Sunday, May 26, 2013

Does Obama Want A Civil War To Break Out?

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2013 March 30

Does Obama Want A Civil War To Break Out?



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Published on Jan 25, 2013

Does Obama Want A Civil War To Break Out, Obama is a Globalist, They are warring against God, They Need your Guns, Obama has a litmus test, Obama wants the country destroyed, 1776

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Joey Arnold
  • stymie222
    I hope the black community wakes up to the fact that Obama has done nothing for the black community, but has instead, worked to help illegals take their jobs and future..
    · 2
  • Peace Bestill
    Me a personality disorder? PLEASE don't make me laugh. Anybody who vote for a conservative candidate have a PERSONALITY DISORDER for real. Their nothing but right wing PLANTATION SCUMBAGS.
  • Wardrumsfire
    wow buzzwording degrading you sure as shit have a personality disorder why dont you go fuck yourself fag
  • Peace Bestill
    You are just as crazy as the " wet cunt" in the video. Both of you need to do the world a favor, go somewhere and jump in the NEAREST LAKE.
  • kimberlysp1
    E.T. Williams for President 2016!
  • Wardrumsfire
    man your all so stupid to think sandy hook was real

  • Wardrumsfire
    yes he does want civil war to break out, because you shep swallow every lie he tells, and You can never be junkyard dog because JUNKYARD DOG ALREADY EXISTS
  • Peace Bestill
    Attention PLEASE. It has nothing to do with growing up and being smart, SEE HOW YOU PUT THAT! That within itself is a racist statement. Being smart isn't a black or white thing, it's an EDUCATED THING. Most whites aren't smart, so it can't be COMPARED to them. My statement was directed to these so call YT black conservatives who come out and make a FOOL of themselves demonizing the black community. Do you see WHITE PEOPLE ALL over the YT doing this to the WHITE COMMUNITY? No! INTERESTING HUH.
  • Marksnotebook
    I like this guy. He is right on target. Stupid people would disagree with him
    · 3
  • satanicmechanic86
    Why is it when a black man grows up to be smart and respectable he is accused of kissing up to whites. In my job I have to work out in the environment regardless of the weather and I know plenty of guys that do not share my ethnic background and they work their asses off every single day. They aren't kissing up to anyone and they get respect from everyone. So save your bullshit.
  • Marksnotebook
    OH how ignorant of me to not see your name as you are jew! No wonder you hated the comment I made about zionism which I do despise as Israel has killed off more Palestinian Christians and Arabs and started this NWO. And the Nazi's were bad but there have been worse tyrants in the world. YOUR race murdered my Jesus at Calvary. Jews murdered so many thousands until Constantine came around and stopped it. Thank god.
  • einstein mentor
    you have read my say,,i am not a Jew ,i am Cherokee Indian. choose your path wisely. 
  • Marksnotebook
    I knew something was different because when its a minority they always cry racism which I get so sick and tired of. Learn what is going on in this country. Stop voting for democrats. Stop voting for rino republicans. START voting for Ron Paul like constitutional people. If you deny this as the truth then I won't respond back anymore. I do not like race baiters. I do not like Obama people. And I do not like idiots who try to think intellectually when they should be using wisdom.
  • Marksnotebook
    I want more black people to think like this man. I want people to see Obama as the bigoted race baitor. And I say that only because I know many black people are on this site. YOU know you enjoy talking racism so you can get your ways. If you'd realize how stupid you are supporting these zionist democratic commies who bait you and pit you against whites and make you hate when you have nothing to hate about as God loves you all and wants you to love yourself---do ya all get my drif here?
  • crazydriver338
    This comment proves you're incredibly stupid and have no knowledge of the Constitution, how the government functions and the bill rights. Learn this concepts first and then come back.
  • Marksnotebook
    Did ya vote for Obama too? IF ya did ya aint gonna get anywhere but down in the toilet. YOU are the fool. 
