You have people, I do not? That is what he asked me. He was using Google Translate to translate his Vietnamese into English. He misspelled the word for "People." For people, he used the word "Tiger" or some kind of animal. But that word was suppose to be the word "Angry."
He asked me, "You have people, I do not?" The better translation could have been, "You have tigers, I do not?" The actual question was, "You have angry, I do not?" Through, now the sentence structure there is still too close to Yoda talk. So you could turn that question into, "You have angry, I do not know?" He does not know if I am angry or not. He wanted to know if I was mad at them. A white female teacher was sitting next to us. She said it was wrong. She said it was wrong English, as in bad English. I disagree. I told her "Angry people tiger I have with you" with her since that is what I am always doing in life. I am always having cows and tigers and babies and anger and heart attacks with people and I am always disagreeing with people and thinking a lot to make the world a better place. If I did not think then I would not have anything to write. Then what would you be doing right now? Oh yeah,you can read the news about Star Wars which is coming in 2015.
In English, you can say "Don't have a cow." You can also say "Don't have a baby." So why not say "Don't have a tiger" as well? This makes sense to me. Don't have a baby means do not get angry. Do not have a cow. Baby cows grow up to be people cows. Baby cows grow up to be fatter milkier bigger cows like the fat people you see on Wall-E. Baby tigers grow up to people tigers. As in grown up tigers. So if having a baby means being angry then having a person means being very angry because a person is bigger than a baby. If having a baby means having a cow or tiger, then having babies or people means being really upset. This all makes sense to me.
I told her I am less concern with the poor grammatical structures to questions and things in life and more concerned with the thoughts and ideas behind questions and statements. She said that his original question has nothing to do with what he was really trying to ask me. I disagree.
The originally question made me think about gangsters who get angry. He was actually trying to ask if I was angry. So, the subject of the sentence, of the question, was the word angry. I knew that and she did not. People I have, you do not? Yes, I have tiger people monsters in my head. So, the subject of the question went from being about the anger of people, plural, to a person, singular. That person being me, singular as oppose to people, plural. And I am single and singular still for all you ladies out there.
I knew that. You do not have to write the word angry. Sure, it may have been grammatically incorrect but I don't really care. I think having English Teachers as parents would be a nightmare. You may say something like, "Ma, you the worstester parent aye gee in world and I aint going to be your sister daughter whatever anymore. Can I borrow the car again?"
English Teacher Mother will tell the teen daughter to repeat until she gets it right, grammatically.
In life, we get stuck in grammar and in tradition. We begin saying things like "Aint is not a word" or "It's never been done that way before. We can't try this or that or go here or say this, etc." Tradition and grammar is fine but the slavery to it is not. Angry people tiger I have, you do not? People you have, I do not? Tiger you have, I do not? Angry you have, I do not? Yes. I do. Yes to all three questions. All three means the same. That is what I told the girl. I said both questions are exactly the same except for the one word. The word "People" was suppose to be the word "Angry" or "People like tiger like anger." That is the art of personification or animification. Turning feelings into people or animals makes sense to me and vice versus. She says that one word totally changes the sentence and question. I disagree.
If the question was "People you have, I do not?" Then you have to ask what people means. For me, I ask questions when I see questions. The girl broke like a computer. Does not compute. I do not do that. I will not laugh at you if you are not an expert at communication because I was there and I can relate. I spend most of my life not being understood. In fact, I am still not totally understood in life by most people. So, I can relate to people who make a few mistakes here and there. I am also custom built for working with children who make these mistakes all of the time. Do not make fun of a four year old who may not say everything perfectly.
So what would people mean? People either means something good or something bad. Gangs are often seen as a bad thing. Friends are assumed to be more a good thing. But either way, it would leave you jealous. So, why would he be jealous? But in the context, I know this is the first time be brought this up. So he is asking if I have people, whether they be good or bad. People as in my friends or my gang. Either way, he may be jealous of my friends or gang.
So why is he asking me about people that I have that he does not have? That is what I started asking myself. I use my brain to solve problems. The girl did not give him a second. She did not want to problem-solve for a solution. That is the problem with this world. We do not want to think. We are too closed-minded.
Why is this the first time he ever asked me if I have people? What is the special occasion? You bring out your best wine when Jesus is around. You bring out the best china when the Tom Cruise and the Last Samurai is around. You wear your best on Sunday for Budha. So why would I bust out my people? Why do I have people and he does not?
Well, listen to this. When people get angry they get their people to talk to your people. When a girl breaks up with a boy then he may talk to his friends who will talk to her friends who will talk to her, but we are never ever ever ever ever getting back together with Taylor Swift.
That is what people do when they get angry. So what he said still carried the same idea in my head. So why would I need people? Because we were playing hacky sack with a badminton like featherball which turned into Keep Away from Joey which turned into tag and hunt and destroy where I was chasing them in the dark down the business streets and sidewalks throwing the feather ball at them and then I chase one guy down a dark alley and then I lost him back around a fork in the road but it turned out that he just climbed up a tree and it was so dark and I did not see this.
So after that, at dinner, he used his phone to write to me. Do I have people that he does not? Of course. I got gangs and friends and monsters, both figuratively and literally. I am not going to ask you to like this to prove my support of my gang here. So maybe I do not actually have people. It does not mean that I was angry but I understand that people get angry. So the angry and people are the same in my book. Both questions is about something I have that he does not have. Feeling jealous?
Tiger I have, he does not? That is closer to the word anger because it is the eye of the tiger and it is the feet of the night. I do associate anger with tigers because tigers are like players.
People have called me tigers or cougars. Tigers hunt down their prey like I hunt down and tackle up women, for all you ladies out there. Grrrr. In a good way, anger means determination. I am always determined to get things done in life.
So the next time somebody asks you a question that you do not understand or the next time somebody says something like "I see dead people" or "Mother, why is that zombie sucking on your neck? He looks like a pretty ugly version of vampire Edwards of Twilight. Geee ma,is this your new boy friend? You will surely be dead when dad gets back tomorrow if this whole zombie bite doesn't get to you, first, which will lead to me stabbing you in the face..... which I've always wanted to do" ....
....just try to take the time understand them like I do.
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