Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ignorance is Worse Than Anger?

Ignorance is Worse Than Anger?

What is worse than being hated? I think it is simply being ignored. 

Acknowledgement of someone, who they are and how they feel is not only kind but shows respect and gives dignity. 
Let us treat others as we would like to be treated....easily said, not always so easily done, especially with the "prickly" people.
Like ·  ·  · 2 hours ago near Torrance, CA · 

  • Rachel Mayfield We miss you guys!!! If you come back we'll all shave our legs so you don't have to worry about prickly people anymore! 
    2 hours ago via mobile · Like
  • Joey Arnold Boys hit girls because girls have bugs. Girls hit boys, since boys drool, cats rule. Children yell to their parents, "I hate you." Parents may echo that line back.

    In Star Wars, Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) says to Kenobi, "I hate you," but they were closer than brothers. 

    I'm not advocating so-called "HATE" here but hate does offer a bit of possible communication, of possible constructive criticism, of possible momentum change, progress, alteration, that is if the person that is wrong heeds the advice of the person that is right, that is unless if both were wrong and/or right and/or other alternatives.

    It appears that Christ was angry, or so it says, as he turned the tables at the temple, saying that it has become a den of robbers, of thieves. In the Old Testament, it will talk about the anger of the Lord, because God is a jealous God and God hates corruption, and God wants things to get better.

    If your child does wrong, please do not ignore him. I am not asking you to get so angry that you overly abuse your child, but please talk to your child, because ignorance is not actually "Bliss," and I am not even sure the exact meaning to the word "Bliss," either.

  • Kyle Smith Thanks Joey. Sometimes hate is more like an act or an action between some when they just cant work out how to show love.
    about an hour ago via mobile · Unlike · 1
  • Matthew Spiros When my parents first got married, the priest told them that the opposite of love isn't hate but indifference and that it's better to argue than to completely ignore the person, because to hate or argue you have to at least care that the person exists.
  • Ginny McMillen I've heard that ignoring someone is actually more detrimental to the mental health of a person than that of actual physical or verbal Abuse. Not that I agree with either of those, just something I've heard. Maybe there is truth to it?
  • Joey Arnold We are sometimes taught to avoid conflicts, which is something I try avoiding as well, but we shouldn't try too hard to avoid and ignore everything in life that is heated, different, challenging, possibly bad, or what have you. I do not like it when people say that I just like to argue just to argue, but it's better than being the kind of parent who let's their children do whatever they want in order to avoid possible arguments, fights, debates, conflict, issues, problems. 

    I am not advocating violence. I hate arguments, but I love the possible outcomes at the end when the rainbow comes out after the rainy thunder storm. Sometimes hate can be a good thing or bad thing, but ignorance is more often a bad habit than a good alternative.

    Ginny, I agree that ignorance can hurt, and on the other side of the spectrum, abuse can dwarf maturity in character development. In life, we need to seek that balance because we may need to kind of ignore certain things at times, and we are to stand up for what is right and to hate evil and to share what we can with others.

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