Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Baptism Ate Me

  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she is probably not the only one in that situation, she just wants to complain.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I bought a bike for $180 USD and Kathy stole the bike from me and sold it to somebody and now Kathy still wants more money from me
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that is very bad, she should not have done that.
    that was an expensive lesson. you cannot marry a girl who still has these mental deficiencies.
    she claims that she gave you the money to "learn Vietnamese language, to help him understand what the children said when he is class"
    she just said" I should come to the internet coffee and catch him" !
    Kathy is very strange. she just said literally: "even my body special my facebook still hurt"
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    so far it seems that you have found a girlfriend that is sadly similar to the one's you Dad keep finding!!
    she asked me if she should find you and take you to the school!!
    she said she called your cell phone just now, too.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she said you called him but she could not hear you.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I need to buy a new phone. I cannot hear people when I call people on my phone. I bought a phone for $20 a few weeks ago in HCM and it has this problem. I did not want to take a Vietnamese class. I also did not want to buy a bike either but she like begged me to. She thinks her ideas are better than my ideas. She wants to give into culture. Another word for culture is peer pressure of the bullies of the land.
  • March 26
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    why would she tell you to buy a bike and then take it from you. don't buy anything she tells you. it seems like manipulation, to me.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she says you need to get the teaching certificate. she says it is very hot where you live. she says to have a normal life you need a bike.
    I wonder if she has confused herself because she said you didn't want to have a bike and she had to beg you to buy one, of course I believe your story because it makes more sense; but I still an wondering.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you have to deal with her culture, because that is where you live now. I don't think you want to conform to the society where I live either.
    sometimes she can be right, don't let yourself be mad. You must realize that quite often your Dad should have listened to me.
    OR, maybe her mom IS her other personality and maybe she has conversations inside her own head.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    so now she says you wanted to save the world from CO2 and that is why you didn't want to have a motorcycle. she wrote on your facebook that she has to pay her mother for your food and she has been paying for gasoline to drive you to work. Is she just looking for sympathy?? (from people who don't know the truth and can't verify it.)
  • Original Oatmeal
    Teaching certificate isn't required.
    You don't need bikes or cars.
    People in your city will tell you that you cannot live a normal life without a car.
    Motor-bikes are Asian's version of cars.
    I don't want a bike.
    I am not mad.
    Do you like CO2?
    Kathy does not have money.
    Kathy's mother gives me money when Kathy is not looking.
    I am not sure what Kathy wants. Kathy says that I am keeping her from fulfilling her dreams of getting an art degree in college or teaching English at school.
  • March 26
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    CO2 is a government scare tactic. what reasoning could she possibly use to accuse you of keeping her from doing anything?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I realize that Kathy has been trying to trick me. I just told her that I owe much more on credit cards than I have. I told her it is very hard to find a job here and that cold weather might not be so good either (since she claims it is too hot). she seems to need someone to blame. stand strong, but she must have a relationship with the Lord in order to figure out her life.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    don't criticize the food at all. you can pretend it is ok. that is what God wants. we need to be grateful for whatever we are allowed to eat.
    famine might be coming, or just higher prices, we need to be willing to be satisfied with less. Kathy will not listen to you until she listens to God and learns submission. You cannot ever make her listen.
    You need to become a leader and she needs to be willing to be lead by you, but try to take her advice, too.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe you and Kathy's mother could work together to help her.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Bill used to complain about me a lot UNTILl June 2010 when he was in the hospital. Bill used to threaten to take me "back to Garden Grove, or wherever" often. He would say "things were just fine until you came along" and then later he would say "my life would be over if you left" and he would start crying. He told me many lies. after he finally accepted Jesus as Lord, he confessed his lies and his behavior was much more consistent.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Confessing lies is always good.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    yes it is. Larry just left for Olympia, I had the privilege of reminding him to fix his bass, he was goin to Olympia for another reason and would have been quite dissappointed when he got home. this time I really was a "helpmeet"
    I have a great life right now, but for years it was not so great.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you can submit to lots of noodles if you have to.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy tells me that if you love my father then you would remain not married right now forever
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I had to eat Debbie's cooking, that was all there was.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy thinks you ran away from my father. That you divorced my father. I tell Kathy that my dad left you years ago.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Kathy is trying to trick you, I think. I told her some of the problems, and anyway the biggest fact is that he actually BEGGED me to get a divorce for two solid years, since June 2005.!!
