Sunday, January 31, 2010
Kat Genrich and Mormon
Oatmeal Joy what came first
Yesterday at 10:52am · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
Stop, you.
Yesterday at 3:51pm
Oatmeal Joy
Bible or not
Yesterday at 6:55pm ·
Kat Genrich
Ok. I think its the chicken..because we all got to have mothers.
Yesterday at 8:03pm
Oatmeal Joy
bible chickens
Yesterday at 8:15pm ·
Kat Genrich
Eve, the mother of all living! Maybe eve was that chicken's mother
Yesterday at 8:42pm
Oatmeal Joy
Even the Book of Mormon was written to other people.
Yesterday at 10:41pm ·
Kat Genrich
Heavenly father loves all of his children! Bom was written for our day, though..
Yesterday at 10:58pm
Oatmeal Joy
The Book of Mormon was actually only written to the people that were alive when it was written. But the book was obviously passed on to each generation since then. The same thing happens in regards to some of the 27 New Testament books from the Bible, the Cannon.
Yesterday at 11:47pm ·
Kat Genrich
Nope. The different plates it was written on were sealed up
10 hours ago
Oatmeal Joy
The plates were sealed up. But the plates were still copied just like the scriptures were. They were written with an original set targeted audience in mind. Anything ever written follows these rules. Anything that is limited by time is limited by these rules. They are like the rules of gravity. Anything written by man is limited by such rules. Even God is man you say. I say that we are like God. But you say that God is like us. Because God once was us. So. What came first, the chicken or the egg? If God was man. If man became God. Then man came first. In other words, the egg came first without a mother or father. The egg came first you say. The egg came first. I repeat, the egg came first. Man became God. Man became our Heavenly Father. The egg came first. The man came first.
8 minutes ago ·
Kat Genrich
Ok. I offer no know-it-all answers. But we can always talk to the missionaries or pres banks
Sun at 4:23pm
Oatmeal Joy
are you just one sided
12 hours ago ·
Kat Genrich
11 hours ago
Oatmeal Joy
are you bias, stereotypical
13 minutes ago ·
Oatmeal Joy can I marry you
Sat at 11:50pm · · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
Idk, can you?
Sun at 6:20am
Kat Genrich
As long as you don't snore!!
Sun at 6:38am
Oatmeal Joy
then i can control your destiny
Sun at 4:05pm ·
Kat Genrich
Oh, really.Hmmm. Not so much, my silly dove!! And only if you don't snore!
Sun at 4:33pm
Oatmeal Joy
your eternal destiny
Sun at 4:36pm ·
Kat Genrich
Yeah, indeed.that kinda maketh me nervous. Why do you you think i'm still single?
Sun at 4:44pm
Oatmeal Joy
I am going to blow myself up so that I can get 70 virgins in the afterlife. Just kidding. But it makes me nervous. Can I tell you why it makes me nervous too. It makes you nervous and it makes me nervous. Let me tell you about it. can I tell you a about it. Talk about woman's rights or the lack thereof. Talk about low self esteem. All power rests ... See Morein the hands of men and not women. But why would that be the case. Who gave anybody that idea? Can I tell you about that. Let me tell you more later. Because it makes me so nervous too likewise or moreover.
Sun at 5:08pm ·
Kat Genrich
But then again they say in the church that a woman is supposed to follow her husband.. Unless he is leading her to hell!
Sun at 5:13pm
Oatmeal Joy
You know that I got power over you. That makes me better than you. That is why I am not Eve either. The woman did it. The woman ate the apple or fruit or snake or sin or whatever. She did it. Men are so past that. Not that we are perfect. We are just better. Follow us because we got the power. Let me tell you about that. Are we exactly equal. Why would I have power over you. Who gave us that idea. That is a question. Lets think about that.