  • einstein mentor
    Comment removed
  • Marksnotebook
    Well you started talking to me and saying a bunch of bullshit so i'm responding back and I don't believe you. Your actions what you said to me indicate otherwise. People who always bring in the race card make my red flags go up. Nobody here is talking about racism. Except obama.
  • Marksnotebook
    LO and a warning to the zionists and those communists who hate America---if we get enough black people to get on our side---the liberal rotten progressive Satanic evil politicians and professors of the Universities who hate Christians will shiver and shake in their britches! WE will win with the Lamb of God and we're going to win. I want whites and blacks to unite and beat this evil!
  • Brad Fletcher
    Way to go ET! Somebody needed to say it without sugarcoating it.
  • AlexTechie
    Race-mongers like you are the problem.
  • Kung Fu Dabu
    I agree with you with everything except tourture. I would like people like him to be tortured, but it is clearly stated in the 8th amendment that it is not allowed.
  • Phillip Patrick
    your not racist? "slaughtered them. You killed their children, raped their women and,took their land then lied and said COLUMBUS DISCOVERED America. What a joke! You did all this to the Indians because you wanted " SOMETHING FOR NOTHING". you ENSLAVED the black race because once again, you wanted SOMETHING FOR NOTHING, and you got it, your race was so lazy, you worked the black man for over 400 years for no pay while you sat under SHADE TREES, IN DOING THIS YOU ONLY PROVED THAT YOU'RE leechs "
  • Phillip Patrick
    I would say starting a war without congress approval is abuse of power wouldn't you? I would also make a statement saying the NDAA was the most unjust law to be passed in Obama's dictatorship.
  • Peace Bestill
    War?? You need to talk to your tyrant GWB, he started the worst war in history. Also as far as NDAA, it's the president's job to protect us both near and far. Foreign and domestic. That goes for Americans too. Who cares about whether they're Americans or not. If you bring yourself to attack the homeland, then you're not an American in my book, you're a cold blooded home grown terrorist. Bush and Reagan ARE THE REAL DICTATORS.
  • Phillip Patrick
    So there are still plantations OH MY GOD DOES OBAMA KNOW.
  • Peace Bestill
    OH MY GOD, somebody need o know don't they. Because it is real.
  • jimmy Roodny
    So called "liberals" have nothing to do with the current problems. Its just plain stupid following power's demands. The rich 1% are behind the millions of jobs that left America and everything else bringing life down to the gutter for the 95%!. Not the "liberals"
  • Dave George
    Nice !!!  All is not lost
  • chemguit
    Mr. common sense we are brothers from a different mother. I'm a white boy and I love you man. Love your use of words.
  • carl krebs
    Your a good man and I HIGHLY respect you , period .
  • TabMcgee
    I totally agree with allowing torture! On shooters in buildings, child molesters, and terrorist! If they made the consequence worse people would think twice! And if we had GOD leading our country and TRUE Christians actually STOOD UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT, we wouldn't be heading in this direction. Men who fear God do what's right. Hurts my heart how people are turning on God. I don't understand how someone can say "I am a Christian and support Obama". Sad....very sad!!!!
  • TabMcgee
    Every video I am watching of yours, me and my husband have talked about~ We actually talked about a civil war happening last night. I am in complete shock that people aren't SEEING THIS! HOW CAN SOMEONE BE SO BLIND TO THIS? We just bought an AK 47 before he takes his actions on this. And trying to take control of our kids, he is BEGGING for war~ There may be some dumb people who would hand over there kids but I would have to be shot first~! MAMA BEAR AINT MESSING AROUND!
  • Steven Mangram
    When it was niggers it was ok, now that its white folks lets go to war!
  • Steven Mangram
    Nigga shut the fuck up, minister farrakahn been preaching this message since the 70's. And it wasnt until good god fearing white folks put their stamp on it tha t you late ass decided to get on board.
  • MrFrankrizzo420
    this is guy is a boss we need more people like him
  • ClarksonsinUSA
    :) Obama got his ass kick in the democratic senate,when they tried to get a national gun registry... And we know what was waiting for any gun bill in the House,checks and balances...Against abuse of power...
