Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How It Kills?

how it kill people?
they are small
smoke is bad for people
hard to breath
you say its too big
now say too small
i would rather have a car
too big and too small
car very slow in city
too small and too big
and car even more smoke
cars are not dirty
electric cars are clean
newer cars are better
still one car more smoke any motorbike
cars have less gas than motor bikes
because car very bike
need more power
my friend
i work mechanic long time
drive race care and motorbike
know many things
cars can fit more people for a certain amount of smoke
motorbike not more smoke than car
of course
car less smoke per person
but if go alone
more good motorbike
you are wrong
you are very wrong
cars are better
they are
fepend on mood
electric cars are better than gas cars
not moods
for pollution
i am not talking about moods
but slow and no fun
electric car no go far
cannot drive race
and cannot buy electric car vietnam
only regular car can buy here
they will
electric cars will get better
be patient
take long time
you can find a way
do not give up
i talk about today
go after what is best
today is not important
i go what best
now best is motorbike
you should not do bad things today
best is bicycles
i want to kill the motor bikes
i can go faster than motor bikes at times
because they faster than your bike?
lets do race
you bicycle i motorbike
in heavy traffic
bet 200usd
in traffic jams
can do
i bet 200usd
i slide through traffic
i faster on motorbike
i am smaller than motor bikes
u say time and date
everyday, i go past them
all the time
tell me time and place
i went by
i bet you 200usd
i go faster
yesterday i went by
and i go faster
because i am smaller
i am quicker
lets go make race
i can squeeze
and go through
in between
lets make a race
the cracks
i am a mouse
i am not talking race
if u r faster we can make race
i am talking traffic
there is a difference
u tell me u go faster
fundamental difference
we make race on street
in traffic jam
races are fantasy
still me faster
jams is real life
traffic is everyday
races are silly
i do not race
i work
i go to work
with bicycle
i use my bike to work
not to race
but i go faster
at times
not all the time
what time u work?
they go faster at times
i work random times
all the time
everyday is different
not all the time
u live in fake world
i think you are maybe not good at driving motorbike
i see it happen
so bycicle better fot you
its ok
it takes more time for motor bikes to start back up again
do not worry
you are wrong
not better for just me
not just better for me
bicycles are better for people in general
maybe for you
not me
for me motorbike more good
not me
i am not talking about me
i am not here
not me
not for me
not just me
you are wrong
u think wrong
motor bike bad for you
very bad
i win races
last year win 15,000usd in motorbike race in belgrade
very good for me
waste of time
Peter Pan
you dont want 15,000USD
you tell me you need money
i want what is best
i do not want what i want
i want what is best
but then why you no katholic?
katholic is original
protestant just small side group
not original christian
catholic is not original
catholics started around 100 AD
they lie
Catholics, not Katholics
C not K
Catholics lie about their history
Christianity started since the dawn of time
Abraham had faith, and he was a Christian
but catholics older than protestant
Luther younger than Jesus
very wrong
very wrong
protestants started with the dawn of time
you are wrong
very wrong
martin luther founded protestant
youa re saved by grace through faith
you invent things
Martin Luther did not
i am not talking about the things Luther did
i am talking about something deeper
I am a Christian
Christian means a follower of Christ
I do not care what Luther did not not
if Luther did good things then that is good
but I follow Christ who has no beginnings
Christ created us and died for us
humans have followed Christ for the past 4,000 years
that is older than the catholics who follow the Pope
I follow Christ
not the Pope, and not good works
you strange man
but funny
if you want talk we can drink beer
i hate beer
i hate motor bikes
i hate smoking
i hate drugs
i mate medicine
how about coffee?
you like girls?
or also hate?
i love girls
i know sme pretty girls here
show me
u like vietnamese or western?
i like Vietnamese women
Sunday 9:04pm
you have girlfriend?
look like on your picture
just a friend
in saigon?
Monday 7:40pm
how much money she steal from you?
