Thursday, February 6, 2014

Oatmeal is a Spammer?

  • Xu Do hes spammer
  • Jeff Sasse Xu Do I approved the 'join' request from Original Oatmeal.........I am aware of his postings in other groups ....even though he may have had some difficulties in other groups and with certain individuals in HCMC...... We are a friendly group and would like to give everybody the opportunity to make friends and spread goodwill with others.... BUT ...... we will not tolerate any spamming or behavior that is mean spirited or hateful towards others in this group........ if you or anybody else in the group witnesses ANYBODY posting in such a way as to harass others ....or just inappropriate postings ....please notify me immediately and I will handle it expeditiously...... thank you for your concern for the group Xu Do ...... I will continue to monitor the situation ........
  • Original Oatmeal Depends on what "SPAM" means, right? To me, this is not "SPAM" at all. To me, I am just saying hello to people. That is it. I am not selling anything. I am not trying to make you buy my things or services. I am not a company. These are not ads. It is not spam. I am just a person. Jeff, thanks for your thoughts.
  • Xu Do I understand Jeff, but I have a question for him, that if he speaks German? Because he also asked to join in the German Group and other groups for many times. I don't hate him, I know him (his nickname) from Couch Surfing to Groups on Facebook. Yeah, h...See More
  • Original Oatmeal I want to learn German. I want to make friends. I am not lonely. You have never met me. Meet me before passing on judgments and assumptions to me. I am a very outgoing person. I have wanted to make more friends, travel the world, and help people since I was 8 years old back in the year of 1993.
  • Xu Do That above comment looks like I saw you posted somewhere. So you want to learn German and Korean at the same time? Actually, the German group is not a group for free lessons, unfortunately, we couldn't have time to make it. But it's the group for people to help each other in practicing German based on what they've learned. Instead of spending time on social networking, finding worms in vegetables to argue with others, I would recommend you to buy books to learn the languages that you like, then you would have interesting topics to talk to others, that makes more sense.
  • Original Oatmeal Xu Do, are you a perfectionist?
  • Jeff Sasse As I said I am aware that he has had some difficulties 'AND'
    These are not 'my' he suggests...... these are general guidelines in which we run our group here.... everyone that joins the group ...does so with a clean slate.... if your in
    tentions are to make friends and network with others and possibly join in some meetups with others in and around HCMC..... then that is great ...we welcome you and hope you enjoy our group and have a wonderful time ... if your intentions are nefarious and to cause disruption and angst...then please do not waste our time or yours...... I can only hope that your reasons are as I first stated .... and if they are ....we are happy to have you ..... I haven't passed any judgment on you or anyone else.... thank you for your input and there will be no further need to discuss this topic.... as I will continue to monitor the group and act according to our guidelines and to make our group a pleasant experience for those that want to be a part of it ..... thank you.........
  • Original Oatmeal Xu Do, you seem to like what he says but you seem not to like what I say.
  • Original Oatmeal
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