Saturday, February 8, 2014

Me & Kathy in Gmail Email Messages 005

(no subject)
ZZ ARCHIVE/Friends/Kathy Friend Thao Duong

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
I saw you finding electric taser to kill me!
You posting in the facebook!
And your mother said it : yes! It a good ideal

What you want i doing for you right now Joey
I not asking you any for three month after we decided to not see eachother again!

Vào Thứ Hai, ngày 03 tháng 2 năm 2014, Original Oatmeal Gmail <> đã viết:

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
For what?
Our relationship is just hurting each other.

It's make me and you feeling unlucky. 
When you leave my mother decided to put me in the mental hospital.

She think i'm not helpfull for her. 

And i justdating with a men she hates

Lucky for my. This hospital is full off old sick ppls. So the doctor decided i can leave it after three month.

I saw you have a new girl friend Joey!
Be good for her!
Care for her!

And forget me
I'm in died!

Vào Thứ Hai, ngày 03 tháng 2 năm 2014, Original Oatmeal Gmail <> đã viết:
You do not want to see me?

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Some day after you gone.

My mother decided married another men.

She said cos i always have a new boy friends. It's make she feel she don't want to get it stop. She still alive. And why not can get married with another men.

But unfortunity.
The men she married is love me also.

He want to rape me in the secrect.


Everything is change Joey!
Kathy in your memoried is change!

Now i'm not a stronger like you meet me before.
Not free time to play anything game!
This time just to use to find money to survive in a hard world.

Vào Thứ Hai, ngày 03 tháng 2 năm 2014, P.Thao Duong <> đã viết:

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
My step father, he want my body and my money also.
After he rape me but unsuccess. He try to make mother belive i'm got crazy.
It's the time govement get back for me the money of my died father
They buy our plant to open the strest.
And fixing everything. So after 10 years the linsence cant working. 

He trap me stay in the hospital 1 month

No fresh water
No warm clothes
No shampo

My mother leave me alone for two week. 
With the crazy ppls inside the hospital.
And some stuff come form charity group.

It's August to September at 2013

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
No one "still alive" want to help me

My younger sister thinking i'm crazy also

And mom said her husband want i give all my money for them.
Around 800.000 milion Vnd.

And i will give me 1,5 milion vnd to be living
(In law at Viet Nam. Which 800.000 milion Vnd when get bank for hired to work. They will pay for me 20 milion Vnd/1 month.)

Yes! It's was my familly
And yes!

I write it by Vietnamese status in my facebook.
Should ask your two girl friends Vietnamese is translate it for you

You would be understand :)
The question : am i true or fake!

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Now i live far away from my house.
Working for a Japan Company (they make a electric wire using inside a car-for Toyota-Lexus. Or some company at Malaysia, Thailand and Spanish.

Try to working to keep my mind still be normal for every one else can see

And let they don't have any reason to put me again in the hospital.
Like my step father and sister's husband also.

It's a hard work.
Have to stand all day
Cos the machine always move
12h/1 day.
And 150usd/1 month.

Yes! I poor than you Joey! 
Can you see that?

Original Oatmeal Gmail

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to P.Thao
I make 20usd/1 month many times or even less.

Sometimes, I make no money at all.

Sometimes, I have no work, no job, no money.

In Vietnam, I had no work for over 8 different months.

No work for 8 different months. That is a long time.

Sometimes, I only have a few students.

Sometimes, my students do not give me money.

Sometimes, people steal from me.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
How about Jolie?
The girl acept to you to drive her on you bicycle? 
I though you said she rich? Did she didn't help? 

I think if you want to meet me.
I will suggestion for you to my ex boy friend is open a French-English Cofffe club at Bui Vien.
He a half Vietnamese/half French.

He kick me out of his life cos he care i'm too young and will leave him when we cant have a chil. He cant.
Now we come back to me be a friend.
His name "Chris Dawaele" in facebook

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
It's too much opportunity is over sites. Just looking with your possitive eyes. It's helpful alot :)

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
You don't have to be a only lonely men only in the world.
Me also!

Mom don't want i get married any one!

She don't said that.
Don't do that.
But she try.
It's a big trouble.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Acttually my mother want i have a girl friend.
I mean she want i get more up set than a men and train to be a lesbian. 

She said she thinking if i change to be a lesbian = i was rich.
Like her girl friend's daughter exprience.

I'm tried it! But i can't. 

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Have one cofffe shop in Ho Chi Minh city.
Is open just for American and Vietnamese ppls. 
And the owner (he's get married) 70 year old. I guess

He know i'm a close guess of his

This cofffee shop is have a house, with free food
They give free for American ppls.

