Monday, May 20, 2013


  1. Generically, the whole world hates the United States of America. The USA is or has been the best country in the world. I just made a German woman in Vietnam angry when I said that the USA is the best today, the last day of this month. Today is Tuesday, the 30th of April of 2013. I refuse to apologize. It is not my opinion. It is a fact. Everybody says it. Everybody knows it.

    That is why everybody wants to kill us: because the USA is or has been Number One, as in #1. That is my mentality. Famous actors and actresses agree, including Matt Damon who said that he is lucky to have been born at the right place at the right time in the USA as oppose to other more inferior countries, because billions of people in the world are surviving off $1 or so each day while Americans spend several dollars on Starbucks as many times they want each day at Starbucks. That is called excess.

    The USA takes in 90% of the money and resources and things of the world, but only 10% of the population of the world is in the USA. So, the USA, only needs 10% of the resources and money and things in order to survive, but it profits by 16 times what it needs. You may call that selfish and greedy, but in a video game, the player with the highest score wins. It is called profit, even through the USA is in debt by $16 trillion dollars and counting right now.

    You may want to replace the word "Best" with the most "Powerful." In other words, the USA was once a justice stabled land and is now becoming an evil empire, as have other fallen empires have been in the past, like Rome, Persia, Babylon, Egypt, Greece, and others.

    I have seen this international jealousy since I was around 5 years old, while sensing the deep hatred-stares from the Mexican Hispanics in my Rose Grove ghetto neighborhood in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA. Mexicans illegally cross over the borders. They settle for lower work wages, because the USA have had the money that they want. The USA have had more opportunities and resources than all the other places combined. You do not risk your life for nothing. You do not climb over fences and borders for second best. You do not risk life and death to go to a country that is not the best. The world has the dream of living in the USA because they are the best in an overall standpoint. So, generally, the Mexicans work really hard for months to years and then they usually take their money back to Mexico to help out their poor families in Mexico.

    In many countries, they will tell the American tourists that they love the USA because the locals just want the money from the rich filthy Americans. The locals of the poorer countries will say whatever you want to hear so that you enjoy your stay as a foreigner. Maybe you will come back. That means more business and money for them. They do not genuinely care about the Americans. They just care about the American's pockets. The world hates the USA. Everyone is plotting to destroy the USA. They hate how all-powerful the USA has been.

    The higher powers that be around the world are changing this because the USA is too powerful. The USA is the Titanic ship and it struck the iceberg when they took God out of the schools in the 1960's or so. Secret things have been at play for the last few centuries which stems from through back to the dawn of time through the father all lies, deception, destruction, and fear, Satan himself.

    The New World Order is setting up an One-World Government, but as long as the USA is the best, the rest of the world will refuse a One World Government.

    That is why the USA must fail.

    If the USA was not the best, then the whole world would not hate me as much as they do. As an American, I can tell that people hate that I am American. I am speaking generically. If you like me, then I am not saying that you hate me if you do like me. If you like me then I am not talking about you.

    But generically speaking, people hate me because I am American. I am not saying that you hate me, unless if you do. If you don't hate me, then when I say that people hate me, I do not mean you hate me, if you do not hate me. I am speaking generically. I am speaking in generic terms, generically speaking.

    I strongly believe that the USA has been the best country in the world. People object by mentioning our weaknesses. However, what defines greatness is not in the absence of weaknesses but rather in it's momentum in their strengths.

    Our strengths have went above and beyond the call of duty to hugely compensate for the cons with our pros. The USA was founded through and by Jesus Christ, our Creator and Savior. That is the number one trigger in the past-success of the USA.

    The farther the USA drifts from God, the father the USA drifts from success, greatness, profit, freedoms, rights, dreams, opportunities, and the pursuit of happiness.

    Joey ArnoldJen-jen PableoJoey ArnoldMarilyn MitchellMaria Arnold
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