- Ian Wilson How about this one ? How many of you have any of these left over ? US Forces Viet Nam Military Payment Certificate - 1968. This one was worth $1 at the PX - OR the equivalent of $1.10 - $1.40 in VND on the black market in Ba Ria.
- Ian Wilson Cheryl Lee - you think ? I've still got a few dozen of those things of different values laying around somewhere. Believe it or not, back then they where issued, one of those in the pic was worth US $1 - or - 100 VND !!! 1 VND = 1 US cent.
- Robert Bicknell You're missing the "100" and "200" dong notes. GREAT for playing poker with. Pile a metre high and only worth a buck and a half...lol
- Mathias Baumgartner @Huy Phung Nhat I agree, I also like the paper money more. Polymer may last longer, and be more practical, but the old paper notes just had a better feel, in your fingers, and they looked more beautiful imho. The printing was more like art.
- Peter Pomeroy I remember when the 5000 Dong note was the biggest available. One had to carry great chunks of money about.
- Ian Wilson One advantage of the notes today is when you go out for a quick snack, say a small pizza at Pizza Hut or a burger from KFC or Lotteria, whatever - pay with whatever sized notes you happen to have. (eg - 200K VND notes) Simply put any change straight into one of the charity boxes near the cash register. Your change (and other peoples) get donated, usually to kids charities. Every little bit adds up and helps someone less fortunate
- Tim S Koepp I still see notes as low and 500 vnd and I have 1000, 5000 and 10,000 still in my wallet today to make change. They are still around. It's only the 100 vnd that no one wants these days.
- Ian Wilson Clifton Buck-Kauffman - can't be bothered with coins in the change, just leave it on the counter and take only the notes. EASY
- Clifton Buck-Kauffman I haven't been offered any coins in change for quite a long time.
We bought a piggy bank back in the year of the pig when they were on sale on every corner, which we recently busted open… Lots of coins! - Ian Wilson Bobby Trong Sáng - shut up or I'll lend Huy Phung Nhat my electric wheelchair to run over your feet with ! YOU CHEEKY YOUNG GUY !
- Huy Phung Nhat be cool man
I hate polymer banknotes because i have had several accidents with them.
Let it to close to a lightbulb -> unusable
forget it in pant pocket, shake it in the cleaner -> unusable
children accidentally get it, then rubbing it like their toy for a while -> almost unusable - Nguyen Ky Quan if any of you have the notes above, i wanna exchange them at the present value!!! Just inbox me
- Huy Phung Nhat one more thing I hate about polymer: two notes can easily be stick together and miscounted as a single note.
- Peter Pomeroy Tim S Koepp, I first came into Vietnam in early 1991. I stayed pretty well none stop for about 16 years, then in and out for a while. More out than in now, but I do keep a home in Vung Tau.Oh BTW I am REALLY old!
- Peter Pomeroy Ian Wilson all of those things are true, but when I see a twit like Joey Arnold posting such rubbish, it makes me feel older than my years.
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