Monday, May 27, 2013

What the Heck is Going On? Asks Kevin Trương.

Trâm Phạm continues to inaccurately portray who I am. 

Many of the things she says is based from hearsay from third parties. 

She never asked me about some of the details. She automatically chooses that I am guilty until proven innocent. 

In other countries, you are innocent until proven guilty. 

I choose to give people a benefit of a doubt instead of assuming & expecting the worse from people. I do say thank you. I know how to fold my clothes. I never ask things from people. Questions are the fundamental building blocks to enhancing evolution. 

I plan to write a book about these details. I am disappointed with these lies. 

I would like to share some of these things here. I will like to respond to all of these things later. 

I believe these things can help others. 

As Kevin Trương posts, I want to echo the same line, "What the heck is going on?" because all of this is a bit conflicting to say the least because people are clearly telling lies about me, Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal, & that is a devolution to their character & integrity. 

What would Jesus? L4OJ. 

Jesus wouldn't spread unfair inaccurate fallacies & heresies about individuals he barely knew.

Kevin TrươngPrivate_message

I really do'nt know that the heck is going on??

Trâm PhạmPrivate_message
Trước khi cmt về nội dung, em nghĩ chúng ta nên có 1 buổi gặp nhau, dán hình ảnh truy nã hắn trên mọi nẻo đường :)) để hắn phải cút khỏi nơi đây.

Trâm PhạmPrivate_message
Tôi là một nạn nhân khi đã quyết định giúp đõ hắn vì đã từng suy nghĩ như Trang Le, Phoebe.... Gặp lần đầu thôi! OK lắm, nhưng khi tiếp xúc thì thật bịnh hoạn! Mọi ngườ chỉ muốn giúp nhau đè phòng thôi. Còn nếu muốn tự mình có kinh nghiệm thì cứ host anh ta đi.

Phuc BuiPrivate_message
The reason why we were on here is because of someone who keeps creating profiles and keep spending time on here, answering almost every topics.

And also, on that someone's page, there are also lots of posts about our country, about how poor we were, about how bad we are, and about how we deal with people, bla bla bla.
So this is really my last word about this case:

I am on this page to help people. And I love to help people. And really, I don't want my help to be used and then after all, that someone says how bad I was when I didn't really help him with his crazy requirements, which are 10$/month for a room, a bike for 5$, a brand new phone for 5$...

Since then, he began to compare how bad Vietnam was, how poor we were, and how mental we were with our country.

You can say anything, but if you compare how bad our country is, he will get back something for that. If he compared our country with America, and say how good America was, why didn't he come back to America? Why does he have to be here, and get the job which belongs to us Vietnamese?

Do you know why he doesn't come back there?

Any idea about it?

And so, like I said, I don't like people who insult my country, who keeps creating fake accounts to reply to every topics on here, who keeps posting how bad our country is on his blog/facebook page.

If someone insults your country and your people, what would you think, guys?

And really, these are a few posts of him on his blogspot some really 'nice' titles!

REALLY? Vietnam is the 51st state of America?? Sorry! Learn more about history please!!!


Very simple. 

Stop feeding the trolls. 

Its not rocket science to figure that out. Peace out.

Phuc BuiPrivate_message
And really one more short statement that he has made here!

- I will copy and paste this message to my blogs. We are not arguing. You do have mental problem inside your head like many Asians do because you do not understand some of the things that I am saying. You must be less evolved. It is a huge shame. I am not arguing with you. 

I do not really disagreeing with you. I am simply supplementing and adding to it.-

Trang LePrivate_message
I have never met Joey, but I have read a few of his messages. I found his language is cordial and respectful, he never uses offensive words. Unlike some strong critical languages written about him that borderline egregiousness. To me, Joey appears just a lonely soul wanting to reach out. If you can help a person, it is all good. We need more of random acts of kindness to be conceived. But remember, help never asks for a return.

I fully understand that there are any number of situations and behaviors out there that should not be tolerated. But in the peculiar case of eccentric Joey, I wonder what is the real crime? There is none. Are we too self-righteous btw? It is bothersome to me following these posts is the growing lack of human acceptance exhibited in our daily dialogue. It's not only confined to this site, but it is everywhere in our becoming intolerant world. Sanctimonious stances abound.

Nowadays, it almost seems we are increasingly adopting the critic's mentality on anything. Everyone is holding a rigid standard that closes on tolerance just to see who is in or out of it. The concept of Live and Let Live is fast disappearing and now it is Live as I want u to Live.

What has changed within human nature that we are unable to accept anything that does not meet our own ways of thinking. If society has to grow and become rich in humanity than we have to accept our differences as well as our limitations. Look at nature-everything subsists under the common grounds and each every life lives in perfect accordance to their inherent nature. Imagine if we had only lions and jackals roaming the world not allowing any other creature to do their own role to support nature’s laws. This would lead us to a doom of natural imbalance. We need the big trees as well as the small shrubs.

We also need courage to rise above our own prejudice and collective fear. I have to admit that sometimes I am definitely more of the cup-is-half-empty kind of guy. But I always try hard to point out the part that is half full. I would love to see our society learn to use our critical abilities toward more positive outcomes. If we can see the fault, then surely we can also see a workaround. If we can see what's missing, surely we can also see what could be added to improve the situation. Please, let Joey be Joey.

We have to embrace diversity, it's the only way to be alive.


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