Who invented Christmas and how did it all begin.
I ever come to my senses I will tell you about a guy name Saint Nick
and about how Christmas is connected to Christ and his birth. His birth
is important because He needed to have been born to be able to die, as a
man to pay the penalty of our sins [Romans 6:23]
that we may be saved by confessing that he did just that. Santa Clause
came from many different sides of stories, but Christ is key for the
reason of the season.
The melody of so many songs still echo in my head. Stand up, stand
up, for Jesus, for he will give you strength and courage. We don't have
to be perfect, just a small faith And A Willing Heart!!! And he will
give you the strength and courage. You don't have to be afraid. He will
make a David out of you.
Easy, to get mad, but it goes beyond that.
People don't understand me. They think I have trouble with Authority,
but it goes beyond rebeling. It's unexplained. But not rebeling.
Ine testimonies people say they rebel, but I don't know what that means in that way of saying.
I know what rebeling means and what it is but you can't just say "I
rebeled" and blah blah. That means nothing. If you are giving a
testimony then give specifics or something for people that may not
As for me:
People call me racist, and give me a hard time, especially about girls, and it drives me insane.
I've been through all my life and it's like persecution. It is like a back ache that never goes away.
People think I'm a rebel without a cause and then they sent me off out of meaness and not out of love.
People doubt my abilities and walk all over me. It is something I
dare not admit, but if it wasn't for God then my life would be
depressing. God puts joy in a joyless place.
I'm sad. I also feel to stop talking to people and stop being nice,
because people think to teach something but it is not working. They fail
to see why I do things. If authority says jump off a bridge, do you do
it? Christians fail to see what respecting and obeying authority means.
I'm not neglecting authority.
They fail to see it. And it hurts to see that likewise in one accord
of mind that they turn it around to be neglectful back at me. They fail
to see. To hurt my feelings and my ways. I can't stand it and I don't
understand why it is like that.
I feel alone so often.
I don't picture myself apart of any group.
I'm not a hard core athlete. I'm barely an athlete.
Kind of an artist.
Kind of a writer.
Kind of a movie maker.
Barely would hop on a skateboard, but would love to here and there.
Barely a comedian but still enjoy making people laugh.
I'm not a prep, yet hang with them a lot.
Not a gangster,
homie, pimp,
or thug, even tho I have been hanging with them and declare as one of them more than a dozen of times.
I'm not a trouble maker, but I have made trouble.
I am not a quiet guy, but I have been quiet a lot.
I'm not a loud boy, but have been loud a whole lot.
I'm not a flirt, but have flirted.
I'm a little bit of this, and a little bit of that, but people fail to see this.
I'm up and down, and I feel like doing one thing but I may or may not do as I feel. I may do right, may not.
I may not say sorry but mean it and forget to say sorry or have a hard time to.
I have a hard time knowing what to do.
People say time after time that I am sarcastic, when I don't mean to, and I wasn't trying to.
I mean I don't understand why people can say that when they know not my heart?
They know not my heart but they must believe that a familar phrase that is normally sarcastic doesn't have to be sarcastic.
It doesn't have to.
It is so hard to live out what is inside me.
People see what is not there.
they Judge.
But so do I.
So I still have to examine myself through.
Sigh. Yet, help me God. Grow in me. But tell others who I am. |
It has been several years since I've seen a dirty dirt devil dirtify
at the ranch. Oregon had 'em, but I've only seen a few in those few last
years of the decade.
Matt Jenks, busting out a castle Nintendo game. Nintendo old school rocks.
I'm eating a blue Bunny nascar speedway sundae. |
Driven from within, I know I can make a drifference.
One person can make a different.
Within is the creator, the supreme, the bling bling, my God.
Feelings ride the roller coaster but my life must not be determined from that roller coaster.
I must rely on God, completely, and undeniably.
I know nothing of what is happening next.
I know not when I will be in Oregon this winter.
I know not if I will be able to see my brother for the first time since two years.
I wonder but I must not fear in anxiety, I must rely on God, for he is soverign.
I must not worry about my future concerning girls. I must not think that it is all up to me in finding someone.
God will supply what I need. If I need a wife, I will get one, bottom line. So I need not worry and need not to take the load.
I must have God take the load.
Life's load is too big for me.
I must let this online diary aid me mainly on my growth.
If this diary aids or encourages or possibly entertains others than great,
but mainly I pray that this place can remind me what is going on, in
order that I may grow and that it would remind me to grow and to be
pushed higher and higher. |
Guess Who She Is? No, not spongebob, but the girl.
Tiffany Cumbo. |
Joseph Arnold, Box 824.
Christian Character.
Frey, Moyer.
The Gospel is: Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead.
is wise to jump from secular to spiritual, and to then present the
gospel; because heading strait to the gospel from any given subject may
be edgy or offensive.
Dr. Larry Moyer taught us, 1ST Year Students WOLBI [NY], helpful guidelines in witnessing about the gospel. Sam Frey also assisted in teaching us.
the time is right, ask the unbeliever, “Has anybody ever taken a Bible
to show you how you can know that you will have eternal life?” If yes,
then you follow it up with, “are you for sure you’re going to heaven and
why?” Now if they answer the first question, no, then you ask them,
“May I?”
Romans 3:23,
states that we all fall short of God’s standard of being holy and just
like as he is. If we were both to throw poles from the equator to try to
hit the North Pole, we would both throw far, and perhaps you’ll throw
farther, but neither of us would hit the mark. Romans 3:23 say, “For all
have sin, and fall short of the glory of God.”
Romans 6:23,
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life
through our Lord Jesus Christ.” If you worked for me then your “Wages”
would be money. Likewise, our wages for inheriting the sinful nature
from Adam [Romans 5:12] is, unfortunly death [separation from God
the good news is Romans 5:8. “But God demonstrated his own love towards
love towards us, that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”
John 3:16: “For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten son
that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
It’s a substitution. If Michael Jordan bumps into Dennis Rodman in the
NBA game, and becomes unable to play, Scottie Pippen would often “Sub”
in. Christ took our place on that cross. He payed that debt we could
never pay. He payed a debt he did not owe.
Ephesians 2:8-9
gives us hope. “For by grace are we saved through faith and not of
yourself, it is a gift from God. Not of works, less anyone should
9:10-11, “If you confess with your mouth, and believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead then you shall be saved.”
by Grace..” are we saved. It is not by works, or by super faith. By
faith, because of God’s grace. All it takes is a humble heart to trust
Christ as your personal savior.
The Gospel is like nothing else.
It is Godspell. It is the message that brings us unto salvation.
How sweet the sound that saves a sinner. I once was lost but now I am free. |
to understand girls is to become one.
All my pics that I copy and paste onto this Xanga runs away like "Where's Waldo." |
Harvest "Bruised"Jamberee.
The Drama Skit.
At school bullies plow the hallways and bi-ways.
John Carter nails me, and I fly down into the
audience, chairs, door posts, lockers, actors, and scrapping the carpet,
recieving a lord-blessed bruise on my leg. This happens 7 times.
The bullies then beat up the "good kid" and he is pounded to the locker.
Don't worry he isn't payed, but he is a star, so he can get hurt.
I was a nobody, an extra, who didn't deserve any attention, but I got some.
I would fall a different way, every time, and the pushes and falls were real.
I would roll over, slide, and one time I got help up
from the crowd, the dude said, "I got your back." People soon were
asking me if it were real, and if I was ok, and I told them that I'm an
expert. I tryed out on the drama team and didn't make it, "maybe I'm a
stunt devil."
I never got to see Heaven, or hell, in the skit rooms,
but my part in the skit was worth it.
Sarah Goff, a girl next to me, would be the one being pushed down, but