  • Original Oatmeal
    My dad talked about the divorce since I was about 5 years old or so.
    all my life
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Yes, he is the one who ran away from me. tell her that he left me and got his own apartment for a while.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    he talked about it, but I don't think he was really serious until 2005. yes when I was pregnant with Crystal it started getting bad, 1989
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    it is strange that Kathy feels the need to criticize me., what is the purpose, I wonder--just to make you mad? but I know that you refuse to get mad.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy yells at everybody
    most Vietnamese seem to yell at everybody
    their language is a tonal language which resembles Caveman language
    cavemen language could have been a tonal language of a bunch of grunts and groans and sounds
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    he got the apartment in March 2007 and I didn't file until November 2007.
    tonal means it is a song quality, many languages are like that.
  • Original Oatmeal
    the vietnamese language does not seem to be that primitative
    maybe song quality
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    there was no such thing as caveman language, you know that. Adam spoke well.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i know
    but if there was caveman language
    u know
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Chinese is tonal, Mandarin and Cantanese look the same when written, I am pretty sure. I compare to talking to someone from Liverpool, England or Atlanta, Georgia---where the vowels are different.
    it is a localized language that can be spread mostly by talking, English is so universal that it had to be standardized in around the 1600's
    is your job ok and can you still stay in that house, was Kathy just trying to confuse me??
    did you get any sleep last night? what time is it?
  • Original Oatmeal
    i can still stay there
    i am fine
    kathy was lying
    kathy lies about everything
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I have hit people sometimes when I was really really upset!!
    that is why I told you about Bill, because he finally learned to tell the truth. he apoligized a lot to me.
    there must be a lot of turmoil inside of Kathy's head. Bill told me that he heard voices for 30 yrs, until he cut his hair and got rid of his inappropriate clothing. Maybe Kathy is holding on to something specific that she could let go of.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    If Kathy agrees to tell me the truth or at least try to, maybe I could help her. when she decides she really wants help
  • Original Oatmeal
    that is good
    i hope so
    kathy had a bad dad
    kathy's dad was catholic but physically and verbally abusive
    kathys dad changed to buddism and then died a few years ago
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe he did other things to her, too. but you can take her to a good Christian church, my friends can probably refer you to one.
    well here is a story that proves that many catholics are not Christians
  • Original Oatmeal
    kathy tells me she does not care if she goes to hell or not. as long as her family is with her
    very true
    i told her that she was not christian
    catholism is a religion but christianity is beyond that
    i tell her that doing the right thing matters more than family peer pressure
    kathy tells me to stay christian if my mother wants me to be christian
    i tell her that it does not matter what my mother wants me to do. What matters is doing what is best in life
    Kathy went to buddhism from catholicism because her mother did... but kathy does not believe in the genies or other certain things inside buddhism
    kathy thinks that religion is like different ice cream flavors but i tell her they counterdict and only one can be real
    kathy hates questions
    most vietnamese people hate questions
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I'm back. my computer froze up.
    tell her about the day when you came home from church and announced that you had to "accept Jesus right now"
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    spell it "contradict", though.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    personal testimony eventually wins.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    tell her about Larry not hearing from his son for at least 6 yrs. He didn't even know if he was still alive. I prayed for months about this. I told Larry that he would definately see his son again because that is what God wanted. I had the faith for him when he was unable to. His son had been in jail several times.
    I think he was distrustful of women ever since that gf rejected his baby way back around 1971. I pointed that out to Larry and he said "yeah, that is probably true".