Sun at 5:19pm ·
Kat Genrich
Seperate but equal
Sun at 5:25pm
Oatmeal Joy
Not equal if I play a part in your destiny. Whether you are worthy of something should only be a personal matter. If you are married to me then you know what that means. And if you die then I can pray for you even after you die. Talk about free will. I mean free agency. How is that free agency. What if I don't want your prayers after I die. Can I ... See Morerequest that you don't pray for me after I die. And how do you know if a dead love one needs your prayers or not. You better just pray for everybody just to be safe. That is what the Catholics do, too. Except they just have the Priest pray for them right before they die. But it really is the same thing. And after they die, you can give money to the Catholic church to buy each body parts, to buy your dead love ones out of Purgatory (or lower part of Heaven or Kingdom) and up to the higher Kingdoms. Talk about free agency. If you are married to me then you will not have total agency. How does that make you feel. To give yourself up to me. How is that equal. Still making you nervous.
Sun at 5:33pm ·
Kat Genrich
You mean baptism for the dead?
Sun at 5:37pm
Kat Genrich
"neither is the man without the woman and the woman without the man.." we need each other for salvation. We both have important roles to play..
Sun at 5:42pm
Oatmeal Joy
Why bother getting baptized now if you can get baptized after you die? What exactly is the point in getting it done right away? There is no deadline. You can do it later. Why does it matter so much to you. Why did you already get baptized. And why was the baptism already rendered useless. Why do you have to get baptized again. Is Baptism just that ... See Moreweak of a thing. Is it just like an oil change for a car. Is it just like refilling your car with gas. Is it just like recharging your phone battery. Is it just like recharging your old black heart. Oh wait, your heart is not black. How could your heart be black? But is that what baptism is? You got to refuel yourself up again. Refill yourself back up again with baptism.
Sun at 5:45pm ·
Kat Genrich
No! Thats what the sacrament is for every week..
Sun at 6:07pm
Kat Genrich
Because you shouldn't procrastinate your day of repentence
Sun at 6:10pm
Oatmeal Joy
Whats the use if I am going to have to do it again. It reminds me of Dad. He had to redo our plumbing almost every year underneath the trailer, sometimes weekly for several months in a row, all because he did them wrong. In the Old Testament, back in the day, they sacrificed animals to cover for their sins. it was almost a daily thing. A daily ... See Moreoccurance like you always say. Actually, it was a yearly occurance. It did not take away your sins, only covered them up. It hid them like clothes do our nakedness. See Adam and Eve about that. But then Jesus came and. Well. Did Jesus come to just cover our sins just like a burnt offering. A temporary plan for solution. Because they already had that right. But lets think about this. What are the sacraments really. Why should it not be procrastinated. Is that a sin. I thought it was merely free agency right yeah.
Sun at 6:27pm ·
Kat Genrich
Jesus was never a temporary solution! When i say salvation is a daily occurence i mean we have the choice everyday whether we are going to accept the atonement. You can't just stockpile spirituality.
Sun at 6:37pm
Oatmeal Joy
You are actual saying that Jesus is temporary. If you have the choice to come back to it then you also have the choice to leave it. But then again, is salvation simply about being there. Is it just about being in the right place. What exactly is salvation. How small of a word is it. Can you pick it up and digest it. If you have daily accept it then... See More are you actually accepting it. If I accepted a dollar bill then I would have it then and there. If there were no conditions on it then I would just have it. I would not daily reaccept that dollar bill. I didn't even earn that dollar. I did not work for it. The sacrifices were temporary because they had to reaccept it. Do we have to reaccept Jesus each day. That is the question. If God is limited by time then yes we must. But then we also got questions about Jesus. Since Jesus is not Heavenly Father, there is no way that He could have done everything that he did do. Let me tell you how and why.
Sun at 9:08pm ·
Kat Genrich
I agree. Its about being in the right place. A gift is a gift. Jesus is not hf.
Sun at 9:20pm
Oatmeal Joy
You may just end up in the wrong place if you are married to the wrong person or if you never get married ever, even in the Kingdom. That is the scary part. Oh, by the way, do you worship Jesus the Son or Heavenly Father or both or neither? Do you sing song to both of them? And what about the Holy Spirit, too?
about a minute ago ·
Oatmeal Joy is Jesus our Heavenly Father
Sat at 11:50pm · · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
Sun at 6:19am
Oatmeal Joy
I and My Father are One
Sun at 4:07pm ·
Oatmeal Joy
Is Jesus literally God's son?
