Sunday, September 22, 2013

FB Evo Crea 03

  • Mathew Benjamin Barnard So, Yes......he was credible.
  • Dave Van House and then...Horus, Attis, Mythra, Dionysus, etc...all these stories were exact copies of the Jesus story...myth.....and vice versa....whatever. and Noah's flood...etc.....Gilgamesh copy. and so on......yawn.
  • Edward Nims Trust in ancient historians at your own risk... There were reports of a LOT of holy men working miracles in those days. Finding "credible" evidence for Jesus being supernatural or doing supernatural things means you also have believe others (although less popular) fit the same bill.
  • Mathew Benjamin Barnard Nice. Stick to the fact that Josephus' writings are verified.
  • Mickey Garces Philo, that wrote extensively on Eastern Mediterranean Jewish theology never mentions a Jewish rabbi going by Jesus in the area. He lived at the right time and place but nothing! Now, would think a man that is feeding the hungry, heeling the sick, bringing people back from the dead, walking on waters, preaching a new kind of Jewish theology would draw some attention from a prolific writer such as Philo. Nothing!!
    The only mention of his life is in the 4 anonymous gospels. Not even Paul writes anything about his history. As if he didn't know any of it except birth and crucifixion. Its like me talking about Hobbits and middle earth as if it was true. At least I know who wrote the Hobbit!
    Have you ever wondered why the gospels are first in the NT when Paul's letters are older? That is great editing. It puts Paul right in the middle of a historical Jesus. Brilliant!
  • Mathew Benjamin Barnard Conveniently ignore Josephus, Mickey. He's a historian that has been verified by archaeologists.
  • Mathew Benjamin Barnard Mickey, that's convenient editing on Your part. 
  • Mathew Benjamin Barnard Outside the Bible, Jesus is also mentioned by his near-contemporaries. Extra-Biblical and secular writers (many hostile) point to Jesus' existence, including the Roman writings of Tacitus, Seutonius, Thallus and Pliny. Consider the chronicle of Cornelius Tacitus (55 to 117 A.D.). Tacitus was a Roman statesman and historian. He held several positions in the Roman government, including that of proconsul, or governor of the Roman provinces in Asia. Tacitus is also regarded as the "greatest historian" of ancient Rome. One of the crowning achievements of Tacitus’ work is Annals, a 16 volume history of the Julian emperors from Tiberius to Nero, written between 115 and 117 A.D. In this work, Tacitus wrote about persistent reports of Jesus’ resurrection.
  • Mickey Garces As a theological historian I don't doubt Josephus for a second Mathew but you are grasping at straws. He was born after Jesus was supposed to have lived and he just heard the same stories as everybody else! Its irrelevant to the truth my friend!
    10 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Mathew Benjamin Barnard I mentioned other non Biblical source. Read them.
  • Mathew Benjamin Barnard Oh, So now you're in favor of having to witness an event? Kinda Funny.
  • James Daniel Logan "Oh, So now you're in favor of having to witness an event? Kinda Funny."

    Or forensic or archaeological evidence.....
    10 hours ago · Like · 1
  • John Armagh //Oh, So now you're in favour of having to witness an event?//
    Are you suggesting that only you are allowed to apply those rules, Mathew?
    10 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Sergio Amezcua Mickey Garces... There is no such thing as creation science. There is only science. Creation was a supernatural event. Science can only observe and describe it. "Secular Science".... Observes creation and attributes it to accident and coincidence.
  • Mark Rogers if you dare geniuses----- evolution LOL
  • Sergio Amezcua Mickey Garces... Scripture is sacred text, the wire of God. They are not " stories" invented and passed around by men.
  • Bonz Newman Jesus was a Creationist, he believed in a literal 6 day creation>

    So you ADMIT that Jesus was ignorant.

  • Ollie Menham Did you just compare scripture to a tv crime-drama series, Sergio? Who does Dominic West play?
  • Mickey Garces No but what you want us to believe is supernatural. Which has no verifiable proof! I can not prove to you that Alexander the Great lived either. But there is no supernatural component so the probability of his life is much more in the whelm of reality.
  • Sergio Amezcua Edward Nims, there were lots of " Holy Men" in ancient times working miracles according to their gods. This is verified in scripture. Although those works were demonic. You guy should try reading the Bible sometime, and stop relying on Wikipedia.
    10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Edward Nims Sergio Amezcua // They are not " stories" invented and passed around by men.//

    Yes they are. That is EXACTLY what they are. Just like all the other collections of stories passed around by men.
  • Sergio Amezcua Science has no answer for life.... It remains a great mystery. Until they admit to the creator, it will remain a mystery.
    10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2
  • John Armagh There is no such thing as secular science,Sergio. There is only science. Science observes what is happening and uses forensic methods to determine what *has* happened - and from that builds a framework through which to understand *how* things work, how they originated and how it all fits together.

