Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Gold Color Rice

    • I will be in Hanoi, Vietnam, Asia, at 10am in the morning on Thursday, the 24th of January, of the year 2013. I live in Bac Ninh. It takes two hours to get to Hanoi on the bus. That night I will probably sleep under a bridge because I do not have enough money for hotels. I will be in Hanoi for a few days looking for a job.

      Cell Phone Number: Call and Text Me At
      (84) 0-163-425-1695



      My Vietnam multiple-entry three-month-long Visa expires on Friday the 22nd of February of the year 2013. I am stuck in Vietnam. I have to find a job or get thrown in jail where I will die. I do not have enough money to get back to my home country of the United States.

      What kind of job do I want?

      Any kind of job. I have experience in teaching English, five years of children and teens Bible camps counseling, five years of being a dishwasher, six years of being a landscaper, three years in maintenance, cook assistance in food prep.

      I have years of experience in making movies, designing websites, writing, editing, song writing, drawing, singing, dancing, designing, housekeeping, laundry, janitorial, counseling, teaching, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, helping others, being there for others, listening, yard work of all kinds, computer things, web design things, video editing things, carpenter, picking up heavy objects, talking to people, going places. I am friendly. I can do almost any job. I cannot drive yet. The list goes on and on and on my friend like the Lamp Chop Play Along Show. To be continued.

      Add me. Be my friend. Write to me. Join my legacy. There are so many things I want to do in my life. Join me and be part of the Original Oatmeal Experience.
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    • I am your Original Oatmeal. That is my new name. I want to make it as easy as possible for people to find me.

      My youtube is http://Youtube.com/OriginalOatmeal and my couch ishttp://couchsurfing.com/OriginalOatmeal and my tagged ishttp://tagged.com/OriginalOatmeal and my new and improved facebook ishttp://Facebook.com/OriginalOatmeal and my Google Email Address is OriginalOatmeal@Gmail.com and my LinkedIn ishttp://LinkedIn.com/in/OriginalOatmeal and my weebly ishttp://OriginalOatmeal.Weebly.com/ and my blogspot ishttp://OriginalOatmeal.Blogspot.com/ and my Xanga ishttp://OriginalOatmeal.Xanga.com/ and my Yahoo Email Address is OriginalOatmeal@Ymail.com.

      And my Tumblr is, can you guess? See the pattern? It is a predictable pattern.http://OriginalOatmeal.Tumblr.com/http://Meengle.net/OriginalOatmealand the list will continue.
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    • Joey Arnold
      January 16 via mobile
      Is Vietnam the 51st state of the United States? I feel like at home. The USA and Vietnam feels the same to me because both places have brown colored people that live all around me. I cannot understand them when they talk. They work for minimum wage. They take care of their families more than the white cowboys do. They are more traditional than the plain Caucasians.

      In America, I grew up in a trailer park that they called the ghetto. When I was five years old, there were 90% whites in our hood and year after year the brown-skin Mexicans came and started taking over our neighborhood. When I rode in the school bus to high school, and during lunch, I often had no idea what the pretty chicas (girls) were chatting about. Luckily they were bilingual. So that is why I feel at home. I am use to being around aliens. The word "Alien" use to refer to just people from other countries until the idea of life on other planets started launching into space for the past century and into our Star Wars hearts (coming in 2015).

      I really thought I was an alien around the age of four since my sibling and friends would make fun of how bad I was at talking. I started talking almost as good as my seven year old sister when I was around the age of twelve. I was homeschooled and still shy around the age of sixteen years old.

      Not knowing the language does not give me culture shock. I do not even get jet lagged. My siblings must be right.

      I am an alien because I will simply give girls flowers. I will not buy girls fancy things she does not need. I will not even buy Christmas or birthday presents for friends or family. This means that I will likely stay single because a girl would have to be crazy to like me. I question everything and I do not worship tradition like Vietnamese seem to worship Budha. The Budha alter just so happens to be next to the Christmas tree. They must be siblings with each other.

      I have a mission in life and I cannot compromise my dreams in life whenever I start getting horny or whatever that those feelings might be at times. Yes, I have wanted to be married for the last twenty years since I was around eight years old which is also the time when I started dreaming about being a world travelling missionary who also sang like Michael Jackson and lived in a mountain. Back then I believed strongly that when I grow up that I will donate all of my money to missionaries.

