Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Evolution 0005

  • Joey Arnold If life happened by chance, then why can't scientists manufacture even the simplest forms of one-celled life on their own in control settings in laboratories?
  • Sam Vimes "How can decay be part of life if decay destroys life?" Dead matter decays and feeds new life.

    "Decay shortens life." See above, decay can extend life

    "Decay does not enhance life." See above, yes it does.

    "Decay ruins and weakens life." See above, it also sustains life.

    "Why do we have medicine? Why do we have anti-ageing things, if ageing is only natural? Why do we try extending our lives, if death and decay is good? Shouldn't we all just die and decay sooner if decay is so good for evolution and life and everything, right?" Whilst decay on a macro scale can be good, nobody wants to die. This is a pretty simple point.
  • Keith Fosberg Decay is caused by a multitude of living organisms consuming biotic resources.

    Can we elevate this discussion past the 3rd grade?
  • Joseph Holmes Well it took quite a while to happen... They are working on it
  • Sam Vimes Joey stick with one question for more than 30 seconds, respond to other peoples counters. Stop posting single sentence questions. It makes you look silly, not clever.
  • Gerry Haines Joey Arnold

    The stuff you eat - it probably grew in compost. life is constantly recycling all sorts of stuff.
    ...See More
  • Joseph Holmes Silly isn't the word I would use
  • Joey Arnold Plants cannot grow without the help of dead plants?
  • Keith Fosberg Can't have wine, cheese or many other things without decay.
  • Keith Fosberg Some plants can, but most cannot.
  • Joseph Holmes Joey, do you even have a middle school level of science education?
  • Joey Arnold I studied biology, chemistry, and science in college for a few years.
  • Joey Arnold I am also a writer. I am also a researcher. I am always reading and writing. I am always asking questions about everything.
  • Keith Fosberg No, you didn't.

    Here is a wiki on Pioneer species. It will help you understand some of the issues you are displaying ignorance of.
    ...See More
    Pioneer species are hardy species which are the first to colonize previously dis...See More
  • Joseph Holmes Clearly you didn't pay attention if even the basic concept of plant life cycles is beyond you.
  • Sam Vimes That's fine. In this forum however, you frustrate people with your questioning style. 1. Ask a question. 2. wait for response. 3. Respond to the other persons response.
  • Joseph Holmes Your questions would be better solved by google in most cases... My cousin in the third grade asks more well thought out questions
  • Gerry Haines Joey Arnold - you are cordially invited to ask questions on the NICH. I see that you are new here - or maybe are a long time lurker. I like to engage with the more science based advocates of Creationism . So what do you think of my OP on Abiogenesis?
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