Sun at 4:17pm ·
Kat Genrich
Sun at 4:20pm
Oatmeal Joy
but why is Jesus the Savior
2 seconds ago ·
Oatmeal Joy is stealing a sin
Yesterday at 11:51pm · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
Hey! Is stealing my heart a sin? Who's the sinner now?
11 hours ago
Oatmeal Joy
can a two year old steal
about an hour ago ·
Kat Genrich
Good question. Yes they can. I once stole a pack of gum as a kid. Is it sin when a kid does it? Before the age of accountability? No.
about an hour ago
Oatmeal Joy
Will you at least forgive the kid still.
23 minutes ago ·
Kat Genrich
If its not a sin why would that require pardon?
19 minutes ago
Oatmeal Joy
Just try to imagine for a second please, what if your own child kills your other child.
a few seconds ago ·
Oatmeal Joy what is a prophet
Sat at 6:53pm · · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
A mouthpiece for the lord. Very important: we do not worship the prophet..
Sat at 8:06pm
Oatmeal Joy
what about false prophets
Sat at 8:16pm ·
Kat Genrich
Pray about that!
Sat at 8:40pm
Oatmeal Joy
what about scriptures
Sat at 11:49pm ·
Kat Genrich
Read them!
Sun at 6:40am
Oatmeal Joy
Can I tell you what the scriptures say about prophets. I have read them. I have studied them so many times. I just want to know whether you have read them or not. You tell me to read them but do you read them yourself. Specifically the parts about prophets. Do you know the ways or the rules of the prophets. Do you know the definition of a prophet. Do you know the rules that they live by.
Sun at 4:03pm ·
Kat Genrich
No man is a prophet in his own land
Sun at 4:37pm
Oatmeal Joy
What about Jesus?
Sun at 5:38pm ·
Kat Genrich
I meant honored in his own land..
Sun at 5:45pm
Oatmeal Joy
Can a true prophet of God, of Heavenly Father, like Joseph Smith, be a false prophet, an AC, Anti Christ, at all you think possibly or not.
Sun at 5:54pm ·
Kat Genrich
if a true prophet, no. I know js was a true prophet. This is sometimes an inconvenient truth..
Sun at 6:04pm
Oatmeal Joy
Can a prophet lie.
Sun at 6:06pm ·
Kat Genrich
He can if he wants to incur the lord's wrath!!
Sun at 6:13pm
Oatmeal Joy
false prophecy
Sun at 6:41pm ·
Oatmeal Joy
can the true prophet from the lord prophesize falsely
12 hours ago ·
Oatmeal Joy Kat Genrich is Mormon
I guess this video has been getting removed from youtube because mormons dont like people to know about their less popular teachings. Im uploading this video to keep the information available. Mormons ...
Kat Genrich
Once you actually know the teachings of the church, this video is pretty good comic relief!!! But if not, it's just another really lame cartoon. Thanks though jojo-- i haven't laughed that hard in a while ;)
January 28 at 11:20am ·
Oatmeal Joy
quite the opposite actually
January 28 at 11:01pm ·
Oatmeal Joy
cannot wait to be god
Sat at 10:50am ·
Oatmeal Joy
what is wrong with this
11 hours ago ·
Kat Genrich
You are being disrespectful. Stop.
3 hours ago ·
Oatmeal Joy
Kat, please know that you are being disrespectful to my beliefs right now.
6 minutes ago ·
Kat Genrich
Please don't tag me in stuff like this anymore
3 minutes ago ·
Oatmeal Joy
please explain
2 minutes ago ·
20 minutes ago ·
Kat Genrich
I don't want to be dragged into controversy, is all i'm saying. I know yer gonna believe what u believe..i can't change that. We are both free to worship as we see fit. But jojo i'm not the one attacking your church. Or your belief system. I've just been trying to explain how i feel.
