Saturday, July 20, 2013

What About Trafficking?

What About Trafficking?

Eric Frendo-Cumbo
I wish I would stop hearing stuff about slavery it's not happening now so stop acting like it is. Yes it was bad I'll admit that and yes its fine to share with your children the horrible history of it but don't bring it up as if your still being slaved.

I have a lot of respect for people on this earth but I wish I would stop hearing about the racism stuff as if both countries America and Canada are full out to get a rid of legal immigrated residents. Sometimes when I hear this its almost as if everybody who is white is out to get you. Were not all racist I will admit there is quite a few out there but I highly doubt that's a population around the size of a full state.

Again I'm not here dissin I have a lot of great friends from different backgrounds hell I have different backgrounds as well. Yes I may have been born here but my Grand Parents both came from different countries. Has anybody said anything to your face about where you came from or the color you are. If not why complain cause it just expands to more problems.

If nothing is said to you or your face lets broaden the population a bit here and lets all be happy about the freedom that's given to us cause I can guarantee you wouldn't be getting the same respect in Iraq or other parts of Europe and Asia.
Like · · · about an hour ago near Oshawa, Ontario ·

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