      The world is not as different as people say it is. First of all, Christ made it all and He died on the cross for you. Budha cannot save you but Christ can. People are too stuck in the details of things. Of course Vietnam and the United States are not identical twins but people are still people no matter where they live and how they look and how they dress and how they talk and how they act and everything. We all need to ask Christ to give us new hearts because our hearts are clogged with monsters in our heads as I have talked about before.

      I know different countries are different but there is a problem with that mindset. The problem is that when we get in the habit of calling this thing different than the other thing then we miss out on important principles that are hiding between those cracks. We are missing out on things because we are stuck in the traditions of certain world views that have cursed every country and every island in this world.
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    • Joey Arnold
      January 14 via mobile
      Do not let others tell you what to do, what to say, where to go, who to be, how to act, who to help, how to think, how to feel, how to be. Because each individual situation is a unique one that is not limited and restricted and persecuted by predetermined weather forecast and flight paths. Your friends are not always totally and absolutely fortunate tellers. Life is like a box of chocolate because you never know or never knew how good it was until you tried those plain old Asian fortune cookies.

      You should probably help your parents, siblings, relatives, friends, contacts, strangers, when they are old, ill, lost, in jail, injured, over heated, or what have you, but you do not always have to and you can never say either way until you pray about it. I don't care if you are not religious. Pray about it.

      You cannot say or know for sure that others will jump in and help. You cannot really say, ever, either way. You cannot even say if they even need the help to begin with. It does not make you bad like a Dexter Morgan. Plus, I like Dexter. I want to marry Dexter. I want to have his babies and then go kill off cities together. Talk about romance thriller and suspense all rolled into one. I do not like girls now. Feeling jealous now?

      It is not evil to turn your head when the homeless asks for money. If they do need help and if you should be the one to help then you must ask how must you help. Do not let the person asking for help to always dictate and control how you go about helping the person. Take the homeless to McDonalds. I have done that. You have to be focused on doing the things that you were designed to do.

      You are beautiful and I am gay. Wait, do not be too quickly distracted when I start writing in code. Some of you may quickly assume that I mean that I really am actually and literally gay. Those who really know me are left crossing their fingers. We may never really know each other even when we think we do know each other. But you do know who you are. And you are beautifully and wonderfully made, says King David or Solomon.

      However, we are all born with monsters inside our head until we ask Christ to come in there to slay those dragons and monsters and demons and orcs and elves and leprecauns and Mormons and grass hoppers. Well, unless if one of them is named Angel. But please stop talking about Buffy. People have told me that I need some serious clinical help if I do in fact have monsters inside my head. Unfortunately, they are mistaken because they have them too.

      Christ can help us make better decisions in this world. Do not even think for a second that your friends know more than Jesus. My best friend is a man. I must be gay. His name is Jesus. I do not like girls. I like Oatmeal and Jesus. Feeling Jealous now? What are you going to do about it? Come help me before I become too gay?

      Making the world gayer with one oatmeal at a time.
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      • Jennifer Pableo ahahah can't say any other comments aside from this...by the way, how was your job hunting?
      • Opa Tom Helus Man, You should be in America, going to school, acting like a student, helping yourself. You should feel like this is a great idea, and you should be on your way back. Then you should thank me, then you should take me to dinner for helping. You should buy me a T-bone.
      • Joey Arnold Jen, I am still looking. Tom, I still will try school. I want a doctorate degree. I want books of degrees. I am a life-long learner. I want to be in school forever.

        I barely passed high school and then graduated from a two year Word of Life Bible Institute in New York. I did three other colleges after that but did not finish and was running out of financial aid and started getting bad grades and then got into academic probation. I am horrible at memorizing things. People have to memorize certain things to pass tests in order to do good in school in order to get degrees so that the employers can let them do things they already know how to do in some cases.
      • Marilyn Mitchell you can access facebook via mobile?!?
    • Joey Arnold
      January 10 via mobile
      Rice is the Asian Version of Oatmeal.
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    • Joey Arnold
      January 9 via mobile
      Come up with your own quotes.
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