this is just a play and acting takes courage to fall.
All she did was laugh and kind of was pushed backwards, but of course anyone could stay on their feet.
I pray people got saved.
And not because of me, but because it was a team effort.
Sleep during break...
Nintendo music in dream...
Jenna, "wake up, Joey," [probably the 87th time she said that to me, but still cute...
I hear the bell, and then Jenna being silly, trying to wake me up for next class period...
but I couldn't get up...
I was paralyzed...
I thought and thought...
then started wiggling my leg, since my eyes wouldn't open...
eventually, like Lazarus, I arose.
Nothing beats those ten minute naps.
Except for waking up from them. |
The guy behind me, echoes the rythmn. His ears drips.
He calms the guitar, yet beat it to a blues, the girl giggles, "I
don't know how," with an earing, within grace, she's wearing yellow.
She laughs at Mike, as he said, "Have you heard that song."
"What shall we do with a drunken singer," she says, and Mike is set off.
Mind echoes, yet ears curl. Sprite ellimunates, and Integrity crawls away.
Mind ticks, robber in the day. Time diddles.
Kelly comes out. Hey the star on the Newsies pretend last name was Kelly,
it was Jack Kelly.
Small world, as I wonder what makes this world move.
I wonder my agenda. Grace given to me is more than just chocolate.
Chatter among me.
"Wake up Joey," Jenna, in classes.
"You are one funny kid," Tiffany.
Time goes slow, like a mellon to a peach.
Square off, and unite,
peel peel banana and let's do the buggy dance with the Red riding hood.
Matrix that on the side and see if you have butter left to hold down
the gremlins and the haters who yo homie can't get past that but do in
respect but in due time but in light of the Word and in light . |
Sign gifts and spiritual gifts are two different things. truth.
Sign gifts were for a sign, and spritual gifts given to believers when
they became saved. One is viewed as temporary, and the spiritual gifts
are the ones that Christians get to keep forever.
Always be alert of the Hebrew text, concerning "signs."
seeing Christ makes you an apostle. What defines seeing and knowing
God. Apostles are gone, and we now live in the mystery age. We get to
know Jesus when we become saved; yet apostles had special responsibility
in establishing the Bible.
gift of Distributing the sign gifts to others are said to be
exclusively for the Apostles, alone. Sign gifts are also powerless
outside its given time that it should be used at. Passing on the
distributing gift to prolong the toungues, healing, prophesying, and
other like "sign" gifts will be rendered powerless or used by the devil.
gifts are viewed as dead or delayed during this dispensation, at least;
but God's power and ability to do the impossible ceases not. People
need different things for different purposes. Being healed is a virtue;
and we pray that God heal us; and God says that He will answer us and
often He will heal us.
We cannot believe that God does not It has a purpose for certain occasions.Of course false prophets are everywhere and they use the gifts in incorrect ways.
Remember to discern about the truth by studying the truth. Everything is not the sign gift. Be aware of that.
Ongoing revelation is gone; the Holy Spirit lives inside us to convict and apply to us the words that already in the Bible. It is all in the Bible somewhere.
But sometimes God will use different things to help us.
And God can.
Don't ever think that God can't use certain things to make unbelievers believe and make believers grow.
Argue states that we can't pick and choose between certain things in the Bible. But is it really picking and choosing, or is it interpreting the Bible correctly?
Apostles could handle snakes, and drink poison and not die.
But what does that mean?
Does that mean that the apostles slept with snakes?
And drank poison all day?
No, it means God protects his people. Is God not in control?
Can God not spiritually help us?
Look up our American History. Were not many people in the many wars shot at and or other indangers?
How were they protected?
The same way the Apostles were protected.
How is it that Salvation is a gift, but it is seperated from other gifts?
Are spiritually things not for us, and other gifts are?
What are the other gifts use for?
To help us.
So, bigger gifts like toungues or something too great or not important anymore?
Who are we going to believe?
The Bible doesn't close down when those movements would cease.
It hints but it has no date or defined place.
ages refers to the tribulation; it is possible to call the last several
milleniums the end ages.... and in the end times, people will be seeing
visions and healing. Those sign gifts return, but beware of false
Interpretation is tricky.
gifts were for a sign, set out like any other sign that will loose
purpose outside of its needed course. Gifts of the spirit are gifts
given to Christians when they become saved; that means at every believer
has at least one gift:
Based on scriptures, spiritual gifts and sign gifts are separated. Sign gifts were in effect until it has served it's purpose.
At the end of the day, never ever compromise truth of the gospel.
Movie Title: Oatmealjoey.
Need: Actors,
Writers, Editors, Anybody, Comments, replies, questions, People with
ideas, people to just read my script in the next entry.
Scene One Idea is in next entry.
Movie based on a true story. About Joe finding his way in life.
finds out that we can all relate in one form or another. He is scared
of talking to girls due to the death of a good friend Tiffany Cumbo. The
movie starts out in good weather but ends in the storm. In the snow
storm they get stuck in the cafeteria somewhere and they all realize
then That God has destine them to be at the same place at the same time.
may be played by me. And I hope to find editors and writers and
commenter but also actors. Whether in person or online, I will take them
script should be protected but I don't care if anybody steals my ideas.
Life is short and so who cares if people make money off me. |
Script –Oatmealjoey.
First Scene. Original Idea.
close up. Making his Reggie Miller J-O 3 pointer. Getting all rowdy. He
makes the first three. Joe comes flipping in (doing a flip). To give
Mell-Mell his change.
second shot bounces off the rim, and Jamel grabs it (free-throw line)
but Joe tips it out. He dribbles a while and then makes a fade-away
three in Jamel's face, while Jamel is trying to block.
hammer-passes the ball. And Joe prepares for the next shot, but then
guys come in to play 21. (1 on 1 on 1 on 1). They start playing and Joe
is running around as the smallest guy on the court besides for this one
guy. But Joe is still smaller.
steals the ball.. Misses several times in the course of the game.
Finally after a couple steals the other players had enough and ganged up
Joe and Joe falls to the ground due to the steal. Joe is frustrated
that he losses the ball and worries fill his mind.
is on the floor and looks up to see Bethany Williams. She says, get up.
Or something. And he is all perplexed. And unsure but also blushes. Or
she says what are you doing, it’s no time to take a nap.
He is embarrassed and gets up and walks off.
This is the first of many scenes in the movie and the movie can start any way. Girl might actually like him.
Opening scene, Theory 2.
Adam Wills, Guitar playing.
Joe introduces movie like how Bernie Mac does.
Movie starts with Joe in the middle of no where by Chris Zuagg.
Chris can’t come back.
Joe is sad.
Then Joe heads to Word Of Life all feeling like a loner.
He may be reading scripture at the beginning and even singing or even dancing.
Everyone is all friends at beginning but Joe by himself.
And he is scared to talk to girls.
Got desired to win the lost to Christ?
Speaking of desires. Chris Zuagg (humorly) said I'm a "Chic Magnet."
Same thing happens in Oregon.
The Gospel is Christ died for our sins, and rose from the dead.
As simple as that is, people often have their fear overtake their boldness.
Paul says, pray for boldness. Pray that it will overtake the fear.
That's right, it is normal to fear. We all will fear, and fear helps.
Not that the fear prevents you,
but that the fear drives you to be careful,
and without fear, how are we to be careful and cautious?
I will Not Quit, By God's Grace I can do it.
"I am not an Apple living in a tree," says Chris Zuagg.
"Mix It Up," Kari Herinckx.
"Got Integrity," Joey Cool Arnold.
"If Evers were a cartoon, he be a loony toon," Vernon.
"Obi Wone Kenobi, you're my only hope," Princess Leia.
"Man I love being a Turtle," Michaelangelo, the Turtles.
Life is like a box of chocolate,
you aint never know when you might get
the almond one. |
Christmas Plans.... Explained with Pictures.
 Hang with Chris Zuagg?
This idea was presented back in Navajo, months ago.
What would I do in Indiana. Play Nintendo. Talk to Megan?

