Hello my fellow members. I want to ask how much is the price of a scooter, or motorbike, new? Also, where do you consider to be a (more...)
If you have much money, district 7 is the best place for you. But in my opinion, district 3 is really good, - near the city center, suitable, unexpensive houses, suitable costs, easy to find a work......... I'm not sure about the crime rate. But I can think district 3 is the safest place. I suggest you to use a scooter, you can choose Honda Air Blade or Yamaha Nouvo. They're not very expensive. A VietNam Honda Air Blade is about 2000 USD....
I bought bicycle for $100 USD (2.000.000 VND). I do not have a motor bike. My bicycle is not new. My bike has no motor. My bike is old and used. I can go just as fast as a motor bike. I do not have to really pay money for gas, parking, accidents, parts. I save a lot of money with my bike. It is a lot of fun. It is good exercise as well.