Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evolution 0004

  • Joey Arnold How can decay be part of life if decay destroys life? Decay shortens life. Decay does not enhance life. Decay ruins and weakens life. Why do we have medicine? Why do we have anti-ageing things, if ageing is only natural? Why do we try extending our lives, if death and decay is good? Shouldn't we all just die and decay sooner if decay is so good for evolution and life and everything, right?
  • Chris Talley Neither evolution nor abiogenesis violates any physical law.
    Does evolution violate the second law of thermodynamics? Creationists say yes. These articles describe in detail why the creationists are wrong.
  • Joseph Holmes Any other stupid questions?
  • Joseph Holmes ... Hey Joey Arnold, how would we have fresh plant life if not for the decay of the old?
  • Keith Fosberg In about a few thousands of trillions of years the universe will be an enormous, diffuse morass of fields. All particles will have decayed but latency will keep these fields fluctuating very near the ground state for an incredibly long time.

    The net e
    nergy state of the universe will be the same as now, but it will be very evenly distributed across a vastly greater volume than it is today.

    This may well be a near perfect state for minds to play out, very slowly and over immense ages, by our understandings, across the vastness of the universe.

    Who says things are getting worse? They are just changing.
  • Joseph Holmes The ignorance is palpable with this one
  • Joey Arnold If life happened by chance, then why can't scientists manufacture even the simplest forms of one-celled life on their own in control settings in laboratories?
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