Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Game of Thrones episode 1 Review (Season 1)

Good work.
TheLadyKaylah TheLadyKaylah·161 videos
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Uploaded on May 1, 2011
Here is an overview of A game of thrones episode one, with my "two cents" put in. There are spoilers from both the show and book! So you have been warned. Sorry, I stalled a couple times, especially in my conclusion!

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This video is a response to Game of Thrones episode 3 Review (Season 1)

All Comments (111)

Joey Arnold
  • Tom R
    That was a very good review thanks
  • Breadfan
    Thanks for explaining this. I only saw the first episode recently and got confused. Thank god I didn't keep watching cause it was seriously important stuff I overlooked.
  • TheLadyKaylah
    Youre welcome then. I hope you read the books and continue to watch the show though...
    · in reply to Breadfan (Show the comment)
  • Breadfan
    Just watched ep2. I'm hooked. :) yeah I probably wouldn't have, it was intimidating at first but once you 'get it' watching more is an aid more than a burden like I thought it would be.
    I did get the audiobook as well btw. I'll probably start it once I finish the season.
  • TheLadyKaylah
    Yeah, it all becomes clear... eventually.
    · in reply to Breadfan (Show the comment)
  • redmatrix
    Before watching GoT, my last book I read was a Xanth novel back in 2001. When I heard that GoT stays true to the books, (more than any other fantasy shows) I thought "cool."
    Then the last scene with Dany left me wanting more, so I bought the 4 book set and have read the first 3 books in 2 months. (even bought a kindle just for aSoIaF) That is how good I think this show is.
  • TheLadyKaylah
    lol, it does stay pretty true to the books. But the books are always better in my opinion. What do you think? Show, books, or both? (so far.. I know the show is setting up for s.2 and the books need 2 more to go)
    · in reply to redmatrix (Show the comment)
  • redmatrix
    I say both, why not.
    I watched S1 all the way through, then read book 1, and saw S1 again, then book 2, then S1 again, and you guessed it.. same thing with book 3. So many nuances emerge when you read the books and know the back stories.
    One thing I noticed is that the Maesters wear a "belt" of rings instead of a choker. Aww.
  • TheLadyKaylah
    Im for the books being better but the show is pretty ok. Really a belt? Thats interesting.. I havent watched the whole season, but dont worry about 'spoiling' anything for me. I really dont get, plus its really close to the books.
    · in reply to redmatrix (Show the comment)
  • TheLadyKaylah
    lol! I personally believe beauty is to be found in everyone and everything. Its all a matter of preference though, and I am sure there are more women than you think who are beautiful and love literature, fantasy, sci-fi, and other geeky things.

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