Thursday, November 14, 2013


  • Original Oatmeal "The governments, whom muzzles the freedom of speech, run a risk......."
  • Joy Dinh you are wrong, that's what I copied from my book...plz don't correct my mistakes if I dont ask... you can correct others' mistakes if they ask or want someone to correct ...
  • Original Oatmeal There needs to be some pauses between the different thoughts. The commas are used as breaks to separate the different clauses.

    Joy Dinh, you need to be more open-minded. Do not be so stubborn. You should listen to the advice of native English speaking teachers like me.

    You should not separate yourself from the group. You should be transparent enough to accept corrections, reproof, discipline, enlightenment, that can accelerate and advance your skills in life.

    It is better to be life-long learners. It is more suitable to take in criticism and to listen to feedback, comments, messages, ideas; that is even when some pills are tougher to swallow at times.

    Many times, even native English teachers ignore the technically and the details that goes into commas.

    Commas are often very commonly ignored and looked past. English speakers may even argue between whether commas are necessary at times.

    Often times, commas make things sound better, that is even if the commas are not always technically, exactly, and specifically required.

    Remember that you are not exactly a native English speaker.

    Remember that I am absolutely a pure-breed native English speaker from the United States.

    I am also a professional writer. I've been writing for the past 20 years in English.

    I have been writing and speaking in English for the past decade in front of large audiences.

    In the United States, I would even correct other native English speakers.

    We all make mistakes.

    I make mistakes as well.

    You can always correct my mistakes.

    Even as a native English speaker.

    Even as a native English teacher.

    I will keep myself open to that.
  • Joy Dinh my bf is also a native English teacher, and he told me I was right, you were wrong... dont be so stubborn.... I know why some English centers dont recruit you ,,,,
  • Joy Dinh I corrected your mistakes but you didnt listen to me, I hate that...
  • Zhiqing Yan When speakin there is no need for that. As long as it makes sense. You don't have to be so strict like that. Dont have to show off you experience in English. Joy Dinh open this topic so people can discuss about it and nothing more. And pls do not make a war or any argument.
  • Bruno Vieira I agree Zhiqing. I believe this group was made to share what every each one knows about english. No matter how advanced or beginner you are. If Joy doesn't want have her posts corrected, we must not do it. It's her right. This virtual place is for teaching and learning, not for changing principles.
  • Alexandre Lara These are the limits that I have said before.

    Like Bruno Vieira said: "If Joy doesn't want have her posts corrected, we must not do it. It's her right.", it's a proof that we have freedom to speech (at least on the internet) but it is important respect the decisions of others.
  • James Hickman Mr Oatmeal, you are acting like an asshole. Care to critique that?
  • Original Oatmeal You need to research about the importance of commas. You shouldn't simple resort to the advice of others. Often times, even love blinds us. We need to get second opinions about things.

    Clauses should be separated with commas. Many native English speakers are ignorant of these things.

    Native speakers are not always the best English teachers. What you need is the consultation of writers.

    Humans should desire doing what is better. It is always better to help people. When people are going the wrong direction in life, you shouldn't just let them. If your plane is about to crash, you should help your friends out, even if they do not want your help. You do not let people crash and burn.

    Do not merely seek to please others.

    Seek to truly help others.

    People do not always know what they need in life.

    We should seek to give others what they need over what they simply desire, want, through, depravity, lust, of the eyes, and the pride of life.

    Life is too short to let people go down the wrong paths in their own lives.

    Clauses improves grammar.

    Commas are fundamental.

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