Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Warm Rain

There is warm rain in Hawaii. Sing in the rain.
Julia Juma'atPrivate_message
is it rains season now?
i'm afraid i need to bring my raincoat as well during my travel..
Where can I buy a rain coat in HCM?
Rains season is starting now.
You can buy a raincoat on the street.
I am a picky shopper. I will probably have to go to all stores and streets and try out 300 coats before picking one. I like to think about things for weeks to years before making decisions about anything. I don't just wake up and make random choices without first over-thinking it to death first.
Nhu QuynhPrivate_message
If you try buying a raincoat on the street, you will find interesting.
Bao Dinh NPPrivate_message
many meaning @Nhu Quynh@ ^^
Nhu QuynhPrivate_message
John n PPrivate_message
come Hi-End to joy your feeling
John n PPrivate_message
on a night long time ago, i sit on a couch in Hi-End alone, It was having rain, through the gass windows a couple with the hotpot over the fire, the boy taken a peace for his girl and......the girl kissed him...i love this feeling but i was alone...!
Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
i do like rain.
Nhu QuynhPrivate_message
oh :)
Fred BurtonPrivate_message
I do not like cold rain.

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