Friday, April 26, 2013

I Want

Phuc BuiPrivate_message
Can you please just create one topic at a time please?
Diana HelenPrivate_message
ok..! You live Hochiminh city,
Where do you live HCM ct?
Talking about your life?.
thu thaoPrivate_message
hello.nice to talk with you.tonight.can you meet me and chatting
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
I'm in District 7, how about you?
You can talk to me. My email You can find me on Facebook with this email. You can call and text me at (84) 0-163-425-1695. The SIM card in my $250.000 VND Samsung phone says Viettel. I teach English at schools and live in Saigon, Vietnam in District 1 at the Saigon Backpacking Hostel on 203 Phạm Ngũ Lão, phường Phạm Ngũ Lão, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

You want to learn English? That is good. I am here to encourage you. However, it may be better to message English speakers instead of starting threads here. But I am not saying you cannot.

Learning English is also assumed. It is something that happens naturally when you hang out with people who speak English.

It might be better to post a thread about an event. Or start an event. Like make an event. You can say that you will be at a certain cafe at a certain time and that people can join you. Or you can ask people where they might want to meet up at. Or you can comment on other conversations where people are meeting up. Or if somebody posts a phone number, you could just call them.

I am only suggesting alternatives. I am not mad. I am not upset. I really do not care what people do. I was happy to see this post but some people do not share in my views. I am not telling you what to do. I might be able to meet you today or someday. There are others too you can meet.

This message that I am writing also goes for other people that may start threads here in the future on this website, Couch Surfing. Because new people will start topics about making friends or learning English.

On one hand, we want to welcome people when they say they want to learn English and when they want to make friends. We should not just yell at people because they want to learn and make new contacts.

But on the other hand, at the same time, there might be better ways of doing things. We do not want to be mean but we may want to kindly tell people that they do not have to start too many threads too often about too many things. Everything depends but for the most part, it is better to post threads about specific events or activities.

For example, if you are going to the zoo next Sunday, then post a thread talking about when, where, who, how much, for how long, why, how of the details of the trip. People may join. When people come to the event in real life, then you can become friends with them in real life and if they know English then you can practice English with them simply by talking with them.

Posting a thread about a specific event might be better than just saying something like "I want to make friends" or like "I want to learn English, please help."

To anybody reading this, I am not saying you cannot start threads like this about making friends and learning English, but it might be better to start a thread about meeting at 7pm at a cafe on a given day. You know, something specific and not too generic.

If you care, here is my contact info:

Joey Arnold
Original Oatmeal
(84) 0-163-425-1695
Skype: Original Oatmeal
Thien AnPrivate_message
Do you use skype? add me: dinhnguyenthienan.
You should talk English via skype or the real life when we go to coffee shop or walk around. It is better than have some talk here.
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
@Thien An: I added your skype :)
i want too
Mai HoangPrivate_message
Joey: Thank you very much for the message, I agree with you. But it's quite long, hope everybody could read it all.

Diana: You should create just 1 topic only, it's like spamming, you know.
Mai Hoang, it is not spamming. It may appear like spamming but it is not spamming. See, spamming is when people do bad things that are bad. Spamming is purely evil and not tolerable. Diana was not spamming. It is a huge misdirected popular opinion that certain things are labelled prematurely to be spam and wrong and evil. Spam is a bad thing. Spam is like a bad word. Diana did not do a bad thing. Spam is when you try to steal people' money. Spam is when you try to hurt people.
Diana HelenPrivate_message
thank all.
My skype:trinhlan0502.
Lee Trung LePrivate_message
My skype: le.trung1709 ;). Nice to meet you!
Tran Trung KienPrivate_message
@joey Arnold: thanks. i like your idea. i will try
Đình Anh NguyễnPrivate_message
My skype: never.again168 :)
Phuc BuiPrivate_message
@Joey: you are not the owner of the website, so don't say everything like... you are the owner! Everything should follow the Terms of Use of this website!
I hope it's clear!
@Diana: Like I said please just create everything in one topic. Because some people they really feel annoyed when they read all those kind of things in different topics at the same time!
So should we think about having a topic only for people to introduce about themselves and making friends on here. And one topic is one topic.
Would that be ok for you guys?
You are new member, you can come there, and introduce about yourself, and then people will come and introduce about them selves also.
I hope to know your idea about that!
I did not say I was the owner. I am just suggesting my opinions. I am suggesting alternatives. Here are my point of view. That is all it is. I write in persuasive swagger.
Original OatmealPrivate_message

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