By the way. They need volunteer is native speaker English to talking with some "new Vietnamese student" or Vietnamese worker want to practice English skill to changes they life
But don't have a fixed times (like i was) and time they come to a English coffe shop.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Out relationship is get a bad way.
Because there are so much a secrect inside that.

I'm be maked by my mother and my younger sister, i will be take all everything bad of my familly. To get they are be happy. If i not. Or get married. Their familly will be destroy.

They thinking by the way like that.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
My younger sister is a nice girl. She is faithful and virgin. But my youngersister's husband do not. He have so much girl out side. My sister know. But she don't want to leave.

That's she have to do some thing.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
It's training me to be like her husband.
Do a bad way.
Date with many bf.

She think if she can make the bad thing with me.
She can do some thing like that in her husband. 

Like - take my money - can take her husband money....
Talk bad about me with mom
- can talk bad about her husband with mom.

Yes. She did that.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
And some time it was make me crazy but i don't understand why it does?

Original Oatmeal Gmail

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to P.Thao
My Manager, Jolie, is a busy person. I work for her. I teach English for her students. I do not ride people on bikes. Jolie does not take me places on her motorcycle. Her BF has a bike. They are always busy. I spend my time alone. Sometimes, I teach to some people. Sometimes, I have no work. What is the address of that cafe with free food for USA Americans?

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me

It's a address of American Coffee shop i talk to you.

I give it for you cos i know it may be can help you for sometimes. 

It's all i can help for you right now.
Pls don't let it quit.

Uhm...hope when some day the storm is gone and the sun will shine.
May be we can incidentally to meeting in the out side. We will see each other. Smile and say hello. It's all i need.


P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Uhm. I want to take a rest. To be sleep. And ready my clothes. To be come back my company tomorow. 

Now i'm at home.

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
So. We still can meeting.

Pls keep it be a secrect.
I don't want you get a trouble with your familly.
It's will make you get mad to me and my familly also.
And it's (mad, worried, no safety) it's killing ppls faster.
Than everything else in the world.

Original Oatmeal Gmail

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to P.Thao
My family does not hate you. I do not hate you. My mother does not hate you. I care about you like a sister. I live in District 1. Thanks for writing to me. Please remember the past. Please learn from the past. Communication is important. 

Original Oatmeal Gmail

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to P.Thao
Why are you going to bed so early? It is almost 9 AM. When do you wake up?

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Tired dear! 
After i coming back by the Mental Hospital i'm easy to fall asleep.
They put a lot of sleep medicine inside my body. 
It make me easy cant wake up for normal working.
I have to sleep more enough to i can come job tomorow. 
If no. Where the food?

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Ok gmail ring! Wake up-see it-reply.
Done responsibility.
Bye again. 
Good luck. 

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
I promised with Thu i will let you to find some class to let up your skill to help her class teaching.
That's time i have no job.
Do you think i could i should doing?
Have no choice to do it!

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
---------- Thư đã chuyển tiếp ----------
Từ: P.Thao Duong <>
Ngày: Thứ Hai, ngày 03 tháng 2 năm 2014
Chủ đề:
Tới: Original Oatmeal Gmail <>

I promised with Thu i will let you to find some class to let up your skill to help her class teaching.
That's time i have no job.
Do you think how could i should doing?

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Is have some thing new you want to understand? 
Now i'm have a free time.
Will get it for u one day! Tomorow i will busy to be come back job!

And may be i will not at right mood sittuation to be aswer!

Want to hear about Hoang?
Or Id of my youngersister too?
Ask it!

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Uhm if you dont have anything to ask.
So just thinking i'm in died right now.
Acttually i'm the way to go to died.

Every ppls will be go to died some day.
And me also.

May be we have some trouble in the last life.
And we born to this life to fix and pay for it.

 Now it enough. 
We don't have enough destiny to stay again.

That's the way i'm thinking.
Hope you have a good time with your last partner.
Now ready to be fall asleep.

Original Oatmeal Gmail

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to P.Thao
Thu broke my contract. I was suppose to work for 6 months. They gave me barely 2 months of work through the Tan Van Foreign Language School. Why did they break my contract?

P.Thao Duong

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to me
Why asking me?
Do you think i'm and Thu are sister?
You know all my familly! She's not!

She trick me also!
I buy a lot of book for you!
And by my money share a half!
What i doing with it old book?
Did i eating!

I'm a victims same like you!
Just it!

Original Oatmeal Gmail

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to P.Thao
No. You do not have to buy books. You are free. You can do what you want. Nobody can make you do anything. She told you to buy books. You bought books. I told you not to sell my bike but you sold my bike. I told you to give me money for my bike. You do not give me money. I do not understand why you do what she tells you to do but you do not do what I tell you to do.

Original Oatmeal Gmail

Feb 3 (5 days ago)
to P.Thao
The past is our future if we do not learn from it.

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