    Science attributes the natural properties inherent in the universe (irrespective of where those properties came from) to account for all natural phenomena in the universe. 

    And if an omniscient and omnipotent God created the universe then the natural properties of the universe would be sufficient to cause the existence of every natural phenomena in it.

    And if you believe in a god which has not created such a universe then you cannot believe in an Almighty God - you must either believe in a flawed god, or a deceptive one.
    10 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Sergio Amezcua " Collection of stories" is simply an argument from ignorance..... By those who believe they have knowledge of the truth
    10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Mark Rogers "Coal: Evidence for a Young Earth"


    Evolutionary theory requires millions of years in the formation of coal in order to afford time for the development of living organisms whose fossils are found in coal deposits. However, laboratory and field research has demonstrated that coal is formed rapidly and in vast quantities. These vast coal deposits are unsullied by other material. The conclusion is drawn that actual research indicates a young age to the Earth that contains such coalified materials.


    "If coal takes millions and millions of years of heat and pressure to form, how is it possible that creationists are teaching that the earth is only a few thousand years old?" This is a commonly asked question among individuals seeking answers about the age of the earth and the universe. Research has been done by several creation organizations, as well as independent scientists, in order to answer such questions. The evidence actually shows that coal does not take millions of years to form, as is commonly asserted. In fact, the formation of coal has been proven to be a rapid process that can be duplicated in modern laboratories in a matter of days - or even hours.

    I. Rapid Formation

    In order for coal to be formed, several factors must be present. Pressure, temperature, water, time, and some sort of vegetation are the key elements for the formation of coal. According to evolutionary theory, the slow accumulation and decomposition of vegetation living in past ages accounts for the coal seams. However, this theory can not answer why such large amounts of original vegetation without soil can be found in the areas that are now coal seams, or how these coal seams became so thick - some being over two hundred feet in depth.

    Scientist Robert Gentry analyzed coalified wood found on the Colorado Plateau in order to determine how long it took for coal to form.1 By treating coal with epoxy and slicing it into thin sheets, Dr. Gentry was able to examine tiny, compressed radiohalos found in the coal. Radiohalos are discolorations in the coal, ejected by radioactive elements in the centers (such as uranium).

    According to evolutionary theory, in order for these halos to form, several processes must have occurred. First, water-saturated logs must have been laid down in several different geologic formations, including the Triassic, Jurassic and Eocene layers. Later, uranium solutions infiltrated the water-saturated logs, and uranium decay products were collected at tiny sites within the logs. The radioactive decay from the tiny particles ejected spherical radiation damage regions around those sites, thus producing halos. Finally, a pressure event on the site of the formations compressed the logs as well as the radioactive halos within them. However, because coal is not a malleable substance, scientists know that these logs had not turned to coal at the time the compression event occurred. This points to a quick burial and coalification of the logs – rather than a long time period.2

    II. Decay Ratios

    When the ratio of uranium decay to its decay product (lead) is analyzed, the conclusion is drawn that all the logs within the various geologic formations were buried at the same time. The high lead-to-uranium ratios admit the possibility that both the initial uranium infiltration and the coalification could possibly have occurred within the past several thousand years.3

    III. Polystrate Fossils

    The presence of "polystrate" trees (trees petrified or coalified in an upright position) point to a rapid coalification process. One of the most commonly known polystrate trees is found at Katherine Hill Bay, Australia. This fossilized tree can be seen extending over twelve feet, through several sedimentary layers. According to evolutionary theory the different sedimentary layers took hundreds of thousands of years to accumulate. However, we know this is impossible since the tree would have decomposed long before the sediments would have had time to accumulate. Rather, this tree is testimony to the catastrophic and rapid burial that must have taken place.

    IV. Unsullied Deposits

    Finally, coal seams such as those found in the Powder River Basin of Gillette, Wyoming, ranging from 150 to 200 feet in depth, point to a rapid coalification process. "These coal seams run remarkably thick and unsullied by other material. Usually, unwanted sediments, such as clay, washes over a deposit before coal seams can get very thick. This leaves scientists with the baffling question of how the seams get so massive and still remain undiluted by influxes of clay and other impurities before they thicken."4


    The answer can be found in the Biblical account of Noah's Flood. The Biblical description of the fountains of the great deep breaking up gives strong reference to volcanic activity in the pre-Flood basins.5 This would have provided several of the key factors need for the production of coal, along with an explanation of how the process could have occurred at such a rapid pace.

