• I live in district Binh Thanh of Saigon, Vietnam. I peddle my bicycle to schools teaching English. I want to find cheaper wireless internet cafes, restaurants, places, with free parking.

    You can buy a plate of rice, chicken, & tea for 18.000 VND in Binh Thanh. 30.000 VND hamburger at Caffe Fresco on Nguyen Thi Minh Khai, district 1. Most places are expensive. Free parking and water at Fresco. I will continue to look for better deals. I play guitar, piano, write, draw, build websites, make movies, teach,design, invent, video games, projects, comedian, director, producer, artist, musician, teacher, inventor, creator, actor, designer, speaker, & your best friend.

    Joey Arnold
    The Original Oatmeal




    Skype: Original Oatmeal
    Tom ChristiePrivate_message
    how the hell did they let you on a plane?
    smirking centipedePrivate_message
    I agree Tom! How the hell did they let you into this world Joey?
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    Should I try ABC Bakery on Pham Ngu Lao in district 1 of HCM? I do like rice & chicken, with a side of free internet & water & parking.

    Can anybody help me find cheaper restaurants?


    Phuc BuiPrivate_message
    @Tom: it happened in the way that noone wants it to happen! And I am wondering if CS has anyway to stop him! I am f*cking tired of this (sorry for the strong words)!!
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    Some people on Couch Surfing (CS) are mean. I am posting these things on my public blogs on the internet. This is the evidence. I post very simple things. Phuc Bui is harassing me. CS is compromising on their own integrity. I am just looking for restaurants to eat at. I am also looking for room for rent. I am also looking for a laptop and a really cool phone & bike.

    http://OriginalOatmeal.Wordpress.com http://FaceBook.com/OriginalOatmeal

    Phuc BuiPrivate_message
    We should let people decide who is right!
    I don't wanna say anything else! My word is all enough.
    Enjoy life!
    Phoebe McGuinessPrivate_message
    Poor you, Joey!..dont do stupid things ...blah..blah, btw! I like Tom Christie's comment..hahaha
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    I am just asking for advice. I like meeting people. I like making friends. I have been in Vietnam for the past 6 months since the year 2012. I may stay in Vietnam forever. I am from the United States. My name is Joey Arnold, the Original Oatmeal. I like helping others. I love teaching English. I like asking people questions to learn.

    I am looking for a Room For Rent, laptop, phone, visa, bicycle, students to teach, restaurants to eat at with free water, parking, wifi. I want to play basketball, karaoke, sports, games, playing guitar, piano, and other things with people. I love making movies, writing books, building websites, teaching, learning, drawing, playing, laughing, learning new things, and so much more.

    I am a Couch Surfer.

    I have a backpack. Meet me & eat me.

    Joey Arnold
    The Original Oatmeal

    hey Joey, I would like to learn with you, but i'm not good at English so I can't be afraid to talk to you.
    I also enjoy activities like you. I will aks my friends to help you find a room in Binh Thanh district have some things that you require.
    Wish you have happy days in VN
    Austin UptoNoGoodPrivate_message
    who ever you are Dan,Joey, etc... I will find you. And I will make sure they will never ever gave you a visa for Vietnam again. Kthxbye

    Austin UptoNoGoodPrivate_message
    if its a normal "kid" we wouldnt mind, not the one who has 4 CS profile and spamming non sense stuff, talking about weird things .
    Dan HendersonPrivate_message
    I need to learn more Vietnamese. Fresco on NTMK has free parking & water. When I go to restaurants, when I see things I don't like, I prefer leaving. I just don't want to be too disrespectful. That is why I try avoiding trying out new cafes or restaurants. But I got to try more places. There are so many cafes in this city. I am not sure if I can try them all.

    Highland Coffee is not too bad. Any places with free parking, water, and wifi. It is also a question of how much food and drinks cost. I also do not like paying taxes at places. I usually go where there are no visual taxes.

    I will continue to learn more Vietnamese, so I can better read the signs & ask around. I will try to share my discoveries with others. I am open to suggestions, questions, advice, hints.
