Thursday, February 13, 2014


I made this group after being unfairly banned from Another side of Vietnam, which is a Facebook Group at Please go to that group & like all of their comments. Please write to the people at that group & report them. Add me. Share this.

Add me, Joey Arnold, at My email is I am an English Teacher in Saigon, Vietnam. Watch my videos at

Join my Oatmeal English Club at Join my Original Oatmeal Club. Like The Original Oatmeal.

This groups is for sharing the comedy of Vietnam with the world. The people at the other group must hate me or something. I am blocked from going to that other group. Join me here, if you want. Add Me. Share MeOatmeal English
Like ·  ·  · February 13 at 5:01pm · 
  • Rick Arnold and Arnold Pocket like this.
  • Rick Arnold How was your 2nd birthday in Vietnam?
  • Joey Arnold I did not have a birthday. In 2013, nobody knew I had a birthday. I did an experiment last year to see if anybody would know if it was my birthday or not. Nobody knew. This year, I told people, but there was no birthday party or anything like that. I r...See More
  • Larry Mitchell · Friends with Marilyn Mitchell
    birthdays are not imp0rtant.
  • Joey Arnold But love is important. Love is sometimes illustrated through present giving and the celebration and gathering of the birthday ceremonies and parties themselves sometimes to some extent. Birthdays are reminders and illustrations of what it means to care for others as Christians to various degrees.
  • Lincoln Hawk · 88 mutual friends
    How many birthday gifts have you given to someone? How many parties have you thrown for someone? It seems to me that you're asking or wanting something from Christians that you yourself don't do???? You reap what you sow Joey.
  • Joey Arnold Do you really think that I am only a selfish person that never does things for other people?
  • Lincoln Hawk · 88 mutual friends
    Not at all! That's why I was asking the question. What do you do for other people's bdays?
  • Lincoln Hawk · 88 mutual friends
    AND if the answer is NOTHING! Than what would you expect. Ps. This is Biblical. Love your neighbor as yourself
    7 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Joey Arnold I spend time with people. Sometimes, I give people money. I try to be there for people. I try to help people whenever I can. I teach English to people for free sometimes or for reduced prices. I listen to people as often as I can. I once gave a man around $5,000 a few years ago. I gave another girl around $2,000. I made my younger sister a game board and a doll house. I made my church a Pocketball Table. I bought food for homeless people sometimes. I have donates my clothes and other things to people. I try to share Christ with everyone all of the time. I try to smile and make friends with everyone. I refrain from fighting people. I do not always tell people what I do for others.

    Most people do not know that I do things for other people because I do not talk about it. I do not tell people about these things. Many times, people think and say to me that I am just a selfish person that only does things for personal interests.

    I would not be in a third-world country if I was only interested in being rich, in taking care of only me, because I can make more money and take care of myself better in the USA.
  • Lincoln Hawk · 88 mutual friends
    Joey, I believe you have a good heart brother. I'm sure that there are plenty of GREAT things you have done. I am just a little sadden to see some of your posts as late. You blasted some some girl about your bike and have been posting bad things about some secular site. I'm not saying that you don't have justification on either BUT I don't see what possible good will come of it to post negativity like that brother. It seems like you have a lot of bitterness. LORD knows we all do! Especially me. But this only damages relationships more and most importantly damages your character. I've learned that no one wants to be around someone that is focused on the bad things that life throws are way. This is how you lose friends. Instead I challenge you to post positive things on your page (ONLY) positive things and find someone that you can call or vent to about the negatives. If we truly represent CHRIST than we are forgiving, gracious, and merciful. Easier said than done, but what I have learned as of late is that it's far more rewarding to forget self and live for Christ. It takes all the hard ache of people and the things they have done to us off our backs and into the hands of an ALMIGHTY GOD! If someone stole your bike. Give them your computer too! I miss you buddy. I think you're pretty courageous to what you did, which is leave all behind and travel. That's awesome. I'm sure you have your lonely days but CHRIST has never left you bro. You already know this. We all do. It's the living it and the faith that is hard. Praying for you tonight. If you can. Remember to pray for me! I know you're up for the challenge so I'm excited to see some uplifting posts on your page and not all the wrong doings of others.
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 1

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