  • Original Oatmeal
    you tell her
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    tell her that I prayed in January 2012 that Larry would ask me on a date and 10 days later he did.
    you can tell her these stories first, you know what kind of mood she is in. if she is listening to you at all lately.
    but I can tell her too.
    her moods are weird on facebook, sometimes she doesn't make any sense at all.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i cannot tell her now
    she needs friends
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    what about when you were going to get a job and support me and then at the last minute I told you to go to Hawaii. and then I was still ok.
    you can't tell her right now because. . . .?
    yes she needs friends
  • Original Oatmeal
    i gave her a gift yesterday and she says she has too many gifts and does not need more gifts from people any longer
    i can tell her about hawaii and you
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    and Katie is finally talking to me and going to a church after all these years and she has forgiven her Dad.
  • Original Oatmeal
    it is better that you tell her that i was going to save you
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she seems to complain no matter what you do.
  • Original Oatmeal
    katie goes to what church?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you can tell her that I wanted you to be happy in Hawaii and that God would take care of me. Katie will not tell me about the church, but she sounds so much better, she has been asking questions and wanting to know  things, like her thinking process has been healed.
    she is not as defensive.
    I think the "going to save Mommy" story can wait, possibly.
    you paid for your schooling by yourself, that is pretty good.
  • Original Oatmeal
    katie use to accuse me of my defensiveness
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    it takes one to know one
  • Original Oatmeal
    haha yes
    am i still defensive?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    we accuse others to excuse ourselves.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    sometimes you still are.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i tell kathy she blames her problems on me
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she blames you because you are available, just like Mary at Mary's Kitchen did to me.
    Larry might be home soon and I will be checking on the dinner.
    this has been a very productive conversation that makes me happy.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i am not as defensive as i use to be
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Bill tried to force me to go back to Forest Grove but I refused because it wasn't right.
    you are improving.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    try to communicate well and don't make up too many words, you can do that when you are famous
    we have band practice tomorrow evening to perform on Saturday at the kids Easter celebration.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I tell Kathy that I care about her and Kathy says "If you love me then you will do this, and this, and that, and not this, and not that, and this thing, and that thing. and if you do not then you do not care about me." I tell her that love is not feelings. Love is not about me giving her what she wants but what she needs. kathy does not know the difference between wants and needs.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I met a lady named Thelma from Hillsboro yesterday!!
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe her Dad taught her that
    you could say "if you love me you won't keep telling me to do so many things"
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy gets mad when I tell her that her father was maybe wrong about this thing or that thing
    Bad Kathy says she hates me
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    read her the Bible about the man is the boss of the relationship. don't criticize her Dad if you can possibly help it, it is a cultural thing.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy gets mad when I ask other people questions that she thinks she knows the answer to. I tell her that I am looking for a second opinion.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    don't say anything about her Dad if you can avoid it. avoid as many troubling subjects as you can, for a while.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I don't criticize. I question.
    Kathy does not know what questions are.
    many people in this country do not understand what questions are
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Debbie did that to me, I was always supposed to ask her everything. I waited to talk to other people when she wasn't there. It became the only way to survive.
  • Original Oatmeal
    many people think questions are like statements or something bad
    Kathy also does not know what hypothetical questions are
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    they are taught to memorize things and not question authority. that is why all progress had to come from western society that valued individuality.
  • Original Oatmeal
    so sad
    very sad
    there are so many stores
    almost every house is a store
    but all poor
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    Kathy can not be expected to know what she has not been taught. be understanding of her feelings as much as possible.
  • Original Oatmeal
    some goverment workers in vietnam are given millions of dollars after they retire
    who taught me about questions when I was 4 years old?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    markets are good, that is the was USA started out. each person sold goods or services.
    sounds like some political corruption like we have here.
  • Original Oatmeal
    did anybody teach me about what questions are when i was little?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I always talked in questions, probably.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i think i taught myself
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I encouraged you to think creatively.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i do not remember learning it
    i remember choosing to ask
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you learned directly from God
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I didn't get told what was right and wrong much either, I just knew!
  • Original Oatmeal
    vietnam has more markets than USA but they are still poor.... it does not make sense
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you started asking questions on the day you got tubes in your ears and you were able to hear!!
