Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evolution 0010

  • Joey Arnold Sam Vimes, you asked about the origin of God. Richard Dawkins says that the theory of "god" only complicates things. I understand his logic. He says that having a complex creator create everything ignores the original question of how more simple things evolved and changed into more complex things. I understand the reasoning when people say these kinds of things.

    If there is a god, then I am not sure where he came from. It is that simple. No idea.
  • Sam Vimes Cool.

    "I don't know".
    ...See More
  • Joey Arnold Who says Creationists don't use science to explain things?

    If there is a god, and if he or she created the earth, god may have created the earth in the afternoon, because the Bible says after each day of creation, "Evening and morning, the next day...
    ." but I really do not know when the earth was created, that is if it was not created through billions of years.....

    If there was a flood and an ark, I do not know how many animals there were exactly on that ark. The Bible says 2 of each kind went onto the ark. There were also a few extras of some of those animals for future sacrificing purposes.

    If there is a god, who says that He can't heal anything at any time, including amputees?

    How old is your cupboard?
  • Sam Vimes Are you a young earth creationist Joey? If not i'm going to have to apolgise as I jumped the gun and assumed that you were.

    Lol, my cupboard isn't really stuck, I was just being an ass for the sake of argument.
  • Joey Arnold I am a seeker of the truth. The earth may be young, or it may be much older. I do know that they thought there was going to be much more dust on the moon.
  • Kaz Pink who is 'they' Joey?
  • Sam Vimes In that case Joey, I suggest you spend your time educating your self on current trends in Biology, Physics and Chemistry rather than speculations on the amount of moon dust there is.
  • Joey Arnold "They" = NASA.
  • Fiona Robertson Not the moon dust again!
  • Gerry Haines Joey - what is simpler
    A complex God or a cloud of Quarks ?
    Me - I go with the Quarks till God pops up and says " hi" in person.
    ...See More
  • Kaz Pink sigh.... 1969. First. time. on. the .surface.
  • Joseph Holmes Oh crudsticks
  • Simon Albright Andshiney thin moon dust is proof that the moon was placed their by alien overlords as a form of spy satellite designed to keep an eye on the development of earthlings.
  • Kaz Pink Joey, you need to check AiG's current list of arguments that creationists should avoid...moon dust being one of them. Here's the link to the list for reference:
    Why should a Christian ministry maintain a list of arguments creationists should avoid?
  • Simon Albright Andshiney Regarding the OP this is a classic example of what I must assume is creationist dishonesty. I refuse to believe that Ian Juby is so ill informed he believes that all systems tend towards entropy.

    The mere presence of ice on a cold day proves that thi
    s argument is fallacious. I wouldn't expect someone who hasn't learned any thermodynamics to appreciate that but someone who at least claims to be intelligent and well informed I would.

    The sad thing is that people trust Juby and his ilk and it's disgusting that they'd betray that trust with such obvious dishonesty as the argument he is making here.
  • Joey Arnold Gerry Haines, if a person says, "God said hello to me," what do you think and say?
  • Joseph Holmes I would probably think that person had just escaped from a mental hospital...
  • Chris Talley I would think that they are a televangelist.
  • Joey Arnold When people use to say that the world was flat, some people thought those kinds of people like Christopher Columbus were escapees from mental hospitals.
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