Eric Koelbl is running off to some state with Chad.
If I hanged with him I might start drinking Mountain Dew.
Then I could hang with Justin Huse in Albany.
I could hang with my brother in Oklahoma.
And yes I should would need to drop by Oregon.
And I want like A camcorder and a cool zip-up binder.
And my birthday is February 11. |
Hungary 28. Laptop in 27. Odd. Waitor. Inn. Mr. Wade. Patience. Trust.
Jews saw God drawn Egyptians, but soon lost trust and focus. |
Today Is someone's birthday.
That reminds me, my birthday is Fevruary 11.
And I left class early because I thought it was noon and not one. But
it was one pm. And the annoucer ladies ran into me on my way out. They
asked me if class was over. and I was like it's 1:00 pm already?
I had to finish my laudry during the last break. I had things to do, people to see,
oatmeal to eat.
I want a camcorder. I want to travel the stars. I want to be an astranaut.
I want Krispy Creame donuts. I want a taller body and play in the NBA.
I want to be myself and take a nap, but I have children ministry right now. |
Hebrews. Work. Naps. Girls. Nevermind.
Word Of Life Bridal Institute. LOL.
Time=limited. Therefore = relying on God.
FROG= Fully Relying On God.
Movie Plan?
If God wills. And an unedited upproach of about 1 hour of randomness. |
Just a boy with a life.
He tooketh a strife.
He hanged like a clover,
and muffed up over.
dared not a girl,
dear with integrity.
Sign in a itch,
and a guy with a twitch.
Turn me over the lever,
and I will metter.
The unbeatable beat,
of the rythmn in dee streetz.
girls ever cute,
i mute un a flute
cry in a lie,
of cheesy rie,
yet God illuminate, shinning on high,
everything so good, and everything, sigh. But Hi.
OVERVIEW: Of “OatmealJoey.”
ACT I…….Joe
is lost in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps by a store. Chris Zuagg
drives his car up to him. On a hot day. ………… Joe is mad that Chris
forgot him. Chris is mad that Joe got lost. ……… Soon Joe is drop off at
WOL, but Chris can’t go. Joe=mad. Joe alone in his new place……….People
gather in their own group.
Overtime Joe accepts this rejection. Arrives to lunch all down.
ACT II……..One
by one he is encourage and uplifted………. But one by one he forgets and
fills doubt in his mind………. He forgets like Israel in Egypt that God
provides and that his people care too……….. …. ,, A girl encourages him.
He expresses thanks with an article and walks off. One by one people
wonder why Joe lacks to grow in relationships…… Why does he stand off.
What is in the way. Is it his past?
ACT III……Slowly Joe realizes that he is important in this life.
always was upset that he wasn’t the best at anything. He is a little
good at everything….He is encourage that inside everyone lies a leader.
He does interviews and finds out amazing things about how In common we
all are.
……Many things happen and on the course of a good story a storm arrives.
The snowstorm is unexpected and is almost the only thing preventing the
movie to end. The snowstorms is deadly, but no one dies.
someone might die……. Joe might die. Joe becomes that guy, perhaps, that
everyone wants to be…….. Everyone is stuck at the cafeteria because of
the storm.
….. They grow. Laugh. Cry. The snow part is the most horrible but also
most inspiring part….. The snow prevents many things, especially because
they’re stuck. But Joe starts explaining in his past.
out of the bad comes something good. They grow like never before from
the circumstances. Romance, comedy, drama, and mysterious things all are
presented in the movie, but the peek of all of those is here.
ACT VI ….. All becomes well somehow. Perhaps Joe saves the storm from hurting them.
And perhaps the movie starts out with showing Joe saving the day.[ For a sec].
He saves them to show love since they all did care about him. Amazing.
His last words are about Oatmeal….. People are safe from the snow
because of him….. Girls are sad. But they all see what he did……Like
Christ too. A sacrifice. Amazing. Love is an action word. As shown.
Action. Truly.
They all learn that anybody can be a hero, for if your average Joe can save the day, then so can you.
But not by Joe’s strength, or his will, but God’s will and strength. Amen.
Joey Arnold x1618
10/4/04 Movie: Oatmealjoey.
Word Of Life Bible Institute New York Presents:
Oatmeal Joey
Produced by Joey Arnold and JJ Hipp.
Fall 2004, in New York.
All rights reserved. And no animals, humans, or anything were harmed in making this movie.
Comments, questions, concerns can be issued to:
A updated overview of a potential movie.
ACT I. SCENE I. OATMEAL INTRO. PHASE I. Background= Power Ranger poster. Hand covers camera while saying, “Opps, wrong movie.” Phase ends seconds after dialog and after camera has blackened the screen.
PHASE II. ZOOM IN. Oatmeal. Z-OUT and follow spoon to mouth. Full view of Joe at crunch. Joe is eating oatmeal.
to someone: “I love Oatmeal. But I also love JC. I know I’m Joe Cool,
but I love Jesus Christ.” Turns to CAMERA. JOE: “Oh, sorry, we’re on.
Yes, I was so busy eating Oatmeal that I forgot you guys came over.
Oatmealjoey truly was a legend. But he also was a boy with a heart and
desire to be used by God. And so God used him. And that is truly
oatmealicious, because he is just your average Joe.”
SCENE II. LOST NOWHERE. LOCATION: far away. Side of road by small store. Sunny day. Joe is lost about his mind. Lost. Chris Zuagg finds him to tell him he can’t come back for second year.
Joe is in his room all-sad. Guys hanging by the near computer all-close.
JAMEL playing ball. Reggie Miller threes. Joe gets into it. And does great at first.
But Joe is either not good enough or is distracted by a girl. And therefore is striped of the ball.
That girl that distracted him or another one comes to him. “Joey, wake up. It’s no time to sleep.”
[Joe gets scared around
girls. Depending on who is in the movie will determine relationships
and details but plot is same. Joe saves day after they save him.]
ACT II. To continue…
Joe may find other letdowns. But eventually people see him for as he is.
But he continues to stand back and be in the distant. He holds back due
to the past. God sends the right people into our life at the right
Joe mad at God. Mad at
how a good friend, Chris, can’t come back for second year. He is mad at
how his friend Tiffany dies a while back before the movie.
People are placed in his life to show him God cares and that God’s people care.
Joe starts writing
articles and adds that he has made these before and that he is a pro at
them. Girls get touched by them and see him as a sensitive guy but He
just stays pro or pretends in his heart that nothing is wrong and backs
Joe’s feelings can’t be
trusted but he tries anyways to trust his feelings and that turns out
to the worse. He gets in trouble with the law and stupid things like
that and now he feels like a loser even more.
ACT III. Yet God’s
people don’t back down or give up. They try relating but he lacks to see
the similarities and he makes excuses about how he is the only one.
Some people run from
him but the real friends or destined people stay and make him open up.
He opens up about his past and he finally starts realizing that he is on
earth to encourage and all that. He starts interviewing people to find
out opinions about life and God.
ACT IV. Storm comes and ups and downs plague his mind and many unique things happen.
