Monday, June 3, 2013

Yoda is NOT Kermit

Rumor A stand-alone Yoda film?

  1. Circular_Logic Jedi Grand Master

    Member Since:
    Mar 3, 2013
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    You mean Yaddle? [face_sick] No thanks.

    It would be funny if Yaddle is in this spinoff and she ends up playing a significant role.
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  2. Original Oatmeal Episode VII Treatment Contest Winner

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    I want the Yoda film to have a potential for 5 sequels to it, to create a prequel to the prequels. After that, they could make films about Bane (if Bane is not in the Yoda films) and some of things that happens 5,000 - 1,000 years before the 6 Star Wars films.

    So there could be someday 6 more films (the Bane or somebody Saga) of the prequels (the Yoda saga) of the original prequels and OT (Skywalker Saga), which comes before the Sequel Trilogy ST (the Skywalker and/or something Saga).
  3. Lord Revan Jedi Padawan

    Member Since:
    Apr 16, 2013
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    i want to see stand alone movies of Yoda and Boba Fett of guys who are in the movie saga, but that's about it. i just can't get excited about an Obi-Wan spin-off.

    Revan, the story of SWTORMMO, Exar Kun/Ulic, Marka Ragnos, and Bane are some stand alones i would like to see.
  4. Original Oatmeal Episode VII Treatment Contest Winner

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    Jan 23, 2013
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    Make a film about the last jedi ever. Call it the Last Jedi, starring Tom Cruise who was in the Last Samurai. Make a movie about the first jedi. Make a film called Die Hard Or Live Free Because There's No Try starring Yoda and Bruce Willis.

    I mostly want to see the sequel trilogies.

    I secondly want to see pre-prequel trilogies with Yoda, Sidious, Bane, Plagueis, Tenebrous, Maul, Kenobi, Mace Windu, the night sisters, secret sith, other interesting stories that leads to the clone wars, the jedi council, the master of Kenobi, the way Anakin Skywalker was conceived through the force and the details of whether Plagueis and/or Sidious and/or the will of the force and/or other things influenced or totally was responsible for the creation of Anakin or did Plagueis give birth to a secret person that will be revealed in Star Wars VII or what.

    I thirdly want to see films starring Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Lando, and other people: especially because they may not star in the coming ST. So, put them in the spin-off films. I will go see every film starring any of the original actors. Disney can make tons of money making spin offs with just the original cast.

    The new heroes of the ST will become famous and they go on to make episode 12 and beyond with this third generation. This reminds me of Captain Kirk and the Star Trek Next Generation cast. I see the new stars of the ST like I see the Next Generation. Kirk is like Anakin Skywalker. But the ST will be more like Picard, unless if you want to call Luke Picard. But since Luke is now old, we have to move to the next generation.

    But please give us spin offs with the original actors. let's start a petition.

    Disney has the money to keep the original cast as slaves for so many films that people will see.

    Fourthly, I want to see films of the very Old Republic. But they should not make films about the far far future, many years after the ST. I think they should keep the future open for whatever happens with each film.
    Last edited by Original Oatmeal, Apr 16, 2013
  5. Lord Revan Jedi Padawan

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    Apr 16, 2013
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    forgot about Kaja Sinis, the first Jedi. a film based on him would be neat.
    Last edited by Lord Revan, Apr 16, 2013
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  6. Original Oatmeal Episode VII Treatment Contest Winner

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    Are there many books about the first jedi? Kaja was the first jedi? The first jedi was like 200,000 years before the 6 Star Wars films?
  7. Lord Revan Jedi Padawan

    Member Since:
    Apr 16, 2013
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    I actually don't know of any books about him.

    "Kaja Sinis was a blue haired, blue eyed Civian species with a deep voice and born on Coruscant 25,000 years before the time of Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace. In fact, Sinis was the first Jedi and the founder of the legendary Order of Jedi Bendu Knights. The word Jedi meant "light bringer" in the Civian language. In addition, Sinis created the techniques allowing one to use the Force."
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  8. Jedirush2112 Jedi Knight

    Member Since:
    Apr 11, 2013
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    It would be interesting if Yoda and Mace Windu could have their own Stand Alone movies - Clone Wars Mission. Similar to these episodes of the Clone Wars:

    Last edited by Jedirush2112, Apr 17, 2013
  9. kubricklynch Jedi Master

    Member Since:
    Dec 11, 2012
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    Kaja Sinis is just made up by Super Shadow if I am not mistaken.
  10. Roger Goldleader Jedi Master

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    Jun 1, 2000
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    A Yoda stand alone film? It would be short.
  11. CassiusClayDarth Jedi Padawan

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  12. The-Eternal-Hero Jedi Grand Master

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    Nov 4, 2012
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    They should get the guy who directed Smurfs for this. Yoda gets accidentally transported to contemporary LA, where he meets David Schwimmer and Jenna Elfman. David plays an "ordinary guy" working for a big ad agency; he's just landed the big account he's always wanted, but it's in support of an ecologically unsound plastics company; Jenna plays his girlfriend, who knows she's pregnant but doesn't know how to break it to her boyfriend - just a few weeks ago they broke up and it was the "break-up sex" that put the bun in the oven. Jenna runs into her ex fiance, a rich jerk who cheated on her but who wants to make it up to her and can provide the security she and her baby will need. He starts to romance her and David is overwhelmed by his problems. Enter Yoda, who helps them to repair their tangled lives and relationships. Under Yoda's influence, David (in a dramatic board-room sequence) stands up to his new clients: he loses the account but surprise! His boss is impressed that he "has a conscience" and is willing to risk his job for his beliefs and promotes him! Jenna gets up the nerve to tell David that she's preggers and he gets down on one knee on the spot to propose. At its heart the movie is a fish-out-of-water story, using the gentle wisdom of Yoda to point out the absurdities of modern life while offering an inspirational story for everyone.

    The highlight of the film is during a party, when a slightly tipsy Yoda sits down at the piano and sings:

    Last edited by The-Eternal-Hero, Yesterday at 10:08 PM
  13. The Hellhammer Jedi Grand Master

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    Yoda should remain mysterious and without an origin story. We don't need everything to be spelled out for us, let something remain a secret.

    Unless it's the story proposed by @The-Eternal-Hero
    In that case, make a franchise out of it. Make sequels where Yoda meets their parents, where they have kids, where they give Yoda away to another couple since they've outgrown him, when they learn the true value of the holiday spirit and one where they stand up for Freedom itself.
  14. Jae-Dec Jedi Knight

    Member Since:
    May 20, 2013
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    I wouldn't want a stand-alone movie based on Yoda, one of the best things about the character is the mystery surrounding him. To try and elaborate on Yoda's story is to risk ruining the perception one has for him.
    For me Yoda is one of my favorite characters simply because we don't know much about him, but there is still an aura about him, projecting a sense that he has seen and experienced a lot (which is understandable, since he lives for 900 years).
    Darth Chiznuk likes this.

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