Monday 11:24pm
$200 USD or more
about an hour ago
how much more?
she took away my life
my time
my emotions
my repuation
my reputation
what reputation?
what people think about me
has been damaged and altered
she wrote about you online?
she tell people bad things about me
she tells people everywhere
and how?
in person
people she knows
and on facebook
and in emails
and on couch surfing
that bad man
what you do about?
you should write a book or sth
i am going to
you can read my book in the internet
i write everyday
where is the book?
the website looks weird man
but cannot see a book
where can i find it?
what is a book?
a book is a book
you told me you wrote one
it is a simple question
it is not hard to answer this question
you should learn how to answer simple questions
i did
a book is a book
its sth you read
has a cover
stuff like that
i want to read your book
you are missing an important part
to your definition
i am also missing your book
you are focusing on the canvas
show me your book
but a book is a collection of words
that is what a book is
you left that out in your definition
it is more important than what you mentioned
you are focused more on the other things
a book is not paper
a book is not wood
a book is not pages of blank sheets
your definition is lacking that clarity
a book is a group of thoughts
your book you wrote is not real
a book are paragraphs
you lie to me
you do not understand
you are being silly
you tell me you wrote a book
your understanding is flawed
you are lying
you do not understand what a book is
your sense is not normal
the first thing i said was that i am working on it
everyone can make a blog
your blog crazy
i did not say that i wrote a book
you are making fun of me
blogs are books
only copy paste from websites
you seem not to understand these things
you do not understand life
life is deeper than this
i do my friend
books are words
i have good life
books are not paper
your life is shielded
your life is sheltered
i did not say that i wrote a book
i did not say that i finished my book
you assumed those things
you jumped to conclusions
why would you want to read my book?
if you don't want to read what i write?
that does not make sense
there is no difference
between what i write here and in books
it is the same
but i am happy with life i have
can enjoy now
learn things
meet many people
meet many girls
have money
can help people
everything good
if i perceive my life as good
i have a good life
i think
you think, you have a good life?
perception is not reality
if you think you can fly, can you?
nope, but i know i like my life
and that is real
flying is a physical thing
you smash the ground
feeling good is meaningless
you think my life is bad?
you dont feel good?
what I think does not matter
how I feel does not matter
what we think changes
what matters to you?
how we feel changes
but reality is constant
truth matters
feelings lie
our heart lies
our brain lies
our body lies
truth cannot lie
what matters is doing what is best
why you put o blog?ur chat on your
i thought you were not reading it?
why you put our chat on your blog?
why do you care?
take it off please
you think my blog is crazy
because i write to you
do not write to me
not to people reading your blog
i am not a private person
i won't anymore
you are not a company
if you don't like me, don't talk to me
i do what i want
i never said i dont like you man
i write books
you have interesting thoughts
but please take it off
you cannot tell me what a book is and is not
just take it off and no problem
it is a problem
taking it off is a problem
why is taking it off a problem
people have to understand that they are private people
if ou are not a private person than who you are?
the one who judges?
there is only one judge for me
its not you
I am a public person
so please take it off
you cannot say that to a person with a radio show
who is your public?
who is your public?
and you dont have a radio show
that is an illustration
you talk to the trees and the clouds
to the animals and the streets
then do not worry
but i dont see any people commenting on your blog
if my public are trees, then why do you care?
noone react to your messages
no hman
then nobody is reading it
i need to care
then why does it amtter?
i care about everyone
why does it matter?
i see a confused person
who feels no home here
why are you so scared?
who have no family
no friends
and no want happiness
that is not good
why you scared that people will read our conversation?
why are you in vietnam?
what happened to you in the usa?
you run away i think
but from what?
USA is full of selfish people.
so is vietnam
look at the streets
they have families
but outside families there is no bondry
you have no family here
Everybody is family.
Home is where the heart is.
your heart lies
you are not family with vietnamese
The selfishness in the USA is a little different.
I am friends with others.
the trees and clouds?
I am friends with everybody.
Trees need friends as well.
Even when they aren't friends back at me.
USA does not need me.
what does vietnam need you for?
every day you write 10 post on your blog
you are online all day
onlt teach one class maybe
how you get money?
to survive
you get wellfare from usa?
I do not get welfare.
who finances you?
I am looking for students.
why does vietnam need you?
who want to be your student?
you are agressive
We all need each other.
too agressive for teacher
Teachers have to be aggressive.
Aggressiveness means momentum.
aggressiveness means forcing your views onto pupils
but they have to form their own
they don't need to think like you
you cannot avoid it
you cannot not do that
everybody is aggressive
everybody influences everybody else
everybody is free
we can do what we want
we can think what we want
nobody forces you to do anything
maybe i have to force you to take down our chat
you are a bully?
that is what bullies do
but why u think it is imoportant to publish what we talk?
you are a bully
i am a writer
because you publish it
against my will
and dont take it down
everything is published
i did not publish it
you are the bully
not me
you did
things are not private
you put it on your side
things are
are you a communist?
organizations can read everything you do in private messages and emails in the internet
communist dont want things private
you are not an organisation
it happens
nobody reads my blog
trees read my blog
nobody knows
has 3000 views
it is not there
those views are inaccurate
those views come from website bots
then it will not hurt you to take it down
they have programs on the internet that scan blogs
it will hurt me
then just take it down?
