Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evolution 0007

  • Joey Arnold Where did compost first come from?
  • Sam Vimes Where did God first come from?
  • Gerry Haines Joey Arnold - go do Rural Studies like I did. Look up worms, compost and stuff. Sit a few exams and you will find out. I did, what happened to you?
  • Joseph Holmes The first plants probably used less nutrients but also drew in a variety of different things that they returned to the earth when they died.
  • Joey Arnold Joseph Holmes, if soil came before plants (life), then where did the soil come from originally?
  • Joseph Holmes ... Where is the soil right now Joey Arnold?
    I normally try to avoid calling people stupid but I think in your case it is a terminal case.
  • Sam Vimes "Joseph Holmes, if soil came before plants (life), then where did the soil come from originally?"

    What do YOU think Joey?

    You've asked us loads of questions but haven't addressed a single one of ours.
  • Keith Fosberg Archean organisms are the ultimate pioneers. Not only are they able to utilize primitive materials, they are largely responsible for the oxygen rich atmosphere we enjoy today.
  • Keith Fosberg They also predate plants by a couple billion years.
  • Chris Talley Joey Arnold, it seems like you are asking these questions to make the reader question the existence of life without God. We get it.

    However, most of us also already generally know how this planet formed and basically how life developed. The links are
    posted. The research is in the books and ongoing. You won't convince anyone of Creation or dissuade anyone from evolution or abiogenesis with this "gotcha" style line of questioning.

    If you would like to discuss one topic at a time, go prepare yourself and come back ready. I would love to see some well thought out objections to the research.
  • Joseph Holmes Get to the point Joey or make your own OP to ask some stupid questions...
  • Andrew Bassel I just want to mention real quick this statement

    "Decay is part of life? You think that decay is a good thing? You like it when you get sick?"

    What may be decay and death to us is quite the opposite to the virus breeding in your body making you sick. And the if you die because of it, that decay sucks for us but for the creatures that will eat us up it is wonderful. So is decay really bad? Maybe to those that decay.
  • Gerry Haines " Death feeds on Life and Life feeds on Death"
    Peter Hathaway Capstick.

    See we had books when i was a kid. Unlike Ken Ham , I read more than one. The more books you read, the less likely you are to believe in Genesis.
    Most Creationists ask really easy questions- the sort of questions an intelligent 7 yr old would ask. The fact that somebody who is old enough to come on facebook is asking them still is a terrible indictment of the Creationists cause.
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