ACT V. Storm becomes
deadly and they become close because this is the tragedy part of the
saves the day. ACT VII. People sad of how Joe saves the day but are
encouraged and inspired.
Oatmeal Joey Unedited. Co-Producers JJ Hipp,
Joey Arnold [Phone x1618]. 10/5/04. Movie Theory and hope.
Goal for Film:
Highlight movie. Remind us of character, personality, and charisma in
all of us that differs us as unique individuals but also while comparing
the similarities in all of us. To have fun. Glorify God. Yeah.
Plan on how to make movie:
JJ Hipp schedules appointment with Joey Arnold, and they both note the
time and confirm. Then they go off at that time and press forwards to
accomplish a scene.
Scene Procedure:
Suggested a scene a day. Just a minute or seconds per scene. THAT is
short but this movie is unedited and each scene needs to be measured and
decided exact and carefully before initiation. A 1-minute scene often
may take 5 minutes or more due to planning the camera angle and actor’s
expression and lines. And that the time the scene ends (camcorder stops
recording) must be a definite and measured with accuracy so that the
scene ends not too late, not too soon. That is why it is called
unedited. Because it is already ok.
Joe Cool’s Theory:
Scenes are to be short to keep the movie flowing, interesting, on task,
in shape, colorful, unique, and cool. From one thing to the next.
Sometimes random but it will be ok. Yes it is. Ok.
Movie for glory of God. Perhaps, for my mom, to tell her how I am. To
the fellow Word Of Life ’04 students. Slump to the goals, is that if the
movie fails professionly than at least it could be funny. A little
cheap won’t hurt me. I don’t know about Hipp.
Movie Type:
Goal as follow (a little bit of everything). Comedy. Drama. Thrillers.
Romance. With Bible Scriptures. And Music. Dialog to relate to
witnessing and Christian challenges. And more. Many different people, I
hope to mix up the viewing of the audience.
To incorporate as many types of movie recording methods as possible.
And as many acting ways too. But to keep the camera angle still and well
seen for the large parts of the films, while experimenting camera
angles here and there.
for not experimenting with camera angles constantly is because some
people get dizzy and such in seeing movies with vibrating cameras or
where you look up the actor’s noses. And so it should be strait up most
of the time.
want to incorporate the Matrix and such here and there. Ninja fighting.
Sock puppets. Anything goes in my movie. Don’t worry Hipp, the movie in
it’s entirely will serve a purpose. Just here and there will be odd,
but that will keep the movie unique. And funny. Funny is the key word.
Script may be adapted. I suggest a free style script. I suggest holding faith in me and having me guide each scene, step by step.
I’m an unrehearsed kind of guy. I go with the flow. Are you with me? Do you trust my flow? Just call me over and we’ll begin.
Lord, give us hope, trust, endurance, priorities, love, joy, life, peace, longsuffering, wisdom, hate for sin, for integrity,
Teach us to pray, when to pray, and how to pray.
Give us the heart and and humility to be servants and examples of You.
Give me a deeper desire for you, to long after you.
Revive me when I fall; give me the ability to abide and grow from
wisdom from parents, authorities, friends, and others. Let me trust in
the problem-solver and not just the problem. Filter, change, and purify
Too much junk is me. One junky way of me is my way with people. I'm a
crittic. Sure, funny slightly, temporarily, perhaps, but too sallow,
too stubborn. I hate to hear what my mom says when she points out my
weaknesses.. butshe is right and they truly are my weaknesses.
It's almost stupid. Here I am spending more time on the internet. Oh
sure I am doing something somewhat useful. Somwhat. In a somewhat way.
So, oh and at least I'm not playing a game, or.... but really... not
need comparing. No need saying that i am better than the guy right next
to me. Or to say oh I am only human.
Let me cling and suck out the wisdom of my parents. They know so much
but I fail to recognize this. Why? Why is my spirit so weak. Is it a
message that says you must always remember to rely on God? Yes. If we
were perfect, then how and why would we seek God for help of which we
don't need?
Come to think of it. I am not that great. Let me not boast in myself.
Like Paul, the Aposle, once said, that only in God's salvation can we
boast about.
Only in God I am something. What about that voice of yours? That's
god's! God gave me that. Without him I am nothing. What about your humor
and charisma and smile? Only by the grace of God, Ma, only and by him
alone, Miss Vanilla Ice, only by him. |
Thu, 2 Oct 2003 [Ricky Arnold]
I have been priveleged over eighteen years to
witness the growth of a young kid nicknamed "Coolkid" or "Joe Cool;" who
I am blessed to have as brother and friend-Joey Arnold.You see, he is
my younger brother,and I have a lot of respect for who he has become,a
more dynamic person than I ever could have thought. After overcoming
speech problems as a child, as well as family difficulties, taking the
burden so to speak of our family in my absence, he has struggled his way
through high school and will now graduate this year. He is a testimony
of what someone can overcome with God and some positive support from
others, hough he never gained much support from me growing up. But I
have never really believed in myself either, and he has actually caused
me in recent times, ough over 2000 miles away, to help me overcome my
doubt and belief in what I can ecome if I trust in God, and who he has
made me to be. I know he is an vercomer because he was dealt a more
difficult hand in life than I was, yet as isen above shame and wrong
attitudes about others at a much greater altitude han I have come to, or
may ever come to, and yet is not even removed from the environment
which has plagued us. So, I actually put more trust in him than I o in
myself involving the family, because I know that it is influenced well
by im. The character and personality of Joey is endless, drawings and
videos mazingly creative, and imagination stimulating and very much
originial. He could be anything he wanted to be, be it director,
designer, creator, Evangelist, inspirer of human creatures. I know that
his heart is set to the higher goal-Helping and loving people, and not
being bogged down by selfishness as I and most others in this world are.
I'm praying that he as I have been called by God to preach the gospel
to every creature no matter where he would take us, exploding the
message of Jesus Christ creatively, dynamically, and effectively, with
integrity in god holy and true. No matter hat he decides to do, I pray
only that I be plugged into what good he is doing n this earth, to be
involved with everything right and good in this world, for he all and
not the few, which I know he will be present in. I want us to be nvolved
with ministry together, because I know for the utmost fact that his
character is pure. God bless you. I love you Joe. To Joe, my pick for
Head Valedectorian of the 2004 class of Forest Grove High school, maybe
not actual but definately one of the most impacting person for good in
the school. Sorry Joe for not wanting to be involved with you and
wanting to pull away, but we need to encourage one another, but I want