i want to read it
i like it
you can read it here
you are being silly
it is easier to read there
you are ignorant
my facebook may be deleted
you are arrogant
and you talk like a schoolkid
it does not amtter what you think
if you dont take it down i will come after you
what matter are facts
please find me
please go after me
i dare you
find me
get me
or you just want to meet up
are you ashem of me?
are you ashame of me?
or are you not man enough?
to look me in the eye
and tell me i am stupid
i dare you
you are misguided
we all make msitakes
you made one
i want you to take it back
you dont do it
thats stupid
that is not what I said
learn how to read
I said the word "We"
lets me personally
you must understand
that we means me, too
let us meet
we does not mean "Not me"
we meet
we make mistakes
i want see you
we all make mistakes
i want to see you
let us meet
we meet
you are lying
about what?
i never lie
how dare you to call me liar?
you intentions are concealed
and misguided
your loyalty is divided
what loyalty
to who?
loyalty to Christ
an you dont know my intentions
you want to meet me or not?
Intention leaks through words
I live in district Binh Thanh
I am in Go Vap right now
what street?
why do you want to meet me?
to talk
we are talking
you threaten me
in person
i never threaten you
want to beat me up?
you want to beat me up?
you dared me
you dared me first
mine had a different emphasis
mine too
you are wrong
very wrong
i never threaten you
you just dont want to meet me
that is the truth
and only i can see it
not true
yes true
but you cannot see it
I am going to Da Lat today
because your mind is corrupted
I will be here until 8 PM
why you go to da lat?
with my school
summer vacation
with kids?
vacation for us teachers
English teachers
what is your company?
Foreign & Vietnamese teachers
Tan Van Foreign Language School
I am on this one street
Quang Trung
in district Go Vap
at a cafe
you can come here and meet me
i give you 10 minutes to take off the blog about me
otherwise i will come
and bring some friends
come here
find me
what are you going to do to me?
we will see
i always wanted a bycicle
that means you do not want to talk
come look for my bicycle
take it
steal it
you get used to it
you can do what you want
bikes are only 20 bucks here
even if it is wrong
do as you must
i cannot stop you
good luck wth your book
what you gonna do when they kick you out of vietnam?
it does not matter
life is about trying
life is about never giving up
you cannot let people put you down
you cannot let people put you in a box
when you fall, you must get back up again and fight for what is right
what is right for you?
is what is right for everybody
truth is absolute
truth is etneral
truth is not merely subjective
truth is not only personalized
what is right for you is what is right for me as well, in regards to eternal principles
unto things that do not change
so wrong
right is not right for everybody
everybody is different
want different things
if you want to make it right for everybody you will hurt everybody
your thinking will lead to death
pain and suffering
this is very bad
very wrong
yes right
i disagree with you
you dont understand
your idealogy is insane
you dont understand life
for you life is not about being happy
my ceiling cannot be your floor
you dont want people to live in peace
you live in a fantasy
i want joy, not happiness
joy is everlasting
happiness is fake
joy is real
joy is about perspective, character
happiness is lust, deception
joy is sex
happiness is selfishness
joy is character
joy is a good meal
you do not know joy
joy iser not charact
you are wrong
joy comes from Christ
very wrong
joy is a frame of mind
joy is sex
joy is not an emotion
sex is not of christ
that is blasphemie
Christ invented sex
dont hate christ joey
that is not waht I said
dont say that
i did not say that
you go to hell for that
christ never have sex
you are making fun of what i am saying
you are misquoting me
Christ mad eus
you are wrong
Christ made us
you write lies about christ
Christ created everything
why you spit on christ?
in the beginning was the Word
the Word is Christ
god made the world
the Word was with God
then send christ
the Word was God
to safe us
Colossians 3:16
you dont know the bible
all things are created by Him
dont quote a book you dont worship
and without Him, nothing is made that is made
christ hates you
you are saying things that are not true
why you say so many lies about christ and god
it is the trinity
is that joy?
Christ is God
Joy is Jesus
Joy is His Spirit
CHrist says that He and His Father are One
but god his father
jesus not his own father
that is against nature
nature come from god
God is not a man
Christ is not a man
God with us
Genesis talks about it
God says "Let US make MAN in OUR own image and likeness."
God did not say "Let ME make MAN in MY own image."
God is a trinity.
God came down as a man to die for us.
Only God can save us.
Humans cannot save other humans because we have all sinned and we all fall short of the glory of God.

Seen 3:31 PM

Chat Conversation End

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