  • Peace Bestill
    " Abuse of power" Hahahahahahahalol. Well you can't win them all. But like i said. President Obama has won the major victories. The fight for gun control isn't over. That was just ROUND ONE. Hang around for round two, i can assure you it will be different. "TRUTH" my friend.
  • entropy666w
    Obama is the Beast, the Anti-Christ, you Christians are about to find out that he is FAR from a puppet
    · 7
  • entropy666w
    i think of myself as a pit bull because of their locking jaw, i get a hold of someone i do not let go
  • ClarksonsinUSA
    You dont like the sound of truth..Does it hurt you ears???
  • Peace Bestill
    OH NO!!!!! Because TRUTH came out on november 7Th 2011 AND IT WAS JUST GREAT. President Obama, got his second term as president, Beating Twixt Romney the same way he beat down John MCcain and the REPUBLICAN PLANTATION, the " old fashion " way, so CLARKSONINUSA, I LOVE THE TRUTH, the question IS, does it hurt your ears???
  • ClarksonsinUSA
    :) Obama got his ass kick in the democratic senate,when they tried to get a national gun registry... And we know what was waiting for any gun bill in the House,checks and balances...Against abuse of power...
  • Yuriy Austin
    You're absolutely right, my brother.
  • bobafettfan32
    The people of this country need to Wake The Hell Up!!!
  • Peace Bestill
  • osburrob000
    sounds to me like your the racist one, I mean your the one calling people "house niggers" saying its impossible for a black person to be "conservative". also so its clear i am not some but fucking liberal who is afraid of being called racist, I don't think America should have as much immigration as it does and we need to build a wall between us and Mexico and not give visas to asians because they come here illegal as much Mexicans do. If that makes me "racist" then ok, at least I am still right.
  • Peace Bestill
    I never said that blacks can't be conservative. I don't care what you are. That's your RIGHT, i respect that deeply. The problem that i have with black conservs, their objective is to appeal to the emotions of WHITES. It's to KISS UP to whites. You guys want to claim that you're victims by the liberal blacks who call you names etc. All b/c you're conservatives. NOTHING CAN BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Black conservatives are all over the YT demonizing the black community. Repub PLANTATION LOVE IT.
  • Kr0n1kK1ll3r
    petition2congress (dot) com/6519/impeach-mr-obama/
  • Cy Mulholland
    I will die before I renounce Jesus Christ. Behead me. Firing squad. Don't matter. I stand for freedom. Pull out my finger nails. Sacrifice my loved ones, I will not renounce my savior. Amen.
  • Cy Mulholland
    You and I share the same views brother, but I have to ask can I get a nigga pass? In reference to Mark Dice. Actually a good video against those who wish to racism alive. Racism remains with the few who wish to keep it alive because it's all they have. It's their purpose. - And yes he killing seal team six and the greatest sniper in history, Chris Kyle.
    Get out of the cities so that the rural Patriots can make a stand. 1776! God bless you brother!
  • Asymthought Krishna
    I was totally with you until you supported torture. There's plenty of evidence that some of these psychotropic medications do the opposite, of what's intended; and fuel homicidal killing sprees; as a side effect; and that there are Manchurian candidates formed by rogue intelligence operatives who exert mind control and orchestrate mass shootings and false flag attacks. So we don't torture, as we believe in God.
  • Keith Martin
    Someday soon the SHEEPLE will wake up and realize they have been lied to and now its too late. Then again some will just jump over the cliff because Obama tells them he will save them as soon as he gets more taxes from the rich.
  • rob o
    hahaha wow 
  • Peace Bestill
    It is what it is!
    · in reply to rob o (Show the comment)
  • rob o
    Obama aint takin guns away from the people I go to fordham university and everyone feels that way
  • Zechariah Williams
    God bless you, sir.
