Michael Jackson: Someone in the Dark (FULL MOVIE)
Published on Oct 19, 2012
The unauthorized video biography of Michael Jackson.
Janet Jackson
Top Comments
Though I don't agree with it, the video clearly says at the beginning this video isn't for the fans. With that said, why be mad at the uploader for including Autopsy photos? He warned you before the film even began.
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All Comments (584)
Was Michael Jackson murdered? Is he still alive? Who are the top musical talents of all time? Who will be the next King of Pop? Will Justin Timberlake or Justin Bieber surpass MJ someday?
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fereel??? Dude, quit worrying about me. It's your dumbass that can't spell. lol
get a fuckin life fereel.
Think ur the one who needs to get off the bath salts
LOL Oh you don't remember me? Quit smoking on your crack pipe dude. The shit is obviously getting to you.
Hahahaha, how retarded are you??? "You sound like a fat girl." LOL OMG that's hilarious. Yes, over the internet... where you can't hear my voice... makes me SOUND fat... ROTFL, well I can absolutely tell by all of your comments (that you deleted like a little girl) that you don't have an IQ over 50. So, you're too stupid to be taken seriously anyway. LMFAO!
Its hard to watch its so bad..Why show him all cut up..!!!?? We love him...
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wow. This was incredible. I have so many questions about your inspiration for taking on the job of creating this film. It's an incredible work of art.
What was your intention with the inclusion of the disclaimer "This is not for the fans" at the beginning?
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Hahahahahaha.. OMG what is with people today? Did everyone on the planet take a "retarded" pill today and just not tell me? LOL
Ok... you keep on thinking that. LOL
Its hard to watch its so bad..Why show him all cut up..!!!?? We love him...
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wow. This was incredible. I have so many questions about your inspiration for taking on the job of creating this film. It's an incredible work of art.
What was your intention with the inclusion of the disclaimer "This is not for the fans" at the beginning?
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Hahahahahaha.. OMG what is with people today? Did everyone on the planet take a "retarded" pill today and just not tell me? LOL
Ok... you keep on thinking that. LOL
Please Flag this video, and report it to Youtube to have 3:53:24 removed. It is inappropriate, unnecessary and disrespectful, and can be harmful to viewers.
Flag it, and report it to Youtube to have it removed
Please 'Flag' this video and report it to Youtube as inappropriate due to the inclusion of an extremely graphic, very violent , gory and gruesome image of a human autopsy. Although proven a fake and not Michael Jackson, it is an autopsy (body parts cut open, etc) of someone, that is inappropriate to viewers and can be disturbing, particularly to young viewers and children.
Please report to Youtube to remove such graphic and sick content. It is unnecessary and adds nothing to this video.
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it is so silly & highly ignorant 2 judge mj of things u have no idea of, none of thz pple hv n idea of the life he led, from age 5 learning not 2 trust any1, imagin those conversations, don't know if they were 4n conversation in the film wch were taped wout his consent and concern, so he had 2 live on his own shell & keep everything 2 himself bcoz he could not find a genuine friend that he could trust totally, life was really tough 4 him, @lst he is in a better place now, RIP michaiel
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Damn, those liars and scammers that killed this precious, man..Burn, in hell the lot of you!!
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Your nothing but a sorry a** pathetic low life COWARD who's probably a sick child molester yourself!!
"Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red & yellow black or white they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world." .... does this mean Jesus Christ was a child molester? Because he loved children? To say MJ molested children is like saying JC molested children. Those who believe Michael could/would do such a thing should not be around your kids, their minds are perverted, twisted & impure, their thoughts are not innocent but full of lust.
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So what must it have been like for him. Why you wanna trip on me/Leave me alone/D.S/Money/They don't care about us/Scream/This time around/Tabloid Junkie/2 bad/ Privacy/Threatened. I mean it shows you media lie. Looking at those families that own media, they are evil war mongering, they tried to take Jackson down, he was coming back, before propofal poisoning, he lost 20 pounds in last 2 weeks, before this is it. he was gonna tour with Jacksons, and one more tour before retiring this year
I watched this entire documentary. I could have easily done without seeing and hearing Diane Dimond, Tom Sneddon, Diane Sawyer≤ Stacy Brown, Ed Bradley and all other Michael haters. Diane Dimond said Michael was always drunk and did cocaine, heroin and meth. What planet is she living on? Is all this just complete ignorance, jealousy of his fame and success, racism or all of above. I miss Michael Jackson!!!
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dear LIZARDWIZARDFUL, shut the f.... up! you obviously do not know what you are talkig about. do any of you haters ever do any research? apparently not. michael loved women (diana ross being the first or rather his mother being the first). i've never met a guy who loved his molher who didn't love girls/women. and those people do not turn around and decide to have sex with boys. sorry it doesn't work like that. by the way, i do know what i'm talking about. more later.