    Although the coalification process has been used in the past to support theories of an aged universe, research done by leading creation scientists reveals that this process actually supports creation teachings of a young Earth. Physical evidence demonstrates that the coalification process must have occurred rapidly, rather than over vast time periods.
    10 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Sergio Amezcua John...secular science is a convenient term to describe science that denies God. You certainly cannot go to any university and choose from " Creation Chemistry"..or " Secular Chemistry". Only the study of molecular science without giving credit to the Creator.
    10 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1
  • Mark Rogers The Earths Magnetic Field

    Many people know that the earth has a magnetic field, but few are aware that this field is shrinking. This decrease has been measured over a period of 150 years, and the rate of the decrease shows that something very earth-shaking took place less than 6000 years ago. The fossil record contains evidence of great disturbances in the field that give us an idea of the magnitude of the geologic events during Noah's flood. This fact sheet answers some common questions on this subject, beginning with basic questions about magnetism and ending with some current theories about geomagnetism.

    What's a magnet?

    Everyone knows what a magnet is, or what a magnet does. An invisible force (the magnetic field) attracts iron objects. This force can be very strong. A better question is ``Why does a magnet attract iron objects?''. For this we must take a look at what a magnet is made of.

    If you take a bar magnet and break it in half, you end up with two smaller bar magnets. If you break the halves into fourths, you get four small bar magnets. If you have enough patience and time you can repeat this until you have millions of microscopic magnets.

    All magnets have two poles; a north pole and a south pole. We call this a dipole (two poles). Two north poles or south poles repel each other. Try forcing the two north poles of two bar magnets together. The unseen magnetic field makes it feel like there's a water balloon between them resisting your push. Opposite poles (a north and a south) attract strongly.

    How do you make a magnet?

    Since opposite poles attract, you can put two magnets together to make a larger magnet. If you have many little magnets, you can keep adding magnets into a larger mass and have one large, strong magnet.

    Some molecules, some atoms, and all electrons are little magnets. So why isn't everything magnetic? In most matter, the molecules, atoms, and electrons are all jumbled up together. In a strong magnet, most of the little magnets (magnetic domains if you want to get fancy) point in the same direction. This makes the magnetic force of all the little magnets add up to make a large magnet, called a permanent magnet.

    Free magnets tend to align with each other. You can try this by placing one magnet on a table and slowly moving another magnet toward it. The magnet that is loose on the table turns to align with the magnet in your hand. If you stroke a piece of iron with a magnet, you gradually align the little magnetic domains, and the result is a larger magnet.

    Electric current is the flow of electrons through a conductor. A conductor is a material that lets the electrons hop from atom to atom when influenced by an outside force. If you move a wire (which is an electric conductor) through a magnetic field, you force (induce) the electrons to travel in one direction through the wire. Electrons flowing through a conductor create a magnetic field around the conductor. This is called electromagnetism.

    Can you ´unmake´ a magnet?

    A stronger magnet can partially realign the magnetic domains of a weaker magnet.

    Many different substances can be made into permanent magnets. However, for all these materials, there is a critical temperature called the Curie point. At this temperature or above, the molecules within the material are moving around too much for the material to retain the magnetic alignment necessary to exhibit a magnetic field.

    How big can a magnet be?

    We live on a magnet. The earth itself has a large magnetic field called the geomagnetic field. You can see the effects of the field when you use a compass to find out which direction is north.

    Earth's magnetic field is very complicated. It can be thought of as being one large magnetic dipole with twelve more small magnets arranged at various angles.

    A curious fact about Earth's magnetic field is that it is not lined up with the spin axis. Its alignment is about 11 degrees off the axis defined by the north and south poles. (Without knowing this, you can't find the North pole using only a compass!)

    What does Earth's magnetic field do for us?

    The magnetic field helps us find our way around. Using a compass, we can tell which way is north even when there are no familiar landmarks in sight.

    The magnetic field shields us from much harmful radiation. Cosmic rays come from all directions, and the sun sends out a steady stream of high-energy particles known as the solar wind.
    10 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Mickey Garces John, Christian theology has been in a quagmire for at least 200 years plus. They must employ the fight or plight response such as it takes faith to believe in evolution or there is creation science.

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