  • Peace Bestill
    " you disingenuous piece of shit" Are those CONSERVATIVE FAMILY VALUE words i'm reading from you. That's not the way family values people suppose to express themselves, is it? I stand by my previous statement for it is true sir.
  • dadajack yo
    Are you serious? Obama is trying to counteract the Bush spending era by quadrupling the amount of spending? Logic doesn't really mean much to you does it? Bush never ran a trillion dollar deficit, not Obama has run 4 straight and not about to break the cycle this year. Wake up.
  • therestillhope777
    white male from mississippi and i dont hate black pple and i go trough pure hell to be that way
  • therestillhope777
    well im white and i agree with this man. I was too young to vote for bush i did not know how bad he was i did not vote for him the 2nd time because I was working and buy the time obama 2nd termI could not vote for the morman the church that almost onlyallows no black people in the church and none in the preist hood but obama is over the un not a citizen i wanted ron paul but they didnt even let him in so i voted for gary jhonson
  • zippy4185
    God bless you brother!
  • buzzardsbass
  • buzzardsbass
    QUOTE: Does Obama Want A Civil War To Break Out?
  • Peace Bestill
    3) instead. AL SHARPTON, JESSIE JACKSON, AND HERMAN CAIN, even the repub party voted for a white man over Herman Cain. Blacks have been voting for white presidents for over 40 years, WHY DIDN'T YOU CRY about color then? So as long as they vote for a WHITE MAN, color don't matter. YOU'RE SICK IN THE HEAD. White people voted for Romney b/c he was white, BOTTOMLINE. Blacks have always voted for the democratic candidate whether he was black or white, why should they not vote for a black candidate?
  • Allen Shouse
    shouldn't vote color! vote for who will lead the country in the right direction... at least Romney had a plan. Look at us now, worse than the first 4 yours.
  • Peace Bestill
    RomneY had NOTHING. The reason we're in the mess we're in is because of Bush and the spending republicans. They spent money like a drunken sailor. Prez. Obama is trying to get us out of this MESS. White people have always voted color. On the democratic side and the republican side. We could have had a black president long time ago, but white people are so RACIST they just couldn't bring it to themselves to vote for a black candidate. ROMNEY'S PLAN was to make the rich richer & the poor POORER.
  • ArrogantAmerican333
    You disingenuous piece of shit, I already set you straight on this. Bush spent 5 trillion in 8 years. Obama spent more in 4. And a huge part of what Bush spent were bailouts that the libs in Congress wanted and when Obama spends on stuff like that you willful hypocrites heap praises on him.
  • dadajack yo
    Are you serious? Obama is trying to counteract the Bush spending era by quadrupling the amount of spending? Logic doesn't really mean much to you does it? Bush never ran a trillion dollar deficit, not Obama has run 4 straight and not about to break the cycle this year. Wake up.
  • therestillhope777
    white male from mississippi and i dont hate black pple and i go trough pure hell to be that way
  • therestillhope777
    well im white and i agree with this man. I was too young to vote for bush i did not know how bad he was i did not vote for him the 2nd time because I was working and buy the time obama 2nd termI could not vote for the morman the church that almost onlyallows no black people in the church and none in the preist hood but obama is over the un  not a citizen i wanted ron paul but they didnt even let him in so i voted for gary jhonson
  • zippy4185
    God bless you brother!
  • buzzardsbass
  • buzzardsbass
    QUOTE: Does Obama Want A Civil War To Break Out?
  • Peace Bestill
    3) instead. AL SHARPTON, JESSIE JACKSON, AND HERMAN CAIN, even the repub party voted for a white man over Herman Cain. Blacks have been voting for white presidents for over 40 years, WHY DIDN'T YOU CRY about color then? So as long as they vote for a WHITE MAN, color don't matter. YOU'RE SICK IN THE HEAD. White people voted for Romney b/c he was white, BOTTOMLINE. Blacks have always voted for the democratic candidate whether he was black or white, why should they not vote for a black candidate?
