Sunday, June 2, 2013

Shut Up

Facebook deleted my Joey Arnolds Friend account now, just when I was trying to get somewhere in life. First they deleted this, and then that... finally they deleted my Oatmeal Joy account, and now this! Joey Arnold FriendsAshley ArnoldCrystal Ann Arnold! Rick Butter! Bewebb Fund! Blake Webb Memories!
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  • You and Moore Street like this.
  • Betsy Smith Maybe you should take that as a hint to stop creating extra profiles? Why are they even necessary?
  • Jackie Mason Maybe you should take a hint that people are tired of it!
  • Joey Arnold People will be tired of this. People will be tired of that. People will want what they want. That is what we do. But may we long for what we need rather than for what we want. May we long for what matters most in life. That's the L4OJ mission. That's the motto. Everything I do I do through major conviction and motive!

    You will have to kill me to stop me from doing what I do. I am not saying that I am not open to suggestion. But I am saying that I'm not here to keep people from being tired because I got a message to proclaim very similar to prophets. People grew tired of them, too! But that's simply not the point. The point isn't about entertaining people.

    The point is that we are saved to serve. That is what I seek to do in all that I do. I wish people can see that.

    I am going to look crazy to others. I am going to sound annoying. I am not trying to but it happens. But that's not the issue. I have tried so many times to explain it.

    You may be tired of me. But I'm even more tired that you're tired. I'm tired of hearing that I do not have purpose and that what I do does not have deep reason.

    Everyday I grief about it. That I am misunderstood every single day of my life. Everyday, people are tired of everything I do. But I'm not going to throw in the towel just because of that!

    You will have to kill me to stop me. I will only get bigger in what I do. I will only do more of what I do. You cannot stop me. To be continued!
  • Betsy Smith Ok, well you know what, the more you "force" it on people, the less they are going to listen when you really do have something important to say.
  • Joey Arnold You are missing the point. Bad Force is never to be used. Good Force must be used. Do not just let your life pass you by. If you do not use the Force then the Force will use you. Only the Force can allow people to listen or not to listen, not me, not you, not nobody else. By Force, I mean God, specifically the Holy Spirit.

    Why are my things not important? How do you know this? Because I already do have very important things to say. To be continued!
  • Betsy Smith Well, didn't someone once say "preach the gospel, if necessary, use words"? Maybe let your actions speak for the profiles rather then creating more of them?
  • Joey Arnold Those actions are lived out in those profiles. These profiles are more than words. They are even beyond action. It's a movement. It's a revolution. I am making movies about this. I am writing books about this. I am starting movements for them. I am a church planter. I am a writer. I am a producer. I am an artist. I am an inventor. What I do cannot simply be contained within one profile. It goes beyond the words. I am starting ministries, not merely profiles. But then again, I'm not simply doing this through my own self either.

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