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what is nancy grace doing on this documentary? in addition to diane diamond, could you also please remove her from this planet. those people on HLN tell the world that everybody who is charged with a crime is guilty, before they're even tried. disgusting!!! why do these people hate michael jackson so much? is it jealousy or racism or both?
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Very well stated my friend! It couldn't have been worded any better.Thanks for your beautiful comments.They just wouldn't leave him alone. Such cruel people. RIP MJ. We still miss and love him very much.
Este tipo de trabajos amarillistas jamas cambiará la admiración que siento por este gran artista y ser humano. <3
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Michael lived for his fans. Every single move he made was for THEM. If you watch him at award shows, Grammy, American Music, etc, he always looks up in the rafters where the average people are hanging banners and telling him they love him. He always tells them he loves them too. He was such a sweet man. I could murder all the people who put him through all the heartache with their unfounded accusations. Hell has a special place for each and every one of them! RIP Michael.
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i stopped watching after they drilled open his doors and the safe. its sad to look at. no matter what the true story is, nobody should be dragged through the mud. even now, after his death, people keep abusing him and try to make a profit. just let him rest in peace! he was an amazing artist, its the people around him that ruined him, changed him. he will always be the true king of pop no matter what people say!!!!!
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I had to stop this at 7 minutes... no time to watch it tonight, but on my next day off, i'm watching the whole thing in its entirety. But I wonder why at the beginning the channel provider says "this is not for the fans." Hmmm, guess I'll find out later. Meanwhile, I will love michael forever.
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by the word "intelligent"...i understand you to mean "with wisdom" and with a "heart of love"...because without these, you will not be able to withstand the onslaught of hate that Michael had to deal with (and we see on youtube). It can be very hard to deal with without getting angry...which I sometimes do with the trolls. They are heartless and ruthless.
THUMPS UP If U Like To See All These Sufferings That Michael Beared Be Faced By Justin Bieber . . .
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cc wade r
see more proof herein that mj is a pathologial liar
he was a serial pedophile/chronic skin bleacher/serial plastic surgery addict etc
shame!!!! chael-jackson/
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I just HATE! the last picture D:
I know it's a FAKE one but... MY GOD! D':
Why did you add that at the end??!!! :'( WHY?!
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That candid conversation he had was really something. I don't think it would be worth it to be famous. Not MJ famous, anyways.
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I'm sorry but I just cannot STAND Debbie muthafuckin Rowe! I really liked her BEFORE she started crying in every muthafuckin appearance and every interview like WTF
I know ppl are gonna hate but that's my opinion, I know she's a very good friends of Michaels and she had his babies but she's always around when there's a fucking tragedy and crying and being so fkn dramatic it's insane! I just wish someday MJ would've fkn inerrupted her crying with a slap! I know many ppl are sensitive but cmon!
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She has a great personality though, but still STFU!
You copy and pasted this comment...
michaael jackson forever <3, I love him
is a wonderful person michael jackson always in my heart
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That was a Manikin !. The scene, with him on the stretcher, going to the ambulance, is a Manikin Too !. Look at him !. He looks to be about 20 years younger ! + The Para Medics, place the oxygen apparatus on his face, UP SIDE DOWN !.
Michael Jackson was an old man before he was a child! He was a very intelligent man, he was well read, and he helped thousands of sick children in this world! I can agree more with a comment I just read here! I try to be mentaly strong and loving to his memory and I don't think the world was ready for a person like Michael Jackson. He wasn't a child molester. I just wish after this civil trial that is going on now ends, his family allows his soul to rest. And they place his name in his grave!
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wel...i look foward to meat him in the new world, where we can just sit down in the grass, and just talk about what realy happend. whitout the press, and whitout al those stuppid magazine,s, who tell the wrong storry,s
i want to get to know him as he realy is, and i think he is a wunderful person.
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why does it randomly skip from J5 days, then to 2005 etc, then back to J5 again?
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Though I don't agree with it, the video clearly says at the beginning this video isn't for the fans. With that said, why be mad at the uploader for including Autopsy photos? He warned you before the film even began.
