Sunday, May 19, 2013

Your Mom Hates the United States?

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    • Jen-jen Pableo likes this.
    • Marilyn Mitchell I am not entirely convinced that USA is still the best. It was, but the government is very corrupt now.
    • Marilyn Mitchell to Joey Arnold the military-industrial complex has been profiting from the wars; corporations receive billions of dollars from processing food stamp applicants---to the point that they are advertising in Mexico for more illegals to come and apply! AND Germany is my second favorite country.
    • Marilyn Mitchell YES, that is what I have discovered; what I wrote in the above comment is true.
    • Marilyn Mitchell most of what Joey writes is true, but it is unfair to say that USA is in all ways the greatest country.
    • Marilyn Mitchell I have had more time to gather the facts.
    • Phương Thanh Hoàng that's good, I want that
    • Original Oatmeal Phương Thanh Hoàng, for and through the sake of simplification, my mother and I are saying the same things but in different words. It only seems that I am saying different things than my mother, but that is an illusion. I was saying that the United States was a little better than it is now.

      We are not just talking about opinions.

      We are talking about facts.

      You cannot like what my mother is saying more than what I am saying if we are both saying the same things. Sure, we are kind of writing in different ways or emphasizing in different thing, but we are both saying the same things in some ways.

      My mother, Marilyn Mitchell, is saying what I am saying. Sometimes, I trick people with my words for the sake of my art as a motivational speaker. Sometimes I say things like "The USA is the greatest" because (from a certain point of view) it is the greatest in a way or was the greatest.

      But that is only a side issue.

      It is kind of hypothetical and confusing.

      What I say does not contradict with what my mother is saying.

      My mother chooses to be less creative than me.

      But Hollywood and the mass media of the USA does in fact influence most of the world, which is what is the definition of greatness in some ways. The USA is a trend setter and influence is the new kind of power of this new modern age.

      For thousands of years, empires and kingdoms ruled through the power of fear and now the modern empire of Hollywood rule through the power of seduction.

      The USA is the mother of the prince.

      The prince is named Hollywood.

      The prince rules this whole world through the power of seduction.

      Ancient kings ruled through the power of fear.

      But the power of seduction is ten times more powerful.

      Most countries rule through the power of fear.

      Countries barely have enough fear to rule over their own people.

      But the USA has the power of seduction which is so contagious.

      The power of the USA makes the Americans arrogant.

      Like the power made Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) arrogant.

      Darth Vader was suppose to bring balance to the force and to the universe.

      The USA is suppose to be the Savior of this earth, instead of the U.N. or N.W.O.

      Darth Vader was the greatest jedi and fighter and pilot.

      USA was the greatest country.

      Darth Vader, the Titanic, and the USA all sank into the dark side.

      The power and influence of seduction contaminates the best of us.
    • Marilyn Mitchell maybe you are just ahead of your time, Joey Arnold
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