Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evolution 0009

  • Joey Arnold Sam Vimes, you asked about the origin of God. Richard Dawkins says that the theory of "god" only complicates things. I understand his logic. He says that having a complex creator create everything ignores the original question of how more simple things evolved and changed into more complex things. I understand the reasoning when people say these kinds of things.

    If there is a god, then I am not sure where he came from. It is that simple. No idea.
  • Joey Arnold Who says Creationists don't use science to explain things?

    If there is a god, and if he or she created the earth, god may have created the earth in the afternoon, because the Bible says after each day of creation, "Evening and morning, the next day...." but I really do not know when the earth was created, that is if it was not created through billions of years.....

    If there was a flood and an ark, I do not know how many animals there were exactly on that ark. The Bible says 2 of each kind went onto the ark. There were also a few extras of some of those animals for future sacrificing purposes.

    If there is a god, who says that He can't heal anything at any time, including amputees?

    How old is your cupboard?
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