Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Basketball or Hang for CS HCM

Joey Arnold Original OatmealPrivate_message
Can we play basketball?
Khang NguyênPrivate_message
cool, I'm in, for Etienne and Adrien :D
Phuc BuiPrivate_message
Hi Tan!
We forgot the time!
Should the time be 6:30? or 7?
Joey Arnold Original OatmealPrivate_message
What kind of games? We should play basketball.
Hieu Tan NGUYENPrivate_message
@Joey: I think we shouldn't play basketball coz some of us (like me) can't play. We'll try it another time. The games are some kind of funny and warm up games, so come and find it
@Khang, Phuc: You're welcome, the time isn't fixed but try to be on 6PM (or 6:15PM) because after that you're difficulty to find your team.
Candy SnifPrivate_message
Sound cools, I ll join with both of you..,So excited hehhee
See you guys soon oh yeah =))))
Phuc BuiPrivate_message
Ok cool!
I will come and join then!

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