  • Allen Shouse
    shouldn't vote color! vote for who will lead the country in the right direction... at least Romney had a plan. Look at us now, worse than the first 4 yours.
  • Peace Bestill
    RomneY had NOTHING. The reason we're in the mess we're in is because of Bush and the spending republicans. They spent money like a drunken sailor. Prez. Obama is trying to get us out of this MESS. White people have always voted color. On the democratic side and the republican side. We could have had a black president long time ago, but white people are so RACIST they just couldn't bring it to themselves to vote for a black candidate. ROMNEY'S PLAN was to make the rich richer & the poor POORER.
  • Peace Bestill
    2)Also this crap about voting for Obama because of his color, you can throw that hogwash in the TANK. That is a stupid statement to make. That's the problem with you black republicans, you're " WHITE WASHED" and stupid. And if Afri- Americans voted for him b/c of color. That's their business. White people have been voting for Presidents b/c of their color for AGES, i don't want to hear that NONSENSE, they had an opportunity to vote for a black President 3 TIMES , but they chose A WHITE MAN
  • olisarene
  • Peace Bestill
    I am proud of my president. He's a great American, husband,dad and leader. Nobody absolutely no one will turn me against him. Especially right wing BOUGHT OUT repub party " BALD HEADED BLACK " HOUSE NIGGERS, ' say what you want, America chose the right man for President. So all of you black right wing PASTOR SATAN MANNING PORCH MONKEYS can go pick COTTON for the MASTER, he will give you a big DOG BONE once he leave the field from working the slaves. Yes the republican PLANTATION love you BOYS.
  • jody wilson
    Historically the democrats were for slavery. Learn your history. I am black and neither Republican nor Democrat. You are the dummy if you are black and chose one of those sides. If you have not looked at what the president is doing then you are blind and brain washed. Do your research and don't support just because of color. Oh....just because we don't support his side, does not mean we support the other.

  • Peace Bestill
    Historically that is true, but when LBJ signed the 1964 civil rights bill that gave blacks the same equal rights as whites. The racist south left the democratic party and turned republican. That's why you're having such a RACIAL UPROAR in your party, because you embraced the RACIST DEMOCRATS, you allowed them to come in and take over your party. Remember the " reagan democrats " THAT'S THEM.Today's democratic party is a REFORMED party. It's not what it was years ago. LEARN YOUR HISTORY IDIOT.
  • annastesia67
    ok the navy seals who killed binladen were all killed in a helicopter crash.only 1 is alive ,thats cause he wasnt on that copter.that makes me wonder
  • S Winegar
    short answer - no
    long answer - he wants us incapable of fighting a civil war by arming the administration agencies and disarming the citizens
  • MisatoK29
    Comment removed
  • Johnny P
    "Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature."
    "Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants."
    -Benjamin Franklin
    "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
    "It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains."
    -Patrick Henry
  • annastesia67
    we have forgotten thats so true.a nation without God is headed for your bibles look what happened to israel in ancient times,when they followed God the nation prospered but when it turned away from Him the country was taken to babylon.
    · in reply to Johnny P (Show the comment)
  • annastesia67
    ok the navy seals who killed binladen were all killed in a helicopter crash.only 1 is alive ,thats cause he wasnt on that copter.that makes me wonder
  • S Winegar
    short answer - no
    long answer - he wants us incapable of fighting a civil war by arming the administration agencies and disarming the citizens
  • MisatoK29
    Comment removed
  • Johnny P
    "Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature."
    "Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants."
    -Benjamin Franklin
    "The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests."
    "It is when people forget God that tyrants forge their chains."
    -Patrick Henry
  • Johnny P
    I would shoot an American, if they're a threat to the Constitution and the American people. He wants a military that will disarm the citizens of the United States if he orders to do so, and kill anyone who resists, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing, a secret tyrant and a terrorist. The funny thing is though it's all in plain sight but people still don't see it. I will be out of the military soon, thank God because I will not disarm the people, and good luck disarming me, it won't be pretty!