you to come down soon, and maybe come down after you graduate to go to
the Philippines if you want to come, and maybe come to Tulsa to stay-but
pray about it. talk to you later. love, Rick
1st Verse They told him don't you ever come around here Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear So beat it, just beat it 2nd Verse You better run, you better do what you can Don't wanna see no blood, don't be a macho man You wanna be tough, better do what you can So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Chorus Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fighter It doesn't matter who's wrong or right Just beat it, beat it Just beat it, beat it Just beat it, beat it Just beat it, beat it
3rd Verse They're out to get you, better leave while you can Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man You wanna stay alive, better do what you can So beat it, just beat it
4th Verse You have to show them that you're really not scared You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare They'll kick you, then they beat you, Then they'll tell you it's fair So beat it, but you wanna be bad
Chorus Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fighter It doesn't matter who's wrong or right Chorus Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fighter It doesn't matter who's wrong or right Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Chorus Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fighter It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Chorus Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fighter It doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right Chorus Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fighter It doesn't matter who's wrong or right Chorus Just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it No one wants to be defeated Showin' how funky strong is your fighter It doesn't matter who's wrong or right Just beat it, beat it Beat it, beat it, beat it |
Red Beanies, man, then kablaam, it's gone. Oh the red pimping coat.
Oh and the blue Jacket. Everything with the JSA on it. EVEN on my ID
Card. Too bad I have no Red Convertable. Something that James Bond would
spit out of his wallet. By the way, computers are not favorite spot.
I'm just there a lot. I mean I am there now. A basketball court would
have to be my favorite spot. Oh and eating is also key. I'm going to do
that Right Now.
As a Joe cool like me is like, I just seem to like any kind of
music. I mean like any kind of flow and any kind of good goody old yum
old like disney like rythm.....
welll i mainly like christian music.....
that is my main obcession
thru i do enjoy those others occassionals... either that or the
other bands are jokes to me...... something i just so happen to
like britney spears, michael jackson, vanilla ice... etc
I am going to the Word Of Life Bible Institute,
at Schroon Lake New York.
I will be there for a year along side other friends from CBC Hillsboro, their names are Rachel Gasser, Eric Koelbl, Sandi.
It's basically a bible school. I guess I will give you more details
later... but basically we will study an overview of the bible plus a
bunch of here and there..... like in depth.
We have these chapter titles we do weekly where we have tests over
the basics of each chapters in the bible... and we would turn in chapter
titles that we would make up after reading each chapter in the bible...
about 3 to 10 words per title.
Any more questions... I will love to answer them.
Ricky is still out in Oklahoma.
you can contact via email.
Good to hear from you.
As far as being laughed at... i have had my shares of laughs...
when people laugh at me.... and they are not ones of good memories....
its never really good . but on a normal basic i dont have a problem when
people laugh at me or when i am funny or whatever it is.... i dont
know, that is just me.... i am just an odd person... but i understand
how when u do certain things in life, like it was the speaking for you,
and stuff somehow goes wrong, and its frustrating... i guess it teaches
us to remeber and to rely on god.... if our lifes were perfect then how
could we even want to rely on god because we would have everything under
control by ourselfs.......
school has not started yet but i am loving the pre college part of my life..
.. i am at the BI helping them set... school starts next month...
What I am learning in Quiet Time. 
We went through the second part of Psalms 104. That says that God
ordinates the heavens, he keeps the trees full of sap, and the list goes
on. I then thought if God can ordain and keep in order and control the
BIG universe then he could definely and easily control LITTLE me.
Electronicetc2Song Lyrics
T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! Teenage mutant ninja turtle! In a half shell, they're the heroes four In this day and age who could ask for more? The crime wave is high with muggings mysterious Our police and detective are farious, ,cause they can't find the source. Of this lethally evil force This is serious so give me a quarter I was a witness, get me a reporter! Call April O'Neil in on this case, and You'd better hurry up, there's no time to waste! We need help, like quick, on the double Have pity on the city, man it's in trouble! We need heroes like the lone ranger When tonto came pronto, when there was danger They didn't say they'd be there in half an hour, ,cause they displayed…turtle power!T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! Teenage mutant ninja turtle! T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! Teenage mutant ninja turtle! Now our miss reporter was hot on the trail Determined to put these crooks in jail She spied the bad guys and saw what happened, But before she knew it, she fell in a trap and caught! Yeah, she was all alone With no friends, and no phone Now this was beyond her wrost dreams, Cause she was concered by some wayward teens Headed by shredder they were anything but good Misguided, unloved, they called them the foot They could terrorize and be angry youth, and They mugged the people. who needed proof? Then from out of the dark came an awesome sound! Shouted "cowabunga!" as they hit the ground From the field of weeds the heroes rescued the flower Cause they possessed…turtle power! Do you stand for what you believe in? And find the strength to do what's right?
That's turtle power! Heroes in half shell, they're on a mission When there's a battle got the enemy wishin' That they stayed at home, instead of fightin' These ninja masters with moves like lightnin' They were once normal, but now they're mutants Spinter's the teacher so they are the students Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Donatello, Make up this group with one other follow Raphael, he's the leader of the group Transformed from the norm by the nuclear goop Pizza's the food that's sure to please, These ninjas are into pepperonI and cheese Back to the story, it's not hard to find Ninjas not just of the body but of the mind These are the words that their master instructed, But a letter from shredder has splinter abducted That was the last straw, spring into action Step on the foot, now they're goona lose traction Now this is for real, so you fight for justice, Your shell is hard so you shout, "they can't dust us" four! Like some old coffee table Since you were young you've been willing and able To defeat the snake, protect the weak, Fight for rights and the freedom to speak Now the villian is showin' so you take a stand Back to the wall, put your sword in your hand Remember the words of your teacher, your master: "evil moves fast, but good moves faster!" Then light, shining for your illumination Good versus evil equal confrontation So when you're in trouble don't give in and go sour, Try to rely on your…turtle power!T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! Teenage mutant ninja turtle!T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! Teenage mutant ninja turtle!T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! T-u-r-t-l-e power! Teenage mutant ninja turtle!
