Friday, April 26, 2013

I am New Here

i'm new !

Tran HuePrivate_message
Tran HuePrivate_message
i did ,Joey :D
John n PPrivate_message
nice to meeet you, to improve E skills must be talk and talk, hope to see you.
Tran HuePrivate_message
@ John :hope to meet you too ^^
John n PPrivate_message
@Tran Hue: add in face we will talk by Eppphuoccc@yahoo. com
Tran HuePrivate_message
@ John :i added :P
John n PPrivate_message
have u ever come to SG, contact to drink "chat with lemon tea"
like HN style
Original OatmealPrivate_message
I can help you with your English. I was born and raised in the United States. I know excellent English.

(84) 0-163-425-1695

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