5 minutes ago ·
Oatmeal Joy
You are too attacking what I believe. You have to understand that. I will tell you why. You have to understand the problem. You have to feel my pain. You have to see it. You have to come look at the world through my eyes. And I will not just believe what I believe. That is not the point to progression or to change or to growth or to being open. I ... See Moream all about doing things right and doing things better and about believing the right things and that is why I open up my head to you and that is why I write to you because I need your help and you should not take down an offer like this. You have to understand what you are doing to me. You have to come look at things from my side of the table, from my perspective. I am not sure if you are getting this. I am not sure if you are feeling me or hearing me. You are going against my set of beliefs. My belief system. It is ganging up upon my free will, my free agency. But I am thankful for all that you have taught me already, still.
2 seconds ago ·
Kat Genrich Takin a break from work!
Leslie Mora
Breaks are good. What is it you do?
January 26 at 4:12pm
Kat Genrich
Wash dishes at a cafe
January 26 at 4:41pm
Leslie Mora
I need a job. :)
January 26 at 5:00pm
Fiona Ripplinger Feickert
Hmmm... guess it's time for me to take a work from my break. ;)
January 26 at 7:33pm
Kat Genrich
Mommyhood is serious business!
January 26 at 7:51pm
Oatmeal Joy
is a break kind of like grace
12 hours ago ·
Kat Genrich
Our daily bread?
11 hours ago
Oatmeal Joy
daily work in progress salvation
4 minutes ago ·
Kat Genrich
Daily progress in recovery! I am rolling with the punches..
a few seconds ago
Oatmeal Joy
who poison the punch
2 seconds ago ·
san Jackson Hi Kat, i am thinking of you,is it nice where u went?
Oatmeal Joy is stealing a sin
Sat at 11:51pm · · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
Hey! Is stealing my heart a sin? Who's the sinner now?
Sun at 6:35am
Oatmeal Joy
can a two year old steal
Sun at 4:06pm ·
Kat Genrich
Good question. Yes they can. I once stole a pack of gum as a kid. Is it sin when a kid does it? Before the age of accountability? No.
Sun at 4:29pm
Oatmeal Joy
Will you at least forgive the kid still.
Sun at 5:13pm ·
Kat Genrich
If its not a sin why would that require pardon?
Sun at 5:17pm
Oatmeal Joy
Just try to imagine for a second please, what if your own child kills your other child.
Sun at 5:36pm ·

Oatmeal Joy can i marry you
Sat at 11:51pm · · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
Will you have my baby?
Sun at 6:21am
Oatmeal Joy
what religion will she be
Sun at 4:06pm ·
Kat Genrich
She? I want a boy..
Sun at 4:25pm
Kat Genrich
Muslim? Orthadox jew? Catholic? Jews for christ? ;) Christian..yes ...
Sun at 5:23pm
Katie Jean Arnold
what if you let the child choose what it wanted to believe?
3 hours ago
Kat Genrich
There definitely comes a time where they have to choose for themselves. I just want to give junior a good foundation..
3 hours ago
Oatmeal Joy
what is foundation
5 minutes ago ·
Kat Genrich
Faith in christ and the knowledge that families are forever..
10 minutes ago
Oatmeal Joy
Faith in Christ: trusting that He saved us or at least died for us, then in loving Christ back by doing good things, including baptism, marriage, starting a family, and eventually by becoming equals with God Himself (but not equals with Jesus because Jesus does not get to be a Heavenly Father himself). But that is the foundation.
a few seconds ago ·
Oatmeal Joy buy me cigarettes
12 hours ago · · · See Wall-to-Wall
Kat Genrich
11 hours ago
Oatmeal Joy
but i gave you money
11 hours ago ·
Kat Genrich
11 hours ago
Oatmeal Joy
so you can buy yourself some
8 minutes ago ·
Kat Genrich
I'm talkin' 'bout i don't buy cigarettes for anyone now..
a few seconds ago
Oatmeal Joy
do you buy off instinct
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