Cartoon version:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Turtles count it off! One, Two, Three, Four!
Turtles! Mutant chain reaction.
Turtles! Livin' underground.
Turtles! Ninjitsu action.
Turtles! It's a shell of a town.
Turtles count it off!
One! Live by the code of the martial arts.
Two! Never fight unless someone else starts.
Three! Always stick together no matter what.
Four! If all else fails then it's time to KICK BUTT!
I love bein' (I love bein') I love bein' (I love bein') I love being a Turtle!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Turtles count it off! One, Two, Three, Four!
Turtles! There's no one better.
Turtles! Watch out for Shredder.
Turtles! They're like no others.
Turtles! Those teenage brothers.
One, Two, Three, Four!
One, Two, Three, Four!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Leonardo: First, we must observe the ancient ritual of the, uh, uh... traditional pre-fight donut.
Leonardo: That's right, Shredder, you forgot, we carry insurance. Michaelangelo: Yeah, Mutual Splinter dude!
Donatello: Yee haw! Ninja cowboy!
Keno: Hey which of you lovely ladies gets to ride with me tonight? Girl: Dream on, Dweeb. Keno: Okay, and when I do I'll dream of someone a little thinner.
Raphael: Okay, we get you in, we find the Foot headquarters, we get you out to tell the others, right? Keno: Gee, maybe I should write this down. Raphael: What? [skyward] I'm being punished aren't I?
Shredder: Go ahead. Attack me if you will. When it is over, you will call me master! Rahzar: Ma..Mama. Tokka: Mama? Rahzar: [to Shredder] Mama! [They hug Shredder] Shredder: Get off me! BABIES! THEY ARE BABIES! AAARRRRRGH!
April O'Neil: The rat is the cleanest one.
Donatello: The perimeter's quiet. Leonardo: Yeah, a little too quiet. [Donatello knocks two Foot soldiers out] Donatello: Well, that was easy! Leonardo: Yeah, a little too easy. Donatello: Look! It's Raph! Michaelangelo: Yeah, a little too Raph.
Leonardo: I'm Leonardo. Michaelangelo: I'm Michaelangelo. Donatello: Donatello. Raphael: I'm Raphael! Michaelangelo: All the good ones end in "O"!
Too many words to say. Too little time. Music on. Life is and always
is awesome. So many people. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Vanilla Ice.
Britney Spears. Michael Jackson. TBN. Carmen. Word Of Life. Awana.
Oatmeal. Icecream.
Authority is weird. Making up rules in technicalities.
Questions=rudeness/disrespectness/ignorance. They act like you're being
dishonest, rude, or lying in some nature or another. I'm often honest,
but they see it not. Woe is me.
You say you didn't know when you didn't, but they doon't care.
Man its frustrating.
Why are things required. Orange is not my color.
Mario is almost cooler than Chris Zuagg, the squirrel.
Journal = fasinated. add on?, without deleting? major rambling? on site/many words of a Joe????. Mario is the man.
Dorm location gotta be closer to JWC. I'm aight, tho..
Mom always taught me to walk. She also taught me to eat oatmeal. I ate
peanutbutter sanwishes, but that was a silly addiction. Age 5, eating
peanut butter sanwishes every meal. Man oatmeal was my brockley, health
food, Oatmeal got me from eating peanuts, chips and spaghetti all day. |
Music feeds The soul.
Instant Music Listen Here!
JC = Jesus Christ!
Life, without JC, is vanity upon the repetition of wisdom "under the sun."
Priorities reveal the nature and heart.
Education is precious and must be savored.
This includes WOLBI Learnings. Focus = key. |
Music = soul and motivation!
Music = destiny, true vibe, heart, doctor, enemy, friend, and soul.
Dr. Music + satifaction = Incomplete + lacks of prosperity, purpose, connection, and hope. But Christ in focus = Bling Bling.
Random Life fortells waves crashings. Feelings so temporary + ludicrous. Trusting God = only option + choice.
Talking to self? Worry not, Joey Arnold [wow, talking to self?],
write as you must. Be honest, and continue that way. Wisdom is a virtue
and art that must not be put away by any means. Seek integrity.
= cute + unsure + mysterious + that missing rib bone. Dance grace angel
flow clouds forever. Peace within love diamonds on velocity
Girls: Avoidable? Deniable? Edible? Desireful? Time limits = live for God = time for girls decreases and stuff.
I say stuff because I am still trying to figure it out, personally.
Joey [unsaved] = filthy lost sinner, hopeless.
Joey [saved] = filthy lost sinner, with eternal hope and security.
Lust and sin = programed in every person.
But when saved = God lives in you, and can help you have victory over habits of sin.
Dating hopping rabbit Blazer 'Sheed rocking excitement.
God = security, love, hope, comfort, home, life, unity, peace, survival. http://www.plr.org/. Falling in love with Jesus.
God = starter and finisher of our faith! |
Slowly, forgeting anything from class, yo. Yeah, yo, as in I'm from the ghetto. Yo.
"I will not quit, by God's grace I can do it." That's a quote from somebody.
Yeah, I'll go home (Hungary Dorm): then remember what I learn.
People are like wassup, in life, then pray all serious. But let's treat all y'all the same.
You can say wassup to God or be more simple with God in prayers.
Don't live double lifes.
Give all anxiety to him. Just tell him, for he hears.
Alright, over the summer, we STC studied this BE Real book about 1
John. This book went over obeying and trusting God because you love him,
not out of obligation.
Now it's BE Mature. The book of James. It's new. But basically we need to be saved before we can grow.
WOL is allowing two rooms in Hungary to play video games on desinated
times. And in Jacks (renamed Emperers) Football. Come on... Well at
least on the bright side we may perhabs could see NBA games too. Yes! Oh and they need to cook more oatmeal. |
Amazing how inspired I can get from devos. Amazing. I feel like I can
relate to people more. Amazing how often and how similar we all y'all
are often are. The Lord works in mysterious ways but he sure gets us
into obedience in one way or another.
God wants us to give our whole selfs to him. And if we don't then Satan will. And God will allow it to watch us grow.
Amazing the free time or adventures that other BI students have to do
things and on and on... I barely have time to write out my
Encouragement Articles and say that a girl looks like a guinea pig and
then have the girl go what?
and then I go having to explain how I love guinea pigs and that they are cute and so are they.
\Yeah, now I am in the BI.
Studying God's word.
Who has time for girls?
LOL. |
Tiffany Erspamer and Rachel Gasser are so identical.
Do pinecones migrate or die?
"I thought pinecones disinerated," kazoo.
 
