Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Contribution is Optional?

Not everybody has the money to bring dishes to potlucks. 

When you require contribution, you disable its freedom to be free. 

Potlucks originated to help those who cannot financially afford to adequately contribute to meals.

When you go to a church potluck, most of them will not kick you out if you are empty handed, because that would defeat the purpose.
I am not against contribution. 

However, I am against the requirement of contributions, which is a separate issue all together.
In a related issue, gifts must be optional as well. 

If you force somebody to give you a gift, it longer is a gift because it instead becomes a fine, a requirement, a due. 

If you have to buy a gift for a person, then it is the same as paying rent for a room, or the same as paying your dues, or the same as buying something, like as in a trade or transaction.

I would change the wording in these kinds of things. I would say that contribution is highly recommended and encouraged. That is what we should say. 

We should not force people to contribute, to be nice.

When we force people to do things, we are in fact asking them to be our slaves, our robots, our butlers, our maids.

Please give people freedom and room to make their own decisions on how they are to live their lives.

When you force people to contribute, to give, to share, to smile, to give back, to help out, then you risk pushing them back behind the masks of insincerity of being a fake plastic people who are scared out of fear, who say what they were forced and brain-washed to say.

Be nice to people.

Do good to others.

Do not force people to return the favor.

It betters the integrity and character factors for the farther enhancing character development and acceleration that each individual must partake in.

trang PoilyPrivate_message
We need a place to celebrate for free. It's useful and reasonable because we have all food already. So let us know if anyone can host. It maybe your house with a enough space... no need to very beautiful or modern as coffee shop.

Steven CarreraPrivate_message
I guarantee a good time if you host this event for the CS Saigon community!

Minh SuongPrivate_message
Not everybody has the money to afford to bring dishes to potlucks. When you require contribution, it no longer becomes free. Potlucks originated to help those who cannot financially afford to adequately contribute to meals.

When you go to a church potluck, most of them will not kick you out if you are empty handed, because that would defeat the purpose.

I am not against contribution. However, I am against the requirement of contributions, which is a separate issue all together.

In a related issue, gifts must be optional as well. If you force somebody to give you a gift, it longer is a gift because it instead becomes a fine, a requirement, a due. If you have to buy a gift for a person, then it is the same as paying rent for a room, or the same as paying your dues, or the same as buying something, like as in a trade or transaction.

I would change the wording in these kinds of things. I would say that contribution is highly recommended and encouraged. That is what we should say. We should not force people to contribute, to be nice.

When we force people to do things, we are in fact asking them to be our slaves, our robots, our butlers, our maids.

Please give people freedom and room to make their own decisions on how they are to live their lives.

When you force people to contribute, to give, to share, to smile, to give back, to help out, then you risk pushing them back behind the masks of insincerity of being a fake plastic people who are scared out of fear, who say what they were forced and brain-washed to say.

Be nice to people.

Do good to others.

Do not force people to return the favor.

It betters the integrity and character factors for the farther enhancing character development and acceleration that each individual must partake in.

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