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Just wondering... Do you ever wonder, "What if I'm wrong? I'm going to look like a complete idiot?" And just in case you were going to turn the question around on me, I wouldn't be wrong because I've never stated whether it's real or not, so I'm not worried about looking a fool if there ends up being something to all that. But I DON'T think, at all. that people have his organs for some kind of ritual or something. Too much T.V. fucks with your brain.
it's extremely disrespectful! It's awful that the REAL ones were leaked to the press. That was the absolute LAST thing he would ever do on this Earth and the damn media couldn't even let him have that to himself! I refuse to look at any of those photos because I don't want to remember him like that. I've seen 1 picture of him on a gurney after he was dead and I looked away as soon as I saw it. I hate remembering that I've even seen it. That is also the last thing Michael would've wanted too. smh
That just made me tear up a little bit. I hope in Michael's Heaven though, he doesn't have to do anything but relax or be a kid. I also hope, in my Heaven and your mother's, that we can see a MJ concert whenever we want and go backstage and hang out. Who says everyone's Heaven is the same? LOL
Very nice movie. What is interesting was that my late mother born in 1935 from Mexico LOVED Michael ever since he hit the music scene. When he was accused of the molestations, she immediately became LIVID and said how could they do that to such a generous man. He is innocent and they are just ruining his life. Sure enough she was right. Oddly, he died in June 2009, the month of her last birthday and she was so sad then she died on 9/11/09. RIP Mom. I know you are having GREAT concerts now! <3
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Nope, no way. I've seen the real picture and he was lighter in skin tone as well as thinner.. just put it there for views. And yeah it was really jarring to have that picture of an autopsy while Paris spoke.
we eliminate all antisémites famous persons
The more immune you are to the Illuminati "drug", the more successful you will become. Michael could take this influence, but it no doubt effected his mind. Many stars have "stress", but how many of us in the "normal" world have stresses just as difficult or worse. The Illuminati "fame drug", what ever IT is, be it time travel or substance or metaphysical, is most LITERALLY selling your soul to the devil. Michael's soul was sold out from under him by his father and other family members. RIP Mike
Let me ask you something, can YOU tell if that was Michael Jackson? That's what I thought. Michael isn't dead, Michael just got tired of "Being Alive" in a world that didn't appreciate him for anything but his fame.
The truth is coming to the light now, he DID molest young boys. I wouldn't be surprised if his father molested him when he was youger
The parts about the snake SNEDDON AND THAT liar chandler and arivzo should never have been put into this. We all know it's PURE BULLSHIT1!!! SHOULD BE RE-EDITED!!!
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3:53:24 - there was no reason to spring that up on us. We were not prepared or wanted to see that.
I just watched the end of this film-- Mike was closer to GOD and acting like Jesus than anyone in history to date-- He is not dead though- he is retired. He will be back, and he will not let us down-- He loved us more.
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MJ was cleared of all charges because he was clear of any wrong doing-- I feel sorry the boy and the family trying to get MJ in trouble- evidently they were paid off to ruin him-- MJ is awesome forever! SWEET KIND and INNOCENT of all wrong doing!
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Europe, Asia, South America and Australia loved MJ too! Wish he would of moved to any of those continents (including Africa) instead of staying in the U.S.
P.S. I didn't mean to sound like such a bitch in that comment from 2 days ago. I just reread it and realized that it kinda sounded like that.
I did that. It took me back to this video, but your comment to me wasn't at the top. All the comments you wrote to everyone else were before mine. I don't know if that's Youtube's mess up or what, but all of a sudden, one day it stopped putting the comment at the top when someone replies to your comment. It's weird.
watch this video explains it all Lisa Marie Presley about Michael Jackson (OPRAH) PART 2
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He had few friends because the majority of them always wanted something from him. Some even backstabbed him. The only thing Michael Jackson is ever guilty of is being so open and letting so many people in his life. :( That is NOT his fault either because he never knew what there intentions were in the first place. The people should really pause and take time to understand him and they can do that by watching this. He was tore apart by this world and still is being used, which is sad.
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He was full of love and adding to the values that he grew up learning about giving and caring about people. He didn't let the adults around him "affect" him. That is why he was childlike so that he could stay connected with himself and enjoy this way, a very hard life. He gave love to his fans and so many people, because that is what he understood apart from Music. When the world's thinking started sinking in on him and affecting, that is when he started falling apart.
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Right from the age of 5 you get surrounded by millions of fans everywhere and the only place you feel comfortable is the stage, ofcourse you are bound to be different. Its like imprison a 5 year old kid in a house and don't let him mingle with the society or the world. Let him out after 10 years and you get a child in a grown man's body. Michael Jackson's world was music and dance. Apart from that he was a pure human being from inside because his thinking wasn't molded by the society.
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You really should cool it with the comments. It took me forever to find the one that you wrote to me.
Really? Then you don't know how to use this. If you want to find a comment I responded to click on ''Show the comment''. Simple as that.
I just figured. It's not like I'm calling myself smart or anything, but I noticed to understand what happened and Michael Jackson's life and why he was as humble as he was you really need to be inteligent and if you're a Michael Jackson fan you really have to be strong. To go through all this crap people were saying about MJ and doing injustice to him one has to be exceptionaly mentaly strong and loving, otherwise you will end up being miserable and hating the world.
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No. The bitch is still alive having her own show on TV. Like I said before people who believe in karma are stupid.
