vy LêPrivate_message

    Hi Yến,
    Where can I take the bus if I'll be staying in Hoan Kiem district?

    @ Ninh: I appreciate your offer soooo much Ninh, it's just that I'm not used to riding in a big city. Coward rider here.
    Viet DangPrivate_message
    Nice to meet you Vy :D There are many many things which are waiting for you. Let's discover our Hanoi :D

    I'm VIet. I'm a Hanoian. I'm working part-time as a tour guide now. And I'm a member of CS Hanoi. Contact me if you can LOL I'm pleasure to be your guide.

    Anyway, wish you had a great time in Hanoi.

  • Original Oatmeal Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
    I want to travel the world. A school told me they would hire me. I came to Vietnam but the school did not hire me. Now I am in Saigon looking for work. I will figure things out. I am not annoying. I am not spam. I will get back on my feet again. Things will get better. I will not give up in life. I just want to travel the world and help others and make people laugh and smile with one Original Oatmeal at a time.
    Original Oatmeal Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
    do u hate white people like me?
    Original Oatmeal Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
    "There is no such thing as bad publicity."
    Original Oatmeal Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
    Couch Surfing illegally deleted my account and profile on their website. I gave CF $20 USD and I want my money back. I will sue them. I am very angry. I was not given any real warnings about anything that I did wrong. I did not do anything wrong. I did not violate any rules on CF. This website did not give me any warnings.
    (84) 0-163-425-1695
    Bien NguyenPrivate_message
    I am happy as CS deleted your account asshole!
    Trang PhamPrivate_message
    Told you, go & f*ck urself with $20. Its the community for human beings, not for you Oatmeal~
    Good luck with sue case, idiot !
    Such the annoying nerd~
    Original Oatmeal Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
    I am sorry that you do not like me.
    Dj CluderayPrivate_message
    dude grow up , you an say all you want about the school didnt hire you and all your bullsh!t , its happened to the best of us , grow up and get a life mate , this is a place for people to connect and meet each other not for people like you to annoy the fu*k out of us all

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