Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Buy Gold Before Gold Buys You

  • 22Like · ·
    • Marilyn Mitchell but make sure you get real physical gold and not a paper contract. if all the gold contracts were turned in at the same time there would not be enough gold in the entire world to honor all of the contracts!!!
    • Original Oatmeal What are the gold contracts? Are the American paper bills and dollars and money (USD) the same thing as the gold contracts or are they kind of like the same thing? Who is buying all the actual gold and who is buying the gold contracts and who is making the gold contracts and who is allowing them to legally make the gold contracts? Why do they call it a contract? Because a contract is usually a compromise or agreement between two parties where both sides must keep their side of the bargain or suffer the consequences. It makes me wonder what the consequences and penalties are for the people who make the contracts if they can not hold to their side of the deal and contract and all.

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