Friday, April 26, 2013

HCM to Nha Trang?

Phuc BuiPrivate_message
You can catch a night bus from Saigon to Nha Trang!
Just look for Phuong Trang Bus or Mai Linh Bus. Because those bus company have night buses with beds for you to sleep on!
You can check that information again!
Bailey ElizabethPrivate_message
but i don't want to spend too much time in the bus, i'm not a bus girl and i try to avoid traveling by bus as much as i can. but thank you for your helpful information, Phuc :)
Linh DavidPrivate_message
Cheer Bailey ......I have a advice for you .If you donot like travel by bus you can come to Nha Trang by motorbike or bicycle.why not .It's so intersting.
Bailey ElizabethPrivate_message
only if i had a motorbike, and know how to ride it hahaha. i've been living in Saigon for a while and still i have no idea how to cross (i'm panicked all the time and i need help!)

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