Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evolution 0006

  • Joey Arnold My questions are very important. In life, we do not have time to respond to every single comment and every single person. I ask questions about life. It seems that things are getting worse in the universe. It is often an illusion that things get better for humans and life in general.

    Scientists should be able to recreate life themselves. We should be able to answer some of the bigger questions in life. I asked a question about decay. We want to believe that decay is natural. We justify and make excuses for how decay fits into the equation. However, there are many factors and things that we overlook. We become bias, stereotypical, sexist, racist, closed-minded, arrogant, and ignorant, as we make excuses, justifications, for how the universe works, partly out of fear, and out of the desire to want to explain things through our own strength, skills, and wisdom.....
  • Gerry Haines Joey Arnold - you may want to learn a bit about earthworms and compost for yr answer. i did rural studies at high school- well, what Americans would call it, it was actually a Secondary Education in an English Boarding school .
  • Joey Arnold Gerry Haines, I do not think i read about your OP on Abiogenesis. Could you show me where that is? Is it below on this page somewhere?
  • Gerry Haines Its down the page - I will link you .
  • Joey Arnold Gerry Haines, are you saying that plants cannot grow without compost?
  • Sam Vimes Joey where is God?

    Why doesn't creationism explain things as well as science?

    What time was the earth created?

    How many animals left the ark?

    Why does God heal some illness but not amputees?

    Why won't my cupboard door open?
  • Joseph Holmes Decay is what can help return nutrients to the soil
    Plants can grow without compost but compost can be a great benefit in nutrient poor soil
  • Sam Vimes MY questions are important too.

    Doesn't mean posting them in such a way gets us anywhere positive.
  • Joseph Holmes Fertiliser is also a part of decay/growth
  • Keith Fosberg This is a re-post for Joey since he didn't see it the first time.

    Here is a wiki on Pioneer species. It will help you understand some of the issues you are displaying ignorance of.
    ...See More
    Pioneer species are hardy species which are the first to colonize previously dis...See More
  • Joey Arnold Joseph Holmes, which came first, plants or the nutrients in the soil that the plants require?
  • Sam Vimes Joey, where is the garden of Eden?
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