  • James Allen
    Im a veteran and no son of a bitch will take my weapon, maybe some hot lead
  • thewrathofshane
    And arm the teachers as well.
  • koua lee
    I agree with you 100%
    · 15
  • ms1982Lilly
    I agree. I have a pretty high IQ myself (not 180 though) and I am trying to learn common sense by watching others who possess a lot...So far, I've made little progress. I can't drive a car(not even a bicycle!) still to this day. I wouldn't know what to do if there was construction in front, detours, etc. People make fun of me for it... They always say "How can a smart girl like you be so dumb when it comes to simple stuff?!".
  • Jeffrey Smith
    we the people 1776 that is the way, GOD BLESS!!!!!

    · 9
  • boutcha1
    First, he tried to start a race war. Didn't work. We all brothers and sister, God fearing Americans. Well said, friend.
  • Yo Lo
    I don't think the government is stupid making the Sandy Hook hoax. They know it will be obviously and easy to identify the hoax, they wanted conspiracy theorists to act up. If they were to fire the first shot it will give the the government the upper hand to crack down these "right wing extremists" and control. Look at the new purchases of ammo and military vehicles by law enforcement and the creation internment camp facilities. It's quite clear that the government is setting up for something.
  • D. B. Kurtz
    Rhetorical questiong yes Sir HE DOES!
  • mummra7
    this is the first video ive seen of this guy, first impression, at least hes got common sense and sees the bigger picture. ill watch more.
  • Steven Chavez
    google terry hale dream of obama standing over white house balcony... their is no truth in this obama dude.. from his childhood, family, to college... everything is lies.. I believe in one Yeshua.. the son of God... and his mighty word...
  • Steven Chavez
    Comment removed
  • jayblackvancouver
    Write some songs! :)
    · in reply to Derek F (Show the comment)
  • jayblackvancouver
    Doc, you're one hard core dude.
  • Apaphis
    Meant before its news dot com.
  • Apaphis
    They aren't gonna televise this the civil war has already begun just go to before is news dot com and type in wave of assassinations hitting sheriffs.
  • Sarah Gold
    Your right Obama will take all our freedoms away one by one then the rapture will happen people need to repent to Jesus Christ and trust in him time is very short people need to be saved and be in the rapture and if they are left behind you want Jesus on you side to keep you safe because the Holy Spirit is holding Obama back when the Spirit leaves Obama will become a monster of satan if you don't believe me Dr Owuor said the Lord told him the A/C is here and told him the A/C is on the news
  • Sarah Gold
    Obama is in lots of places in the Bible hes in the revelation hes in the book of Daniel hes the leopard beast king of the south because he is born in Kenya his birth date is 4th of August he is the 44th President 444 number is in the shroud of Turin there's more Leo the lion is his sign the Bible tells us about a beast that is a lion with wings are eagle wings the eagle is the USA and the lion is the ruler of USA Obama is that ruler. Obama is in the book of Zechariah 11 17. Trust in Jesus Christ
  • Sarah Gold
    Your right about sandy hook was an event that was stage by Obama so he can get the guns away from people and force them into the fema camps so they will be force to take his mark 666 the RFID chip or tattoo he pure evil and more things will. The Holy Spirit lead me to learn who Obama really is I seen how he was created the Spirit lead me to Freeman TV where I saw the clones in 1907 the evil Illuminati dug up the evil Pharaoh Akhetaten used his DNA to create the clone Obama he is an abominiation.
  • Sarah Gold
    Barack Hussein Obama names 18 is 666 mark of the beast on the first election he won the pick 3 lottery in Chicago was 666 and pick 4 was 7779 777 is God's number 9 is God's judgement on mystery Babylon USA and on Obama the A/C there's more hes Chicago zip code is 60606 the number 666 follows him every where he gos the Bible tell us the antichrist will be man of peace he will claim to Christian he will say blasphemy about God's Holy Bible he will be different from the others of his kind it Obama
  • Kirk Davis
    Why do you make so much sense when are other African American borthers in arms do not get it?
