Friday, April 26, 2013

Making Friends in Saigon

Do you have an English American nick name?
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
yeah it is Dandelion :)
Those are beautiful yellow flowers.
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
yeah, because my Vietnamese name is the same as dandelion, so i choose this name
Do you live in Saigon? I am in District 1.
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
I'm in District 7 :)
Hi Dandelion & Joey,
Do you want to hang out sometime in D7?
I'm living in D7 too :)
Are you busy on Sundays?
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
I just come back home :)
natalie nguyenPrivate_message
hey guys. my husband and I are in D7 too. If you want to come and hang out this Sunday, we're running a free Yoga relaxation class from 5pm - 7pm (including vegetarian meal). The class will be in English so it'll be a nice way to meet new people as well as improve your English. thanks.
I do like yoga.
natalie nguyenPrivate_message
awesome! please let me know if you'd like to come along just so we have catered enough for everyone. thanks and hope to catch up Sunday. have a great day.
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
I will go to there with my brother if you don't mind:)
and I'm afraid that I can't hear anything if they talk English =(( Can you tell me about detail address :)
Suguru YANANAPrivate_message
Sounds fun! I'd like to join. can I have detail too?
natalie nguyenPrivate_message
Sure thing, bring your brother along. Don't worry so much about the class being taught in English cause I can translate for you in Vietnamese. Address is 91A, Road 85, Tan Quy Ward, District 7. See you guys there!
John n PPrivate_message
hope 2 see you guys
John n PPrivate_message
can we changto to Saturday, Sunday i must go away from SG
natalie nguyenPrivate_message
sweet as! hopefully we'll see you Sunday. 
natalie nguyenPrivate_message
Hey John P. Sorry can't change to Saturday. It's on every Sunday so come the week after if you're free. thanks.
John n PPrivate_message
whats time Natalie?
natalie nguyenPrivate_message
5 - 7pm - includes vegetarian meal - nice for everyone to get to know each other over dinner :)
Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
find me on Facebook with
Hoàng GiáPrivate_message
hi đình hoang, i've just studied EL to travel or flirt foreign girl (just kidding :D)..Can u help me to improve my EL?..we can make fren and chat together by EL at air blade lemon tea?? :D
Joey ArnoldPrivate_message
I like flirting too.
Hi i sent u email to your page--will be there in 2 weeks!
^^ Hi Hoàng Gía :)) where do you live? :))
@Jazzybeans: okie, I checked :))
Original OatmealPrivate_message
Meet new friends in District 1.
brother :))
Phuc BuiPrivate_message
@Đình Anh Nguyễn: I guess I don't have to say much about this case! And you know what you should do! Haha!
Original OatmealPrivate_message
You say brother. I say sister.
@Phuc Bui: what do you mean? I don't know you mean. =.=
Phuc BuiPrivate_message
You can check CS page today! Read everything!!
And you will see!
Oh can I eject your comment =.=
I can say it here :|
Phuc BuiPrivate_message
If you want to!!
I don't like your smile =.= you don't say anything, just comment and smile? what happened?
Original OatmealPrivate_message
I do not like socialism.
Austin UptoNoGoodPrivate_message
We don't like you as well. If you don't like socialism then why are you here? Get a job in your own country then - see how that work out for you?
Original OatmealPrivate_message
I do not like the USA.
Austin UptoNoGoodPrivate_message
Why can't you live in the country where you came from? Not like we don't have enough foreigner live here. We don't need more weird one.
Hmmm--and im coming from usa to volunteer--maybe
i will leave this chat---getting a bit political--bye

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