Because Michael's career was soooo long. How do you compact a 40 year career in one or two short hours. If you wanna watch shorter doco, watch Justin Beiber doco.
Pay him for what? Talking in the song? ha, ha, ha, don't be ridiculous.
Nancy Grace is a $2 prostitute, if you're short of $2 she's do it for 1$.
Love your comment. I AGREE. FUCK YOU WORLD!
Relax, video is educational, and the authopsy photo not real. I personaly liked the doco.
I reckon it was a test to all from God. The ones who thought rationaly and appreciated who Michael was will be rewarded in heaven, but the sick and twisted ones will be punished.
Because people are one big sick bunch.I'm ashamed to be a human.
Good pick up. Funny how haters don't pick those things up.Sounds like a set up to me.
Too much information. We are not interested.
I agree with every single sentence you just said.
Pfff... I guess you didn't watch this video.
You must be some kind of Elvis Prelsy fan. Only they talk shit like that.
Excuse me? Don't you know Michael had vitiligo (proven in his authopy)? He did not bleach his skin. I agree on a comment he was ''not ok'' in his head. He as more kind then any other human being, and that made him volnurable until he figured people suck.
What exactrly makes it obvious for you he was a pedophile?
Certainly not evidence presented in the court of law that proved nothing.
The only way you can see his ''guilt'' is through your own ignorance and sickness in the head.
Karma doesn't exist unfotunately. If it did exist people who bashed on him would already be punished. well. they're not punished. Sad but true.
Seems like you missed Joe's interviews. That mother fucker of a father wouldn't let their children play, let alone use drink and drugs. He was so strict, it made Michael shake out of fear.
Please explain how can someone who knew nothing better then being famous can have an ego?This was normal life to him, and living normal life does not make you egoistic. Get it?
Who exactly are you talking about. It certainly cannot be MJ.
That is because America is DIRT.
Don't worry about autopsy photo. It's not real.
ha, ha, ha, now said it all. You believe La Toyah who said she lied the whole time. Funny how you didn't see that footage of her saying she LIED.
I think you know awfully a lot about child grooming not to be suspected of being a child molester yourself.
She is a prostitute better known in media circles as a media whore, who will do anything and say anything for ratings and money. She sucked Tom Sneddon's cock, ther is a footage evidence of that in the carpark.
Available on you tube.
The skin colour actually changes person's appearance more than anything else. The fact Michael had vitiligo made him use lots of make up to cover the blotches on his face. Nose doen't change person's appearance as much though when you compare it to skin colour.
You seem to know awfully a lot about child grooming, but nothing about the man in the picture. Sounds like you are the real pedophile.
Michael was tried in the court of justice, and the jury seems to be disagreeing with you. What exactly did you see in this video that proves Michael to be anything but a giving loving person that he was? You're sick.
They may simply talk about sexual topics. These are just some of the methods a child groomer might use to gain a child's trust and affection to allow them to do what they want. Hugging and kissing or other physical contact, even when the child does not want it, can happen. To the groomer, this is a way to get clos
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To establish a good relationship with the child and the child’s family, child groomers might do several things. For example, they might take an undue interest in someone else’s child, to be the child’s “special” friend to gain the child’s trust. They might give gifts or money to the child for no apparent reason (toys, dolls, etc.). They may show pornography—videos or pictures—to the child, hoping to make it easy for the child to accept such acts, thus normalizing the behavior.
Child grooming involves psychological manipulation in the form of positive reinforcement and foot-in-the-door tactics, using activities that are typically legal but later lead to illegal activities. This is done to gain the child's trust as well as the trust of those responsible for the child's well-being. Additionally, a trusting relationship with the family means the child's parents are less likely to believe potential accusations
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Child grooming refers to actions deliberately undertaken with the aim of befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, to lower the child's inhibitions in preparation for sexual activity with the child, or exploitation
Although worldwide case law has an inherently heterogeneous history of offenders, generally child sexual abuse occurs at the hands of someone personally close and well known to that child. Thus, abuse is usually preceded by grooming
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Micheal is like one of those Catholic priests....he got what he deserved! Karma
wiki- Child_grooming and only pedopiles have those books...he shouldnt be ashamed of being gay- little richard was...but the child stuff is wrong
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i guess u dont understand molestors and pedophiles...they groom children....
Ugh. As soon as they started playing "Gone Too Soon" at the end of the video, I started crying.
3:47:00 - Yes. I think we all can agree that Michael was a human. He said it like it was something the world has been waiting to hear. That, "Yes, Micheal Jackson was indeed a human being." LOL
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He very well could have had only two plastic surgeries on his nose. When you change your nose, it changes what you look like drastically. Look at Jennifer Gray from Dirty Dancing. I had NO idea who she was after she got her nose job. She looked COMPLETELY different. He does still have the same smile. BUT I don't think he had a clef chin when he was younger.
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