  • Kirk Davis
    You are on top of it man.

  • tang0m0m
    I like the way you think.
  • tang0m0m
    I've been saying the same thing. I even think they may be staging some of these "events".
  • hpseanyboymoney
    I know who your parole agent is MR
  • jojo McD
    Yes double thumbs up buddy ! Thanks.
  • Bert Martin
    sorry bro. no one can kick God out of anywhere he doesn't want to be kicked out of. This is the falling away prophesied, which God is doing, God is ending the world not man, amen get the big divine picture if your not predestination and election, God has blinded you, few find the narrow many go the path to destruction. amen
  • nvsbl2
    Yes we do expect the falling away&we see how huge it is now:whole churches & ministries.God is cleaning house,ppl are polarizing.Lot of people willingly blind.God is allowing men who are willing to destroy the world.Some are called to broadcast what is happening in this world.He would not have us ignorant of the season,it all points to the End.Some are called to be "watchmen on the wall".I think it possible America is under judgement.We don't appear,in prophecy,at the end.
  • nvsbl2
    Got news for you: I had to fill out papers, pay $85 for a day long class, $25 for fingerprinting, $100 for license, and wait three months for my background check for my permit. That $100 is yearly! Ammo is getting hard to find, and gun prices have about doubled. I have a weapon that only shoots 6 rounds.....there can be no missing, if a group or gang crashes in on me, and then no time to reload. And I have the Constitutional right to defend against enemies foreign AND domestic.
    · in reply to Trubind1 (Show the comment)
  • motorgrader5
    cant keep any of the other ammendments without the 2nd thier slowly but shurely taking our rights bye using any incident or "badguy" to divert our attention.please wake up america.nothing has changed from modern times to the past its always big people stepping on little people. all this hysteria thats being thrown at us is for 1 thing and 1 thing only....control
  • Jay Brown
    It may seem that things are changing at a very fast pace, but in reality this has been going on for the last 100 years.
    The big push began in the 1960s during the nam war but its been slowly creeping for a very long time.
    Now it hitting the main stream and that's what makes seem like its happening all to fast, but in reality i can easily be stopped if people now how to recognize the tactics, its not as easy as people make seem for them to fool Americans, Americans are some smart sons of guns,
    · in reply to nvsbl2 (Show the comment)
  • nvsbl2
    I respectfully have to disagree with you (that's uncommon).I think things HAVE accelerated at an alarming rate. A lot has been going on under the surface for decades but there are so many Constitutionally illegal moves by so many who took an oath to protect those rights.And for a prez to do it! Who can stop BO?The ppl who can won't.When I see all the ignorant anti-American comments everywhere my hope is thinned.They are deceived & don't WANT truth that disagrees.They think they're "progressive"
    · in reply to Jay Brown (Show the comment)
  • Jay Brown
    Well I know how you feel, but the truth will always win over deceptions.
    Just because you see the main stream puppets talk about this stuff doesn't mean there bigger than the silent majority of people.
    This is why they have to constantly promote B.S. because they think they can win by doing so.
    In reality if you have ever heard of Tokyo Rose its the same thing, in ww2 the Japanese lost the war and Rose was still sending out radio messages claiming the Americans were losing. its the same thing.
    · in reply to nvsbl2 (Show the comment)
  • MrGreblin
    my god ..... just simple truth ....if you are near upstate new York and shit hits the fan call on me ill stand by you , its about we the people not the governing body
  • nvsbl2
    I haven't heard of any people disappearing or sheriffs killed, who won't go along with confiscation. But I have heard a few reports that there is a small Chinese (CHINESE!) troop here, "for training". For what? Since they are such America lovers? I'm getting hints that they will be absorbed into the DHS troops, but so far, that is conjecture. As is all of this. But good to keep our eyes open. I don't put anything past this prez. Things are changing at a very fast pace, via by-passing Congress
    · in reply to Apaphis (Show the comment)
  • Trubind1
    well- before the confiscate- they need money- so expect: 1) Registration Fee 2) Permit Fee (initial and yearly) 3) Six week or qualified "safety" gun certificate 4) Yearly mental health screening ($) 5) Insurance (like cars) - All this = only the rich can defend themselves legally - that's why the Constitution clearly states: No infringement- this is a sad sad day... again...