. 
Which one does not belong?
It is not even funny. No it is funny. They smile the same and have
the same model for talking and laughing and word-phrasing. I know you
can't tell from the picture, but its undeniable cute. |

This is me.

This is Scott the Icecream driver. The one who got all the love
letters from 12 year old girls that said thanks for giving me the ride
on the train. Scott is my middle name. Scott is a homie man for Christ.

This girl. Jessica Becker gave me a hair cut. Now she is doing it all for $5 bucks. Hey I needed a hair cut.

This is a funny cute girl who hangs with Jess.

Emily Brown, sits next to me here.

Marry Billybob. He needs someone. Look at that poor face.

John Carter is the man. He is working landscaping as his work assignment and so am I. This guy pretends to be a cop.

This girl is so mysterious. And a friend to Adam Wills.
  
The home fries. No that is my wife.
 
Yohane calls my roomie Mike all the time. Mike is the White one.
 Volleyball master.


A roomie who is wealthy.

I thought I had a bike. But it was really hers.

The most unique and cutest pic goes to this girl.

This guy also sits next to me. He called me Dilligent.

"Only in the Mini van," is his famous quote.
He's an Oregunian too. Eric Koelbl.

A talented hobit with star wars ears.
 I'm Joey, He's Toby.

Cheryl is one cute and funny and short girl.
 Peterpan.

Got Milk?


"And always, Just read the Article," Adam Wills.

Jamel Wulfer.

Dan the man. Young Blood.
   Volleyball cutie pies. Well, as long as they're cooked in the oven long enough.
 
