Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Joey Arnold is Sicker Than Your Dog

Kathy Thao Duong, a Vietnamese citizen woman, born & raised, of Saigon, Vietnam (VN), is still telling lies about me, Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal. I was not her boy friend (BF). I am her friend.

She is writing in Facebook & Couch Surfing about me. I was not trying to kill my dad's girl friend (Robin Baker). Ask my father about this. Ask my family about this. Robin is always drunk. She was yelling at me. Robin called the cops. I took her cell phone from her. Later, she called again & when the cops came, they asked me & I said that I did in fact interfere with the 911 call, & that is why I had to go to jail for that month. It was my first & only time to jail. They threw me in jail on Friday the 13th, of July, of 2012. I was living at my father's trailer, where I was born & raised at, in Forest Grove, Oregon USA. I was working landscaping with my dad. That night, I was trying to cook dinner for myself, & Robin was yelling at me, called the cops & had me arrested. 

I went to teach but then New Star English Center (in Bac Ninh VN) did not hire me. Andy Nguyen, the manager & owner of Papa Foods in Bac Ninh let me stay & work at his restaurant in December 2012. I wrote emails, went to schools, websites, places, & later taught English to college students in Hanoi for 2 weeks, then at the Muong Village Museum, & at a few other cities, but I was running out of time, & I still had a suitcase back in Papa Foods. Can you carry 2 suitcases on a motor-bike? I had to leave 1. Andy told that was fine until he changed his mind later on.

At the last minute, I ended up going to Saigon around a week before my visa was going to expire on Friday, the 22nd of February 2013. There are no guarantees in life & I was not able to grab & carry 2 suitcase on my way to Saigon, & I was not sure if I would find a job in Saigon or not. I was able to find 3 different Teaching English jobs in Saigon & there is more where that came from.

No pain, no gain.

Here are some of the things that Kathy is writing, as follows:

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