  • Jay Brown
    This was like in 1996 97 so you can only imagine how long this has been going on.
    so when I see all this stuff now-a-days, it reminds me of those old sifa seasons
    and it reminds me of the gangster rap crowd that put this stuff on blast, now i look back im glad they kicked me out of class because if they didn't i would have never heard what the other people were thinking,
    I'm also glad that we never accepted these ideas because there bad for everyone rich poor and everyone in between. .
  • Jay Brown
    So it was crazy because you had the stoners aka rockers, the gangsters or rap crowd, the hippies and cool cats,
    So we would site in the sifers and just talk about ideas and how the world could better,
    This was actually the best part of college.
    To my surprise on gangster dude told about Marxism and communist, and when he explained it everyone began to realize that's what there teaching us.
    So the students had a huge backlash against the staff and since then the marxist started calling thnslf lib
  • nvsbl2
    I used to say, "they can't be serious!", with some of the things they've been coming out with, especially this last 4+ yr, and then I had to admit, to my amazement, these people ARE serious! They quit using the term, "liberal", and started with the "progressive" misnomer, but I read that now that is being dropped by many (like we didn't know them if they changed their nickname), and now I read they don't want a title. I continue with "liberal/lib". As Shakespeare said, "a rose by any other name"
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  • Jay Brown
    I'm mixed race so they really couldn't figure me, but some of the lectures got so heated they finally ask to me leave there class.
    but I found out later that most people in the Ghetto, because that's were I grew up, had the same problem as me.
    They would try to use us for race baiting, and pretend they were for the poor and all that marxist stuff.
    but a large number of us mostly Mexican American didn't fall for it and they couldn't understand so the only thing they cloud do was kick us out. LOL
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  • nvsbl2
    I went back to college for a few classes, after I became an adult. I looked around me, in one class, and could envision the instructor opening up the top of each of these kids' skulls and pouring their garbage in. About half of what every one of them taught was their liberal views. And the clueless kids just took it all in. Don't you hate being used for ANYTHING?! And the condescension? And them thinking you're so stupid you won't understand what they're doing? :poop:
    · in reply to Jay Brown (Show the comment)
  • nvsbl2
    Oh....that :poop: thing only works on FB. If anyone doesn't know what it is, it's the symbol for a pile of crap. Which is what our "higher" education has come to!
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  • Jay Brown
    Well like i said the students in L.A rejected the Marxist view and there was back lash. so all of a sudden they stop using the term Marxist and called them self's liberal.
    But they were marked because once someone can identify there ideology they don't have a leg to stand on. so this is way they use terms like liberal, progressive,or leftist, only a few will call themselves Marxist or commies.but in the PHD level they has to write a dissertation affirming the Marxist view or they don't graudate
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  • Jay Brown
    I can understand what you mean, its true, the sad thing is most of the kids that take in are sheltered and come from broken homes so they blame Freedom on there bad life experiences and that's how they gain there trust.
    But people in L.A. are a tough crowd to fool, most are pro freedom and pro life so when they tried to push that stuff on them it wasn't as easy do it people in L,A, are out spoken and they can get rowdy so this kind of back them down and they had to change there M.O.
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  • Jay Brown
    But then they tried to call them disorderly, or say there just gangmebers, or there pro white, its just like they call white American racist or if you black they'll say your white washed,
    They use any kind of term to keep you online and will make any kind of slanderous accusations if you challenge there position.
    Another trick they try to pull is the education card and claim they deal in facts.
    after a while we just would call there bluffs and saw them as a joke, but there not, there serious.
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