Why are these two together? Oh, they're siblings, or something.
I had no idea. Thats why they have yearbooks online. I had no clue. |
Chris Zuagg wants to see me have fun.
He says have all the fun you can, when you can.
Good advise. I do need more Sugar in my Oatmeal.
 This girl is seen talking to robots on AIM.
And talking to random guys in Florida. She laughs a lot. Thats a true joy.
And she hangs on the computer on AIM talking to guys there too, yeah it's funny and she actually wanted her picture on my site. |
Weather hotter now than the rainstorming summer.
Worked all summer (STC) at the Ranch (NYWOLBI) in Food Prep. Yet,
despite that experience and recomendation from chefs Bob, Jim, (Chris
Squirrel/Matt Potato) I'm now choosen for Landscaping (Maintance).
Line-cutted people did. No PC. No GF. Loved Waitoring, but now Maintance is the routine.... to be |
In life it can feel like you don't know what to next. You think you
do but you don't. It's like mmm it takes like butter [not TK] and then
you going wearing yourself into a degree of something but see it not.
See what? Well if I could see it then why would I SAY it. sweat is like an enemy.
What else might I say. Girls possible. Well as an echo of breathing I
see it not but believe of or not. It's like possible an old school
Mario world of a past or a time or place of under school jurasic life or
not. I confuse myself like a Nemo turtle.
I ace myself into a can for a time of seven plus eleven and a pace for the quake of Pat at Mike in with a Rake for your sake.
Disregard what you thought you saw.
The Men in Black is back to protect the world. So have no fear. Just
let me see you nod your head like this. Bam bam like Bambi.
Addicted? To world's lust of flesh, eyes, and pride of life?
Elementary, lust is plentiful to Gentile me.
Chief of all sinners, Paul salutes, crucify the flesh and live in the
newness which is in Christ. Addictions to Michael Jackson, Bridal BI,
Bball, Oatmeal, girls, Ramen, Volleyball, and the world over.
Stronger He in me than He in world. Thus I must petition to live in
God's strength and balance, joy, peace, longsuffering, love, meakness,
temperance, and the rest of the fruits of the spirit. Balance and
priority us key to the door that leads to a long lost room of something
bigger and better.
The following is a random phenomenom. Red Riding Hood, within
Peanutbutter rap, ramble off a turkey pie for Christmas? Never mind.
Remember Tri-met bus $1 fair, Dr. Phil, Clinton and Monica Lewinski,
Star Wars Shrek, and Apollo 13 was a hit; Basketball Reggie Miller
hiting mad like who let those dogs out. On glow of a yea lets play and
knock down a 7eleven like marsha brady in the hall with peter pan and
hungry 28 valentine its party time for apes and so why wait to be used
by god and so be quick and be on the double cuz hens and forks are not
always rumbling with the times and chickens of that little momen joey
with my name of a yea everyone has my name man oh man with sugar on top
and fries on the side for a why but a lie and a just ask why later by
the why and a y and not by the john or a tom of peter pan saying lets go
to never ever land with peter piper and mj and so not michael jordan mj
but michael jackson mj because u know they both want to fly and get a
hie like got milk or got quiet time or like a am i ape or am i really
joe cool mam or sam or turkey with dr suess green egg and ham for blammm
i am gone like turkey in a big fork beef jerky no not a jerk but it
hurts to lose tiffany cumbo but let god do the healing because he is the
healer and i am a clay so let me not be cracked or not lord of the
rings in a pump up lets play basketball or paint ball or ketchup hot dog
baby for that lets what was it baseball baumgartner and that funny pie
Espinoza and that model funny cute too Saleena Willner or the ASB
president kari herinckx who was always funny and i wish her well or even
my sister kenni the crystal ann arnold who is on the dance team but
doesnt totally like it and hangs with cute teea epperson the one in my
drama class and so yes and remember so many more like synthia and monica
vasquez and oh STC and that squirrel guy canadian from indiana who
never been to canada that chris zuagg chuck chrispy coll yea and so oh
and eric koelbl and rachel gasser and that pink community baptist church
of hillsboro teen quiz team in the word of life teens involved where
they were all pink and loving it and i was on that team and they faced
their other team at cbc who were black and there were sibling rivalry
and it was mad like dont get mad get gladd and do a flip with your hip
and yea yea yea the
pink team won like i said they would and yea yea yea got integrity
because god wants you to fly like peter pan and u r beautiful if u walk
with the lord for if my people walk in my truth and turn from evil and
seek my face then i will hear thus said the lord and heal their land
truly truly i say to you he who has seen me has seen the father also.
Ricky Arnold, May 2004
Just sipping on apple juice,eating pb sandwiches, sayin watch out!
succka, Mr. T's gonna get ya', ridin' my bike to work like the water
boy, hey watch your mouth, I mean Pee Wee Herman but not with such a
cool bikem that rides like a sports car, or like ET that flies, but hey,
it gets the job done.
You get tips don't ya? Like 5 million billion a week.
OK listen , I want to be real, cause I don't want you to make the
same mistakes I did. Honor your parents, love others and your own body,
and LISTEN TO GOD AND OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS, that's it, not complicated
like I thought, seek him and his kingdom, and completely forget
If your doing what your'e not supposed to do, girls, things your
not supposed to eat or drink, anything no matter how small, turn from
them, the small things are often what hurt us the most and none who do these things shall inherit the kingdom of God.
So like me with Wayne, don't follow anybody, no matter how it
looks, that does wrong, lies, cheats, steals, cusses, doesn't matter
what, you want to hang around those that have your same beliefs and will
that you can walk along with in righteousness and truth.
Don't get into debt like I did, use your money wisely, you can let
others borrow money if you have it to spare, but it's best not to borrow
yourself, ok.
As to finding that special young lady, you won't find her, she'll
probably find you, and like you who really are inside, and she'll be
able to figure you out, even if others can't. So just be real and
honest, and don't lose contact, like I did with Amy, just keep being
friend's and truly be interested in her as a person, and you can't go
wrong, likw mom said, if she doesn't want to talk to you, she'll tell
So God has great plans for you, just keep to the narrow path and
enjoy life, but enjoy the hard times in life, too, because they bring
growth and maturity, the good stuff.
I am doing well at work, trying to enjoy it, been feeling kind of
tired lately cause i've been eating too amny sweets, but any is too much
for me, and saw some preachers at the word explosion conference, like
big man TD Jakes, helping my roommates wife move when I can, because
Andy is out of town on a job as a technician, trying to earn some money,
getting stuff paid back little by little, moving the 1st, I hope, to my
new place! Praise God! It might even be cool to have a place to call
my own.
So, just seeing what I can do, day by day. for the kingdom of God,
trying to do right, Shout out to all the little homies, wonder how Randy
and his little bro are doing, I was thinking about them the other day.
Me this guy named Prince Mamba who is running the 800 meters in the
olympics for his African country, Go African runners!!
God bless, if you want to be great, you must be servant of all
I'll try to make it down for Christmas, dad suggested I take off
after or before Christmas, so it would be easier on my work, i could
take no more than a week off, what would be best for you, for me to be
Old School Nintendo Like never before.
Who does not get frustrated like Ashley?
Puzzles within, confusing, hopeless, useless.
Jesus, doctor, healer, shield, life-changer.
Puzzling problems are puzzling, but the puzzle-solver has the answer; come!
Puzzles within rarely ignored, healed, compromise, or dealt with; but God wants us to rely on him, put our trust in Him.
People, throughout the history of mankind, forget that God forgives,
and then, heals us from problems, that seek to ruin and destroy us.
Eternal Perspective = looking at the world as God does.
God sees sin [which gives us eternal death], and that we need
a Jesus, who can rescue us from eternal doom if we Only trust in Him.
Pride is cancer. Sin is against the way God works. Talents can
create pride. Density of the pride can folly the mind. Talent is
relaxing, helpful, but contentment must stay loyal. This includes
oatmeal eating.
Emails offer so much love.
Why ignore the hand of God in life. The encouragements from emails
and daily conversation is an oatmealicious blessing. God really cares
and loves me and you so much. Randomness is a nature that roams like an
Life truly amazes all. Everything about life is perplexing but
refreshing if aloud, from day 1 to day a zillion. Graduating from FGHS
[high school] was a blessing; then Debbie Steele (WOL Missionary) asked
me if I was interested in the STC program and I said sure. But the
blessing is that I learned so much by coming, and that I was like the
last guy to get here.
STC [Summer Training Corps in New York at WOLBI] was full, man.
Someone must of drop off, by the grace of God. They needed one the Box
smasher [me] to come in and help them truly. i would just have been an
extra guy simple there in the mix and the crowd as those extra guys are
but Lord-willing I was needed because people sometimes tend to come and
go and so I was definely needed.
And it was good that I came early so that I could get away from home
and grow. I knew little about taxes because Oregon has little to no
taxes and its just amazing to see how much more things cost with
one amazing thing is seeing how people always tend to be the same no
matter where you go. You can go all around the world and still run into
the smae crowd and the same mix of people.
I tried running away from certain types of people or system but It is
everywhere for the hearts of the men and women of this world is in
common and their hearts are always under the master of either God or
Satan. One or the other.
God is special, as said in the book, "Awesome God."
God, knows all, sees all, is everywhere, is all-powerful, and understands all; so trust Him.
And it is just amazing to see and hear so much about the ultimate guy
of this universe who made the stars and space and all within it.
God made us = we then are His people. Christ died, was buried, and rose again, for our sins, because we were His people.
We are helpless because we are condemn to Hell, because of our sins.
Good News = Believe in your heart, Confess with your mouth, that
Christ died, was buried, and rose again, to take away your sins. And you
will be saved. You then have Eternal security, and the Holy Spirit
within you.
Trust God in every situation. If God made this BIG universe, then He can deal with any problem with LITTLE you!
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