Friday, June 21, 2013

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward Trailer

helenhuntorg helenhuntorg·15 videos
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Uploaded on May 7, 2008
Theatrical movie trailer for Pay It Forward, provided by Warner Bros

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Joey Arnold
  • miamia mia
    I want to watch this movie.
  • seanconl
    This is the saddest movies I have seen, it was all cheerful and happy until the sad sad end, couldn't stop crying, I was at school so I had to hide the tears.
  • MasqApocalyptist
    This movie was pretty fucking bad... The movie itself was so shitty and they just make a 12 year old boy die at the end and OMGGG SAD AF MOVIE!
  • alipouya
    Comment removed
  • MadPropzBaller
    Omg this trailer is so misleading. This is one of the most underrated, most moving movies i have ever seen. You must see it!
    · 3
  • MrBuzzlightyear114
    i don't understand.why the reporter was helped by the man with a dog(gave the car to him). But 4 months earlier, he had the car that the man with a dog gave him 4 months later.
  • Bethanyy wutsherfaic
    I think that's because the reporter started going people by people after receiving the car and hearing the story from the man with the dog. So like, every time the movie showed the reporter, they were showing bits from the future after he received the car..?
    idk if that makes sense.
  • 16manatee
    This Is A Great Movie, But The End Made Me Tear Up. :(
    Still, It's Great Inspiration
  • AdventuresofFatward
    I hate this movie, but it sends a good message and the ending is so sad :( we watching it in school and I was the only one that cried
  • Berber Tiemersma
    I watched it at school as well, and I also was the only one that cried, because I knew this is a movie based off something that actually happened :'(

  • Rainbow Nov commented on his own photo.

  • We do have choices
    Ada banyak remaja yang tumbuh dewasa tanpa harus melewati proses: alay, galau, serba nggak jelas, ngikut2 trend, menghabiskan waktu sia-sia, dsbgnya dan sejenisnya.

    Ada banyak remaja yang segera paham: pendidikan itu penting, rajin belajar, meringankan beban orang tua, melakukan hobi positif dan bermanfaat, berprestasi, bahkan belajar mandiri untuk membiayai sekolahnya sendiri. Kemudian menjadi orang dewasa yang tahu persis harus melakukan apa.

    Nah, kabar baiknya, kita selalu bisa memilih menjadi remaja yang mana.

    --Tere Liye, repos
    Like · · · about an hour ago ·
  • Dude,
    Will you please tell me what is
    your problem with me?!
    I would really like to think
    that you and Ayton Koykoy
    ...See More
    Like · · · 27 minutes ago via mobile ·
  • Today I was on an over-crowded bus but luckily I was able to get myself a vacant seat. But right at the moment when I was about to sit down, I saw one woman carrying a heavy bag trying to get on the bus, so I gave up my seat for her. There's nothing to say up to this point because it was just what should be done, but then some people saw what I had done and they started to do the same: boys gave up seats for girls, young people gave seats for elder ones. You know, it felt so great to see just one little action of mine could affect people and made an amazing chain reaction like this.

    By the way I have just realized that in the last 3 months, everytime I go to school I always feel either sad or scared or disgusted or angry. One example of me being angry is today. Well, this morning I had an exam at my army course and the exam is supposed to last only 50 minutes. The teacher told me to come at 7:30 and as a punctual person, I arrived at the given place 15 minutes earlier. But my teacher didn't showed up himself until 8:15, and after that all the students had to sit and waited for him to do some paperwork and to collect money, which should've been done some days before or at least, which should've taken only 15 minutes, but it did take 30. Even more, I and the others had to wait for nearly half an hour more without any particular reasons. Damn, I know I'm not a well time-organizing person, but it seriously annoyed me very much to see my time being wasted in this way. Ok I'm gonna take a deep breath and read the first story again to calm myself down LOL :))
    Unlike · · · about an hour ago near Ho Chi Minh City ·

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