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    USA is propped up by a PONSI scheme of other "slave" countries and someday soon this will end and then we will be poor, too.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    the end starts with the sun, the day starts in the East, eventually all of the economies will "fail". that is what the prophets are saying. It makes perfect sense. I am saving websites to be warned about gov't lies, etc.
  • Original Oatmeal
    vietnam is taught that USA was trying to take over vietnam
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you can learn much about life from living there. they have had a corrupt system much longer than USA has. but in some ways their society is better than ours, at least, so far; except for the extreme peer pressure which is cultural. I heard about it while studying Japan.
  • Original Oatmeal
    they are not told about communism or russia or the civil war
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    North VietNam probably made some mistakes. mainstream media is spreading lies here and most people don't know what going on. USA is causing most of the problems in Middle East on purpose but Americans don't know that.
  • Original Oatmeal
    why does USA want to cause problems in middle east?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    our textbooks are being re-written and the Boston TeaParty people, etc., are being labeled terrorists.
    USA wants control of the oil. I think people in London are behind the rules, getting money into international banks and instituting New World Order which rewards all of its friends. they are greedy to take things from the rest of us.
    they hate Israel because they want Muslim rule, they fight against everything that is Christian, just like Hitler did. He was going to murder the Christians when he finished with the Jews!
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    they believe in global warming which means that most of the people must die, so wars are a good way of killing people.
    they are going to use bio-warfare against USA if God lets them. They are ready for it. Small pox which has no medicine to counteract it and black death are two of the diseases which can be spread by insects and rodents.
    Usa has been deciding who rules each country in the Arab world for the last 20 yrs or so. they are training troops to fight in Syria right now.
  • Original Oatmeal
    yes katie right
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    what's happening in your life in the next hour or so? if you sort of know.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i go to interview at a school called New Star ... i leave in an hour or so... then to 2 schools to teach english..... i will teach english at new star friday and saturday nights
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    some time you can teach me how to use two OS at the same time. probably can't do it with this computer th
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    i don't know what time it is there, i have been getting mixed up.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i will start walking at 1pm or so
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you are getting lots of exercise.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    looks like add 2 hrs then add 12 hrs, easiest formula. 9:30pm plus two is 11:30 pm plus 12 is 11:30am
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy's mother paid for a bike taxi to take me to the school today and then to Lotteria, a korean fast food place. and now i will walk to another school at 1pm
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    interesting. is that better than owning a bike. and I am confused at exactly what happened to your bike. of course Kathy tells strange stories.
  • Original Oatmeal
    kathy begged me to buy a bike and then i bought a bike
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you need to offer to pay her mother for all the things she has been doing for you, when you get paid.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe good Kathy wanted you to have one, but bad Kathy just wanted the money.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i do not want to be forced to be paid
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    i don't understand that statement.
  • Original Oatmeal
    A good friend of Kathy and her mother has two daughters that wanted my bike
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    we appreciate how people help us, when we happen to have a good enough salary.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i do not want to be forced to give people money
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    did they compensate you for your loss at all?
  • Original Oatmeal
    A gift is not a gift is not a gift if it is required
    Kathy said that if i sold the bike that i would get the money in my pocket
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    taking care of someone until they get paid is not always just a gift. Kathy told me that she gave you the money back.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy told me that her mother paid for my Vietnamese classes at the university
    Kathy never gave me the money back
    I never got the money back into my pocket
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she told me that she wanted you to pay the money for the classes and you refused. I did not believe her.
  • Original Oatmeal
    I did not want to take Vietnamese classes
    i do not want to
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    did her mom sell the bike or did Kathy sell it, or does anyone know?
  • Original Oatmeal
    too expensive
    i do not know what happen
    the bike is gone
    i never got the money
    Kathy said that her mother paid for my classes and then Kathy said that I paid for the classes
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    how expensive? you can learn online can't you? Kathy claimed that she could get the bike back, but you said you didn't want it!!
  • Original Oatmeal
    i do want it
    but the money is gone
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that is what I always thought.
  • Original Oatmeal
    we would have to give the people their money back for the bike
    i told Kathy this many times and she refuses to listen to logic
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that's why you can't buy what she tells you to buy.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I wonder what in the world she could have done with the money!?
