Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evolution 0008

  • Joey Arnold If soil comes from dead plants, then that would mean that plants would have to pre-date soil. If plants existed before soil, then how were the plants able to exist without and before soil?
  • Sam Vimes Joey, when did you begin suffering from selective blindness?
  • Joseph Holmes Do you know what soil is?
  • Gerry Haines I know far more than Darwin , because I have been fortunate enough to read books written after he died.

    Sadly, i was not trained to educate ill informed Creationists.
  • Chris Talley "Plants" were not the first organism on the planet. Other organisms lived and died previous to plants, helping to form soil.
  • Joseph Holmes Does anyone think Joey Arnold is listening
  • Joseph Holmes Does that like mean that you are not listening?
  • Joey Arnold Sam Vimes, and others, I can answers all of your questions. Some of your questions above might be rhetorical questions, but I can try my best to answer them. I am not ignoring you guys exactly. I just really like asking my questions first. Joseph Holmes, I am listening..... I really am......
  • Sam Vimes I've given up.

    He hasn't directly responded to anybody in the last 50 or so comments.

    Poe or fool.
  • Sam Vimes Wow, I take it back. Finally.

    Ok answer them, we've answered most of yours.
  • Sam Vimes ". I just really like asking my questions first. Joseph Holmes, I am listening..... I really am......"

    That's fine Joey, but asking 20 unrelated questions one after the other gets us nowhere. ONE TOPIC at a time.
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