  • Original Oatmeal
    most of it went to pay for my class
    but i did not want the class
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she seems like a little girl
  • Original Oatmeal
    she is
    she acts like a 5 year old
    she calls me a kid
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    If she paid for the class you were wrong not to take it.
  • Original Oatmeal
    she throws temper tantrums each day
    other vietnamese people seem to throw temper tantrums too
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you are a kid and she is a kid. one of her personalities never grew up--probably because of the abuse from her father.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy's father died of diabeties I think
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    tantrum is manipulation, which is what Debbie did constantly, that is how I got into so much debt.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i am a kid in a good way and she is a kid in a bad way
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that sounds right
    you didn't throw tantrums
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy is having a hard time because she can't manipulate me....
    i threw tantrums when i was 5?
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    that must be very frustrating to her.
    I don't remember much trouble from you, forturnately.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy said that if i do not apologize last night she would force me to sleep outside with the rats and i did not give in
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    you will stand strong and bold and believe in God's help. the devil hates that.
  • Original Oatmeal
    and kathy was so upset that she could not control me and i was outside and she threw water at me and then her mother came home and saved me
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    why did she think she needed an apology?
    she can't control anything else in her life and you are expendable foreigner, so you are elected.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy thinks i hit her and Kathy thinks that I try to kill her and that I keep her from her dreams of working and going back to school and that i make her crazy and boring and tired
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    she wants you to think that .
  • Original Oatmeal
    and i do not
    so i tell everyday to stop lying
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    her fantasies seem real. maybe she has schizophrenia.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i say it a bunch of times whenever she says a lie
    i talk slowly and loud enough to her
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    stand with the truth.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i say certain phrases to her many many times
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    if she is asleep she cannot process the information. Bill did that often.
  • Original Oatmeal
    and i ignore certain things that she says that sounds too much like drunk dad or whatever drunk people say
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I told nurses in the hospital that he was asleep and they didn't believe me.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Kathy has to process something because she tells her mother everything that I say to Kathy
    it is almost like kathy has photographic memory sometimes
    so i am very careful with every word i say to her
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    weird. she is not allowing herself to understand it. I have heard of people who had a translator in their brain that twisted everything they heard.
  • Original Oatmeal
    and she tells her mother what i say which i can use to my advantage because her mother knows that kathy is crazy
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    one statement at a time and then ask her to repeat what she heard, otherwise no communication is possible. if she won
    if she won't cooperate she doesn't want to communicate.
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    maybe you can convince her mother that you and your friends (which you haven't met yet in HCM City) can help Kathy.
  • Original Oatmeal
    mother doesnt speak english
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    unless mommy really thinks she can handle her. what if you leave and Kathy starts hurting mommy. you need to know some Vietamese then.
  • Original Oatmeal
    it is weird that sometimes she spits out a few english words while she talks in vietnamese to her mother and i hear her say it in english and then she says it in vietnamese because she is saying whatever she is thinking and i think some bilinguals think in two languages, so it can go back and forth
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    if a class was partly paid for you should have taken advatage of it, I believe.
  • Original Oatmeal
    i go to the class of course
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    yes they do think in both languages. Pastor Tom was in France for so long that he struggled to find the English words, often.
  • Original Oatmeal
    where was Tom born?
    Tom Harris
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    I prayed that he would be invited back to France, and he was. I forget. I say Harris. the other one was Myers, I think.
  • Original Oatmeal
    yes it was Tom Harris
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    he was an adult when he went to France, when his children were little.
  • Original Oatmeal
    Tom Myers stayed in USA
    Tom Myers was an evangelist right?
    when i tell Bad Kathy there is a demon inside her she responds with an evil laugh
  • Marilyn Mitchell
    the one who baptized Ricky. Myers was in Spokane, maybe. evangelist and then regular Pastor I think. His wife was principal of a Christian School for a while. His daughter was a about Katie's age; they went to Vacation Bible School together when they were 4 yrs old.
    next child born in January you were born in February, then they left town.
    he was assistant Pastor then
    soon after that I met Chet and Ann Bishop and baby Stephanie.

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